I have already showed the above picture, but I thought it illustrates rather well what I wished to talk about today – graffiti – at La Butte aux Cailles.
You can of course find a lot of graffiti if you walk around Paris, as in most other cities. The graffiti art started to appear more generally in the 80’s in Paris, to start with in a clandestine way. Later in the 80’s it became a bit too much for people in general and for the local authorities, with taggers producing everywhere, and the city took later severe measures to clean – free of charge for the house owners
Some graffiti art is however today tolerated and even appreciated – and is allowed to remain. Some of the graffiti artists have become stars and their works are sold at high prices. We can see a number of examples of their art at La Butte aux Cailles.
What I show you here has actually to its greatest part been sponsored by the city of Paris - as I understand in cooperation with an artists’ association called “Lézarts de la Bièvre” which invites graffiti artists to paint on selected and “allowed” walls.
This is e.g. the case for “Miss.Tic”. She is nowadays working for Louis Vuitton, Kenzo…and has had numerous shows and sales in different galleries and even decorated large walls in Paris.
Another example is “Jef Aerosol” with a similar and international career.
Frank Duval (“FKDL”) is another one and you can see his ball playing lady on the wall behind the ball playing young girls on my top photo.
I could possibly also refer to some previously made posts on graffiti and tagging.
I will now make a break for a few days, probably until Monday. I have the pleasure to meet several bloggers who will be around and I will not have much time to spend with my PC - maybe with the camera. See you again soonest possible!
You can of course find a lot of graffiti if you walk around Paris, as in most other cities. The graffiti art started to appear more generally in the 80’s in Paris, to start with in a clandestine way. Later in the 80’s it became a bit too much for people in general and for the local authorities, with taggers producing everywhere, and the city took later severe measures to clean – free of charge for the house owners
Some graffiti art is however today tolerated and even appreciated – and is allowed to remain. Some of the graffiti artists have become stars and their works are sold at high prices. We can see a number of examples of their art at La Butte aux Cailles.
What I show you here has actually to its greatest part been sponsored by the city of Paris - as I understand in cooperation with an artists’ association called “Lézarts de la Bièvre” which invites graffiti artists to paint on selected and “allowed” walls.
This is e.g. the case for “Miss.Tic”. She is nowadays working for Louis Vuitton, Kenzo…and has had numerous shows and sales in different galleries and even decorated large walls in Paris.

I will now make a break for a few days, probably until Monday. I have the pleasure to meet several bloggers who will be around and I will not have much time to spend with my PC - maybe with the camera. See you again soonest possible!
I like those paintings.
Oh, have a nice time with your fellow bloggers!!!
(we've had almost 10 cm snow last night and it's still snowing...)
superbe post, une wallace et des graffitis. J'aime beaucoup ce style de dessins murales, il y en a , des vrais oeuvres d'arts. Je me souviens miss cergie nous en avais fait voir un superbe se trouvant a montmartre.
Such nice "Parisienne" graffitis.
Tell us "all about" your meeting with those bloggers, lucky them, when you are as a guide for them !
Rewarding meeting with them!
will you write down on the wall
hahaha ... just kidding
i like anything that is graffiti.
have a gd break :-)
Quelle belle collection! Passe de bons moments avec tes amis et à bientôt.
Du graffiti comme ça, c'est bien, mais du graffiti n'importe où et n'importe comment et surtout en trop grande quantité, c'est pas bien du tout.
Bonne continuation de semaine.
These graffitis are amazing. Just like an art work!
D'accord pour le restaurant, mais je ne prendrai pas les rognons sauce Madère...
Bonjour Peter,
Je n'aime pas quand on abîme les choses, en revanche je trouve ces graffitis très agréables... je suis tentée de les appeler dessins.
Mais ta photo avec cette silhouette qui danse sur le guidon du vélo.. Super Peter.. Ambiance, composition, fantaisie, c'est très vivant et beau.
Bonne journée à toi.
Ah mais voilà que peter nous balade d'un blog à l'autre maintenant. Je n'étais pas au courant de ces derniers évènements étant donné que j'ai de nouveau accès à internet seulement depuis cet après-midi. Les formats des photos sont plus grands et donc c'est encore plus un régal de venir te rendre visite. Je vois qu'à Paris, il y avait du soleil ces jours derniers, ce qui n'a pas été le cas ici. Tant mieux pour les uns, tant pis pour les autres. Je t'embrasse cher ami. :-)
amusant, on retrouve un de tes graffitis (l'enfant assis) sur le post d'Eric de Paris DP aujourd'hui, la même idée au même moment, bravo
These are terrific. Is that Josephine Baker playing soccer?
