I had the intention to make three or four posts about the Seine bridges and should have finished last week, but now my objective is to finish this week, hoping that you are not getting too bored in the meantime.
The two islands, Ile de la Cité and Ile Saint Louis are connected between the banks and between themselves by all together thirteen bridges, actually fifteen if you consider that two of them (Pont Neuf and Pont de Sully) are “double”. I have already talked about four, Pont Marie, Pont au Double, Pont de l’Archevêché and Pont Saint Louis, in my recent posts. To make the remaining nine (or eleven) in one post seems too tough, so today I will cover about half of them, the balance for my next post. On the map below, the ones in white are already “done”, the ones in orange are to come ... and today we will cover the yellow ones.
I will start up-river with Pont de Sully. (See also top picture. Sorry if Notre Dame is everywhere, but in this area it’s difficult to avoid.) The present bridge from 1877, which actually is two, starts and ends on each side of the river but passes also on the Ile Saint Louis. It replaces some older constructions from the 17th century each one with its proper name: Passerelle Damiette and Passerelle de Constantine. The name, Sully, refers of course to the famous minister of Henry IV. The bridge is part of the Haussmannian reconstruction work during the second half of the 19th century and connects to important avenues on both sides of the river.
When you arrive from the bridge on the left bank you will find the rather recent Institut du Monde Arabe (Arab World Institute), again with Jean Nouvel as architect. I would recommend a visit.
The present Pont de la Tournelle dates from 1928 and replaces different bridges, the first one from the Middle Ages. The name refers to a tower of the 12th century Philippe Auguste wall (see previous posts), now disappeared. Close to the bridge you will today instead find one of the most renowned Paris restaurants (although it has since some ten years lost its “Michelin three star status”), the Tour d’Argent. It has a history already from the 16th century, but the present building, where you can sit at a table on the top floor and have a fantastic view (if you can afford it), is of course fairly recent.
Close to the left bank there is pylon and a statue of St. Geneviève, patron saint of Paris, by Paul Landowski, perhaps best, but not only, known as the sculptor of the “Christ the Redeemer” in Rio (photo from Rio’s official tourism site).

The Pont Louis-Philippe connects Ile Saint Louis with the right bank of the Seine. Dating from 1862 it replaces a previous bridge with the same name from 1833, but which suffered a lot from fire and revolutions (1848-1852 it was called Pont de la Réforme). The name refers to King Louis Philippe who laid the first stone of the first bridge.
Behind the northern end of the bridge I could recommend a visit to the old Rue des Barres and the church Saint Gervais – a very particular atmosphere.
... as well as a short walk to just behind the close Pont Marie to find the Hôtel de Sens, built 1474-1518 with a long and varying story, but today a public library (Forney) specialising in architecture, decorative arts ... and with a collection of about a million postcards.
As a last bridge today, let’s talk about the Pont d’Arcole (celebrating another Napoleon victory). It dates from 1854 replacing a previous pedestrian one from 1828. It gives you the connection between the Paris Town Hall and the Ile de la Cité. It was the first steel bridge in Paris without any intermediate support.
The two islands, Ile de la Cité and Ile Saint Louis are connected between the banks and between themselves by all together thirteen bridges, actually fifteen if you consider that two of them (Pont Neuf and Pont de Sully) are “double”. I have already talked about four, Pont Marie, Pont au Double, Pont de l’Archevêché and Pont Saint Louis, in my recent posts. To make the remaining nine (or eleven) in one post seems too tough, so today I will cover about half of them, the balance for my next post. On the map below, the ones in white are already “done”, the ones in orange are to come ... and today we will cover the yellow ones.

I will start up-river with Pont de Sully. (See also top picture. Sorry if Notre Dame is everywhere, but in this area it’s difficult to avoid.) The present bridge from 1877, which actually is two, starts and ends on each side of the river but passes also on the Ile Saint Louis. It replaces some older constructions from the 17th century each one with its proper name: Passerelle Damiette and Passerelle de Constantine. The name, Sully, refers of course to the famous minister of Henry IV. The bridge is part of the Haussmannian reconstruction work during the second half of the 19th century and connects to important avenues on both sides of the river.
When you arrive from the bridge on the left bank you will find the rather recent Institut du Monde Arabe (Arab World Institute), again with Jean Nouvel as architect. I would recommend a visit.

The present Pont de la Tournelle dates from 1928 and replaces different bridges, the first one from the Middle Ages. The name refers to a tower of the 12th century Philippe Auguste wall (see previous posts), now disappeared. Close to the bridge you will today instead find one of the most renowned Paris restaurants (although it has since some ten years lost its “Michelin three star status”), the Tour d’Argent. It has a history already from the 16th century, but the present building, where you can sit at a table on the top floor and have a fantastic view (if you can afford it), is of course fairly recent.

The Pont Louis-Philippe connects Ile Saint Louis with the right bank of the Seine. Dating from 1862 it replaces a previous bridge with the same name from 1833, but which suffered a lot from fire and revolutions (1848-1852 it was called Pont de la Réforme). The name refers to King Louis Philippe who laid the first stone of the first bridge.

As a last bridge today, let’s talk about the Pont d’Arcole (celebrating another Napoleon victory). It dates from 1854 replacing a previous pedestrian one from 1828. It gives you the connection between the Paris Town Hall and the Ile de la Cité. It was the first steel bridge in Paris without any intermediate support.

