As each
year since 2009, I have taken photos of the Christmas show windows of the
department stores Galeries Lafayette and Au Printemps. Now it’s time again, already... as many of us would say. So here you can see what it looks like for Christmas
2014. If you wish to compare with the previous years, you can click here.
My personal
feeling is that it’s not the best year, but it’s still spectacular. This is first
a general view, Boulevard Haussmann...
… and I
guess I must also show the famous Christmas Tree which you can find under the
cupola of Galeries Lafayette, this year in an upside-down version.
Lafayette has this year a majority of the windows prepared mainly for the kids,
based on a theme of “monsters”. Very few products for sale are showed…
… except
the ones of the “Gourmet and Maison” building, where you can be tempted by all
kind of products.
Printemps’s widows are as usual obviously sponsored by a fashion brand, this
year Burberry (see also top picture).
Un semblant de vie en rose cette annee au programme? :-)
I always love to see the Christmas decorations from Paris. Peter, thank you so much for these fabulous photos!!
Thank you so much Peter!!! We are over there next week and I was sooooo hoping the lights and windows for Christmas would be ready!!! Happy Dancing! Happy Dancing!!
Thank you, thank you.
¡Que belleza!
Si trae felicidad a los niños...esto no tiene precio.....
¡Me alegra muchisimo!
It is exactly what I needed to see to get me in the mood for Christmas.
Thank you, Peter.
L'arbre de Noël à l' ressemble à une carotte !
Tu étais de corvée de vitrines comme tous les ans ou bien tu es allé pour ton devoir de blogueur ?
J'ai entendu dans une émission de divertissement à la radio rapprocher le sapin inversé de l'oeuvre d'art controversée de la place de la Concorde. En y regardant de plus près je trouve qu'il ressemble surtout au pilon en bois de mon chinois >
Yay, I always look forward to this post! My vote goes to Galeries Lafayette this year - I love the whimsical and colourful monster display!
Trust me, Peter -- in my book, these are spectacular! The "windows" posts are always my favorite each year. Someday I'll try to time a visit so I can see them in person. Such creativity in those window designers! Thanks for starting off my morning with some real beauty!
I almost didn't look because I didn't want to ruin the surprise when I see them for myself...but I peeked. I"m not a Burberry fan so I agree, not the best I've seen but still fun to photograph!
Bonjour cher Peter,
Tes sublimes photos apportent de la féerie...
Même si on n'aime pas Noël on ne peut pas rester indifférent devant un tel spectacle !
MERCI pour ce doux moment...
Gros bisous ☼
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