
Fontaine Saint-Sulpice

Some five years ago I made a post about the Saint-Sulpice Church and briefly mentioned the beautiful fountain in front of it. When I passed by the other day (night), I could not resist against taking a few pictures.

The “Fontaine Saint-Sulpice” was inaugurated in 1848. It was created by Louis Visconti, who has left a number of other remarkable works around Paris, including the Molière Monument (see previous post), but perhaps is especially known for the design of Napoleon’s tomb (see previous posts).
The four statues represent four French religious “orators” (Bousset, Fénelon, Fléchier, Massillon).

The pigeons seem to appreciate the monument for their night sleep.

At the moment the place houses also a nice carrousel (merry-go-round). 


Olivier said...

elle est belle de nuit. Ahhh combien de nuit que j'ai passe a refaire le monde avec des amis autour de cette fontaine ;)))

Anonymous said...

Those pigeons look so cute up there
for their night sleep...

Your photography is superb!

Happy New Year.


Starman said...

I like t\his fontan very much!

SusuPetal said...

They don't make these anymore like they used to. Magnificent sculpture!

Gott Nytt År, Peter! Jag ska ha en gemensam utställning i januari med min vän, fotomanipulationer den här gången!!

Ola said...


claude said...

Elle est déjà belle de jour cette fontaine, mais de nuit elle est magnifique.
BONNE ANNEE, Peter et bises.

Steve PP said...

Beautiful photos Peter, thanks for sharing them!

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful set of images dear Peter!

Virginia said...

I'll bet when the water freezes it makes for interesting photos too but who wants to be out in that kind of weather! This is a beautiful church and fountain, especially at night. You got some great shots Peter!

Jeanie said...

The night lighting is exceptionally beautiful. I've always loved the church. Lovely in every way, Peter.

Synne said...

How pretty! I've only walked past it in a rush - I've got to go back and have a proper look at those lions!

Studio at the Farm said...

A very Happy New Year to you, Peter! I am glad you are out and about again.

Vagabonde said...

Avec les effets de lumière la nuit cela rend cette fontaine un peu magique. Tous mes souhaits pour beaucoup de belles promenades à Paris en 2013 pour nous régaler les yeux!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Wonderful photos, Peter! I have never been there at night, but you have inspired me... I just put it on the list.

Bises et bonne année,

delphinium said...

Tu sors la nuit maintenant? :-)
Il me semble que j'ai déjà passé par-là à Paris. ;-)

Alain said...

Il sort la nuit, mais il avait quelqu'un pour le surveiller.

Catherine said...

Happy New Year Peter....that fountain looks lovely in its neon night colours....

Cergie said...

C'est curieux, c'est un endroit où je suis allée mais je ne me souviens plus de cette fontaine, sans doute parce que lorsque j'y suis allée c'était au moment du marché de Noël ?
Et ben voilà un but de promenade à venir surtout que je suis assez souvent au jardin du Luxembourg pas loin (et au bouillon Racine - pas si souvent, j'exagère)

Thérèse said...

Quelle chance de decouvrir cette fontaine, de nuit elle est encore plus revelatrice des elements qui la composent. Combien de details j'ai loupe car j'ai du forcement passer devant un jour ou l'autre.