I’m a bit curious to know who is the person in Moulineaux (close to Rouen?) who since a couple of days seems to spend a lot of time reading my blog? The same goes for someone in Arlesheim in Switzerland. I’m always pleased to have visitors, but also a bit curious... I would be very much pleased to have some news from these persons... but nothing compulsory!
It happens with me many times Peter. People from remote places come to my blog (store the URL) and not once or twice... they sit on my blog for days together and read ALL the posts and sometimes comments as well.
Just 3 days back it has happened again. Gives me a feeling of someone stalking me ! :(
Well I'm often here without leaving comments as you know! Interesting that although I am in Switzerland, Aesch ZH, it's not so close to Arlesheim which is near Basel. However there is another town called Aesch which is close to Arlesheim. Curious.
NB I must aplogise for the link I gave you the other day on the Eiffel tower post. The link was to an podcast about the Statue of Liberty of course. I think that's what they call "a senior moment"..
tu espionnes tes visiteurs ;o))...
Moi ce qui m'interroge toujours, c'est le ratio nombre de visites / nombre de commentaires ? pourquoi un ratio si faible (blog qui ne plait pas, arrive par erreur, peur de laisser un mot, etc....)
It's not me! And I too have someone from Moulineaux who never leaves a comment. It may not be the same one, though.
Actually I think it might be better to have a high visitor/comment ratio, especially if the visitors are returning. It means they come because they like what you produce. Some people maybe just leave comments to improve their link visibilit in Google
Est-ce que ça peut être moi quand même? Parfois je reste longtemps (quand j'ai un coup de fil qui tombe, et qui dure longtemps, quand je m'oublie à regarder Paris...)
Ou sais-tu d'où je viens? C'est peut-être variable.
I'm so sorry to tell you. It's only me! (I made a test and forgot myself on your blog for some 26 minutes. Sitemeter said 9 pages, but that's not quite true.)
C'est pas moi, je le jure! ;-)
Cool, secret admirers perhaps ;)
Well, I'm just pleased to have visitors and especially visitors who also makee the effort to really read my posts! (But, I'm also a bit curious...!)
Normally I guess you are pure Zürich! But of course then, it could be you! You are more than welcome!
Le % de commentaires est une chose. L'importance est peut-être les visiteurs qui reviennent!
It can be the whole Normandy!
This is also what I said above to Olivier! To have visitors coming back is perhaps the most important. However, it's also nice to have a comment now and then! Furthermore, if someone comes back regularly, it can be a sign of common interests and it would nice to at least virtually "meet" this person!
I don't think it's you after all. Our Moulineaux friend (maybe several?) is back maybe ten times a day (including at 2 in the morning) and sometimes visitng tens of posts.
Je te crois, bien sur! :-)
:-)) I would rather like to know may possible admirers!
Hi Peter,
Really interesting, well researched site with fantastic photos. You deserve all the visitors you get, but I'm just jealous you get so many! I've only just started my Paris blog (I hope there's room for one more - I think I'm doing something a little different) but I'm struggling to get any visitors at all. For this reason I hope you won't mind this shameless plug - http://parisisinvisible.blogspot.com/
In return, I've now signed up to your site!
I had a look on your blog. Clearly different, but very nicely written!
It takes some time to get visitors. One way is of course to visit other blogs, as you have done here, and create some curiosity from others! I will defintely be back to yours!!
Hello, Peter! I live in Buckinghamshire in England and visit you blog almost daily. Paris is perhaps my favourite place in the world and your blog documents it really well. Your posts are well researched and thorough, which is not something you find in most other blogs about Paris. I also visit the Paris Daily Photo Blog (by Eric Tanin) but that's from a completely different genre.
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