
Centre Pompidou

The architecture of Centre Pompidou (or Beaubourg, as it’s often called locally) is more or less appreciated. You may have understood that I’m rather fond of old buildings, but I like very much also this one. Of course you should also go inside and visit the Modern Art Museum with Europe’s biggest collection of modern art – some 60.000 works from the 20th and 21st centuries. There is also an important library, a cinema, bookshops, a restaurant... and a lot of other more or less hidden activities. The Centre receives some 6-7 million visitors per year, more or less on the same level as the Eiffel Tower.

The Centre opened in 1977 and was designed by Renzo Piano, Richard and Sue Rogers, Edmund Happold and Peter Rice. What is particular is of course that the supporting structure, escalators etc. are all outside, making the interior totally free.


 If you go to the backside, where it’s more visible, you get a more clear impression of a small particularity – the different colours used for different ducts; blue for air, green for fluids, yellow for electricity cables and red for movement and flow. A special issue with the modern buildings is of course the need to keep them fresh-looking. Already after 20 years, the Centre had to be closed for about two years (1997-99) for renovating.


Virginia said...

Great photos! The Centre Pompidou looks very interesting and colorful, but a little too industrial for my tastes. Think I'll stick with the Louvre this visit and of course the Rodin. Do you have any other museums to add to our list?

Anonymous said...

It is so very different from usual buildings. I would like to visit this only because of this.

hpy said...

Qu'est-ce que j'ai pu y trainer!

Olivier said...

Comme HPY, j'y ai passe du temps, surtout dans la grande mediatheque. J'adore ce bâtiment, si hué au moment de sa création. Il existe un point commun entre Évry et le centre pompidou, on trouve aussi ce grand pot qui est l'oeuvre de........je ne me rappelle plus, et la j'ai totalement honte.

« Mobile géant, kaléidoscope, reflet du monde à son abri, le centre Georges Pompidou est un lieu de trêves et de vertiges, de trottes et de repos, d'errance, d'apprentissage, de liberté provisoire et de prière profane. » Hervé Guibert

J'adore ta photo avec le mr a la fenetre qui regarde passer la dame.
Alors bonne vacances.

Maxime said...

C'est vrai que c'est un gouffre financier du point de vue de l'entretien, mais j'adore ce "bâtiment" !

Cergie said...

J'aime bien comme tu as cadré à ta façon le bâtiment, lui donnant une autre dimension alors qu'on le connait par coeur.
Et sous le soleil, il brille de tous ses feux.

Alain said...

Super, ce pot de fleur doré ! Quel dommage d'avoir construit une raffinerie de pétrole derrière...mais, vu le prix du brut, finalement, c'était peut etre une bonne idée.

Shionge said...

Now this is the place we missed the last time we visited in Year 2004 so yep...next round then.

krystyna said...

Fantastic capture! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Happy holidays Peter!

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi P,
I remember visiting this great place!!!

Greetings JoAnn

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Hi P,
I remember visiting this great place!!!

Greetings JoAnn

Kate said...

This building has captured my imagination. The activity outside the museum is almost as captivating. Love all the entertainers who gather there.