A couple of
days ago, I had a drink with a blogger friend on the top terrace of Centre
Pompidou (Beaubourg) in a suffieicently warm spring temperature, although the
sky was grey. I took a few zoom pictures. The top one is what you really have
in front of your eyes, the roof of the Town Hall.
Here are two more, which perhaps also can serve as some repetition of the Paris geography. :-)
Here you
can find links to previous posts I have made about the different points we can
see: Centre Pompidou, the Town Hall, Notre Dame, Panthéon, Saint Merri Church,
the Palace of Justice with the Concergerie, Place de Chatelet with the Théatre de
la Ville, the Saint-Jacques Tour, The Val-de-Grâce Chruch, the Tour de Montparnasse.
Peter, you are in an area there I am most familiar with and it was fun to guess the sites and find out I was pretty darned close to right! (I did have a little trouble finding St. Merri, which was one of my favorites!) And I did like the pigeon.
Seeing the Tour Montparnasse in the background I am reminded of one year ago today when you took Rick and I through Montmartre and said some say the best view of Paris is from Tour Montparnasse because you can't see it when you are standing in it!
I included some of the memories of this day in today's post. It was indeed one of my favorites.
Beautiful photos Peter, even under a gray sky!
C'est avec grande fierté que ces tours se dressent semblables à celles d'un château... comme pour mieux veiller. Une manière aussi de se repérer dans cette belle capitale.
Merci pour les photos extraordinaires... et le fameux "pigeon" !
gros bisous
Very beautiful views and wonderful roofs!
C'est un peu ce que j'avais décrit dansmes écrits
Telle que je m'imagine la visite de Paris sans embouteillage.
On voit que depuis Jean-sans-peur, le concept de tour a bien évolué.
J’aime bien regarder tes photos, Peter. Cela me rend un peu nostalgique car c’était le quartier où habitait ma mère (après le décès de mon père.) Elle habitait rue des Archives et je marchais souvent jusqu'à Beaubourg et toutes ces petites rues envoisinantes.
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A favorite place to look out at the rooftops of Paris. It was a pleasant surprise when I stood there. Not too high, just right. Thanks for the pictures!
Love your annotated photos!!! - especially "pigeon" :)
Ah ! Vagabonde, une amoureuse de Paris, comme moi, et nostalgique, comme Bibi !
Well, I think Georges might need to go on the new list! :) I see you found my Val de Grace. It looks so close in the photos. I'm glad you had a drink and got these great photos for us. Perhaps to celebrate a birthday?
some great architectural shots...and the grey skies work as a perfect complement on this occasion...
La tour Montparnasse and I were very young when I sat for a drink at that beautiful bar on the top floor.
Very sweet memories!
Beautiful photos Peter.
I love all those towers.
Mil gracias!
So cool...you 'captured' the pigeon heheheh......
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