Have fun meeting blogger friends. Wish I could be there.
See you soon.
The ball playing lady seems to be balancing on the handlebars of the bicycle! Clever girl.
Your new format photos make such a big statement now!
I'm a bit ambivalent - don't like defacing public property, but this particular work is a whole different kettle of fish ;-)
(and why is the lady in white punching the tree?)
Enjoy your social engagements! Are you the only male there, as usual? ;-)
I am sorry but I do not like graffiti! Buy a canvas like the rest of us.
C'est également le cas de Miss van qui a commencé à Toulouse au moment où j'y habitais et qui est maintenant très connue. Je crois qu'elle expose à Paris.
Et une belle fontaine Wallace, j'ai appris ce que c'était il y a peu grâce à Yoshi de Nancy
Hey meeting fellow bloggers? That's cool and do have a good weekend Peter.
Lovely post about graffiti I must say they are very artistically done. Over here in Singapore anyone caught vandalizing - that is drawing graffiti will be fined & caned!! Yep!! Whack! Whack! Ouch! Ouch!! Have a good day Peter :)
Cet endroit est une mine et ton blog également. Le grand format nous permet d'enjoyer ces joyaux à loisir. As tu remarqué comme les pochoirs se chevauchent ? Celui de Nemo si caractéristique avec celui du petit garçon assis de Jef Aérosol ?
C'est chouette lorsque ce type de graphisme interfère avec la vie aussi, comme cette scène où la silhouette danse sur le guidon avec les ados devant...
J'imagine que tu n'es pas dans ton lit en ce moment
I think the idea of "permitted" has merit but I would permit it on specially constructed walls or panels that can be taken down and hung elsewhere.
I don't see a need to keep defacing walls and then cleaning them up to be defaced again. That sounds odd to me.
Abraham Lincoln in Brookville, Ohio.
Hi Peter,
My congrats I like thi s site so very much, your collages were great too but I like the details also of each individual photo. I like graffiti and be crefullwith it (safe them) because graffiti is so temporarly.
I posted today a part of my/our trip to luxemburg, part 1. You might like to see that? You are so welcome...
Bye, have a good day JoAnn
Hello Peter,
J'espère que tu vas bien, je passe, je passe, rien de nouveau, alors je regarde encore et j'en profite pour te dire bonjour.
Et te souhaiter une belle journée...
Wonderful images. Love the new layout and large display size!
Enjoy your time with blogger friends :-)
Amazing post, Peter! I remember well this first photo and I like specially the lady with the ball!
I hope you enjoy your time with the blogger friends. I am looking forward to see the photos!
The graffiti look lovely!!
So satisfying looking at this large photos!
Enjoy your time with the bloggers and have a gr8 weekend.
Take care.
I think graffities create specific atmosphere. And Your photo is amazing!
Have a wonderful time, Peter!
J'aime bien la première phptp et quelques uns de ces grafitti.
Peter congratulations on this brilliant post. I just love this graffiti and you delivered a fantastic bunch of them. It's a a real treat for me.
Enjoy your time away from your PC, have fun!
Ce ne sont pas des graffitis mais de beaux dessins, j'aime.
Lucky you ....meeting some fellow bloggers...have fun and I love this post on the graffiti artists that are allowed.
Hi Peter, I took one of your pic on graffiti and place it in my blog, hope you don't mind.TQ so much.
Have a gr8 weekend and keep smiling.
«Peter's Paris!» finally on the spotlight! And with a great template... (I would love to know how to make the pictures larger, but all the tips that I got involved too much work and seemed quite time consuming) It looks great!
The posts on La Butte aux Cailles are beautiful and the graffiti wonderful! From what I see, no wonder Miss Tic is working for Vuitton, Kenzo... And also love the Greek style of FKDL!
Enjoy your blogger meeting (sorry to miss Paris and the chat) and have a great weekend!
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Wow! this is a treat!
I never saw such good graffiti artwork
We do not see graffiti of such quality in India!
Thanks for the pictures! :)
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