You can find my photos "in full" and as a slide show on Ipernity.
I have several visitors around this week and I will probably spend more time with them than commenting on my or your blogs... but I will do my best!
These bridges look close to the Louvre and where I will be staying next month but I have no concept of distance. Are they within walking distance?
I can see that I will be spending much time walking across the bridges and will definitly need to bring an extra battery for my camera.
Have fun with Viginia and say "bonjour" for me.
Vraiment fascinants ces ponts. Et bravo pour la documentation qui accompagne les photos.
Bonne promenades avec les visiteurs!
pour qu'il y est autant de ponts dans tes posts, je me demande si tu n'en n'inventes pas ;o) que tu nous frabriques pas de fausses cartes ;o).
Have a nice week with your friends, Peter.
I've been sick for a week, haven't had the power to read anything. Luckily your photos are beautiful just to watch.
Tu devrais continuer la série des ponts sur la Seine jusqu'a sa rencontre avec la mer, tu ferais un beau voyage, avec un petit crochet par ses affluents par exemple l'Eure..
Les tons rosés/bleutés de ta première photo sont très beaux! Si Virginia ne peut pas réciter par coeur la liste des ponts parisiens d'ici la fin de la semaine, je propose qu'on lui donne un gage!
Et tes souliers sont usés?
Elle est trrès belle ta ronde des ponts. Tu penses bien que je suis fan.
Tiens, j'ai des nouvelles d'Andréa Gerak, c'est chouette !
I hope you had a wonderful time with your visitors Peter!
Thanks for this new post. Thirteen bridges just for these two islands! That shows they really are the center of Paris!!!
la première photo est tout simplement magnifique. on ne peut se lasser de cette visite des ponts avec un guide aussi pédagogique , il faut y revenir plusieurs fois.
Each bridge distinguishes itself from the others. How amazing that with so many bridges, this is the case.
It´s a hard work, congratulations Peter, you are the number ONE!!
Peter, you are a true raconteur in your telling of the history of the bridges of Paris.I think you should write a book! I feel I am getting to know Paris better every day, and I have only visited your city in person once!
You need not apologize for the Notre Dame, since your views are original and splendid.
This is such a good series, and I'll be sorry when it ends, because I never want to leave the Seine.
Enjoy the week.
Beautiful photos and great reportage as always, Peter! I like to see the “Christ the Redeemer" here.
Thanks for your nice comment about my grandparents!
Have a good weeke ahead.
Oh Gosh! I didn`t know that Paul Landowski was from Paris!I want to see the St. Geneviève statue !wow so many informations in your post, I do need to read it again!
Thanks a lot!
J'espère que tu ne feras pas d'interro écrite car j'ai loupé pas mal de cours (j'ai des excuses)
Et pis je suis fatiguée, j'ai le cerveau lent
I particularly enjoy the top picture, tu as fait fort, elle est parfaite, compo, lumière, mood et tu as saisi la miss cathé de Paris à rendre jaloux bien des pros de la photo
(T'es pas monté dans l'Institut ?)
(Et puis toi aussi tu invoques des excuses...)
Next time I will give more attention to Paris bridges and I don't mind at all that I can see Notre Dame from everywhere.
Un jour, il y aura tellement de ponts que l'on ne verra plus la Seine.
I am so used to see and learn things new ,here, for a brief minute ,I tried to figure out where was that statue of Christ that reminded me something!!!
You are forgiven if you don't have time to comment on our blogs this week!!! ;~))
Enjoy your visit with your visitors.
My parents were in town last week so am finally getting time off to do some blog reading.
HA! I just realized that you visitor may be Virginia from Birmingham, AL. :-)
Hope you have a great time with your vistors! I love your bridges...you have quite the eye... I posted a picutre just for you.....you can see it here!
J'aimerais savoir si tu es monté dans l'institut??
Mais voyons!!! Sully c'est mon amoureux, c'est l'homme que j'aime et avec qui je vais me marier. Tu ne le savais pas??
Dixit docteur Quinn dans la fameuse série américaine qui porte son nom
The top bridge photo looks so familiar. Feel like I might have just strolled across it a few hours ago maybe??
You can definitely walk between these bridges; hardly any other choice! I will be happ to be your guide if you wish!
Merci pour tes mots gentils - comme toujours!
Si tu ne me crois pas, faut venir verifier! :-)
Take care!!
J'aime bien les ponts, mais...! :-)
J'ai oublié de demander à Virginia! Peut-être demain!
Je viens d'acheter des nouveaux. Pour le moment ils tiennent!
Moi aussi, j'ai de ses nouvelles!
More bridges than in Avignon, but you have the perhaps most famous one!
Tu peux revenir aussi souvent que tu veux! :-)
Yes, different designs, different centuries...
You are not bad eihter!! :-)
Do you know some editor? :-))
You are so kind! There are some landmarks which are difficult to avoid!
Thanks again for your kind words! Yes, a little touch of Brazil!
Cezar & Léia:
We lean something every day; one of the advantages with blogging!
Je ferai l'interro quand tu as eu le temps de te reposer! Dans une semaine ou deux!
Yes, it's difficult not to see it! :-)
C'est ce que tu souhaites? :-))
I appreciate that you forgive! :-))
A good guess! (But she was not alone!)
Thanks for the picture!! I appreciate!
Non, pas cette fois, mais j'aimerai bien le faire, avec une "arabe"!
Docteur Quinn:
Il faut reprendre l'historie française!! ... au lieu de regarder des séries à la télé!!! :-))
Maybe, maybe...
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