
Spanish vacations - more from Sevilla

I feel a bit embarrassed about this last post from our Spanish vacations. As many, I have very mixed feelings about the corridas … but we went to see one. Of course the “Plaza de Toros” in Sevilla is something special and is worth a visit already for itself! It was the first circular bullfighting arena to be built – in the 18th century. This was to avoid the cornering of the actions and to give a similar view for all spectators (like the Roman amphitheatres). Before that, bullfighting mostly took place on open plaza areas. The present final shape of the Sevillan “Plaza de Toros” dates from the beginning of the 20th century. The real season is in April. We just saw a smaller “novillada sin picadores”; the bullfighters have not yet taken the “alternative” to become professional matadors. Anyhow, as said, we went there… (It started at 10 p.m., it was of course dark and my zooming gave some not always very neat photos.)

… and to end up our Sevillan visits correctly, we went again (I have been there three times the last ten years) to “Casa Anselma” in the Triana district – on the other side of the Guadalquivir River. This is a real flamenco bar. Anselma opens – most evenings - at around midnight. There are of course tourists around, but also a dominating number of locals. The artists may vary from one evening to the other and there is spontaneous singing and dancing from people in the audience, often excellent artists. There is no charge to enter, but Anselma makes sure that everybody buys a drink. … and then sings fabulously.


Starman said...

This is the one thing I dislike intensely about Spain. And at midnight?

Thérèse said...

Mixed feelings about this sport/art/exercise/blood...
El Cordobes was a myth when I was growing up, I can't deny it and I was impressed by the book "Ou tu porteras mon deuil" lu par mon pere.
Things change but we have to remain true to the past.

Alison said...

No, the more I see, the less I can accept that sport. Those bulls are such beautiful animals, cut down in their prime. Still, I admire the skill of those men.

La Jeune Captive said...

In his novel The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway´s greatest work and largely autobiographical) just like Peter, Hemingway describes his mixed feelings about bull fights.

Who are we to judge?

Fantastic post!

La Jeune Captive said...


Paloma Herrera, Argentina´s ballet virtuosa in the "Fan variation" from Don Quixote.

Merci beaucoup Peter.

dburlison said...

Jail time in US for this sport...But still..Well done site-very interesting/informative..



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Owen said...

Regardless of the tormenting of bulls, hoping you had a fabulous time in Spain these last few weeks, and a good trip back to Paris for you. Unless you are enjoying Spain so much you'v decided to stay on...

claude said...

Vaste sujet, la corrida.
En vacances aussi en Espagne, j'ai assisté à une corrida dans les arènes de Tarragone.
Puis plus tard, j'ai vu El Cordobes dans les arène de Béziers où j'ai trainé encore plus tard mon ex et les enfants.
En Espagne on a vu un torero à cheval. C'était beau mais j'avais plus peur pour le cheval que pour le torero.
Je ne suis jamais plus retournée voir une corrida et j'ai même adhéré à la ligue anti corrida.
C'est dur de faire changer les choses quand les traditions, cruelles soient-elles sont bien ancrés dans le patrimoine d'un pays.
J'ai été choquée du classement de la corrida dans notre patrimoine culturel.
Les arènes de Séville sont magnifique. Je comprends très bien que tu aies eu envie d'assister à une corrida, surtout dans ses belles arènes.

Paris Paul said...

I know, you could run with the bulls in Pamplona next July to give them a fighting chance at revenge! I'll even go with you. If you pay. lol

nathalie said...

Vraiment pas attirée par l'aspect mise à mort de la corrida. Désolée mais j'espère qu'un jour la totalité de l'Espagne abandonnera cette horreur, comme Barcelone vient de le faire. Je suis sûre qu'on peut réinventer la corrida en gardant le côté courage et beauté, mais en abandonnant la mise à mort.

Génial que tu termines ton diaporama par ces images de chez Anselma. La description que tu fais du lieu donne vraiment envie d'y aller. C'est bien aussi que depuis 10 ans que tu y vas, le lieu n'ait pas changé d'esprit !

(tu ne nous dis pas si tu as chanté aussi???) ;-)

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Autant j'adore le flamenco, l'Espagne, autant je hais la corrida.
M^me représentée ici, en photo, je ne supporte pas cette violence t je suis contre ce genre de spectacle.
