
A last one in 2019...

Almost end of the year... time to wish you all the best for 2020! Here are some of my photos, illustrating my blog-posts during 2019, most of them from Paris, but a few from Portugal, Sweden... . I hope to continue my blog also next year, but probably in a rather slow pace.  



In general, I don’t take pictures from different official art exhibitions, even if this is more and more tolerated, allowed. Here are however a few samples from exhibitions I have recently visited: Da Vinci (Louvre)…

… El Greco (Grand Palais)…

… and Toulouse-Lautrec (Grand Palais). 

I have visited a few more – without photos. Right now you can for example see Bacon (Centre Pompidou), Degas (Musée d’Orsay), Le Douanier Rousseau (Musée Maillol), Mondrian (Musée Marmottan Monet), Soulages (Centre Pompidou and Louvre)…

A little problem is the present local transport strike. Most of the metro lines are closed, but there are a number of buses around… and you can of course bike, walk... 


Christmas show windows again, again, again...

As each year since I started this blog, it’s time to have a look at the Christmas show windows, concentrating on the department stores the Printemps and the Galeries Lafayette.

If you wish you can look back on 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

… and there is of course the tree under the fantastic glass cupola of the Galeries Lafayette, different each year.

The flowers we can see in the tree can be recognised in a large part of the Galeries Lafayette show window decorations.

A few of the windows are just showing “things to buy”, of course beautifully presented.

This year you will find all kinds of animals in the Printemps windows…

… whereas at the Galeries Lafaytte there is a concentration on bees.