During my temporary absence, here is another preprogrammed post from our marvelous weekend on the Côte d’Azur on the invitation of Jilly, this time from the little village Gorbio, situated on the top of a hill a few kilometers from the coastline (see map on my Menton-post), hardly visited by tourists, easily reachable from Jilly’s house by car or on feet, following the old donkey road, the choice we made (a bit climbing of course).

There was a baptising ceremony in the 17th century church. The little girl was more interested in picking up the rose petals than by the ceremony.
We had a most enjoyable lunch at “Beauséjour” on the small central place, starting with some sparkling aperitifs, Kir variations, with flavours of lavender, poppy, rose and violet.
You can find these photos in full and a slideshow on Ipernity.
To conclude my series of preprogrammed posts from Menton and surroundings, here is again the view from Jilly's terrace where we enjoyed a very nice lunch. Her garden is full of flowers of all sorts.
I take the opportunity to once more express my great thanks to Jilly for these wondeful days in her company, together with Nathalie, Richard and Stuart (Chuckeroon).

I hope to be back "in direct" on Wednesday and also to have the time to again make the tour of the blogs I have missed for a week or so.
Wonderful pictures!
Many thanks for sharing!
God bless you
Lovely post, looks like all concerned had a wonderful weekend. So many hidden splendors in France to explore... Thanks for all the work you do to bring us some of them !
Some of the most delightful pictures, Peter. Thank you!
And Jilly's terrace... Heaven on Earth!
Le champagne coule toujours à flot,à la santé de tous.
Rien qu'à regarder tes photos, on se sent en vacances! Est-il possible d'avoir un âne pour monter le sentier? ;-)
Bon retour, Peter.
A ce que je vois tu as bien profite ;o) de belles photos d'un endroit magnifique.
Wonderful pictures Peter! Its so glad to know that fellow bloggers take out so much time to travel, to see the world and to enjoy each other's company!
Really like that first pic... alot going on, on that balcony.
Quel beau village ! Il m'étonne que tu n'aies pas décidé de t'y installer pour le reste de ta retraite : tu aurais eu un balcon avec des plantes qui poussent sans soin comme la joubarbe, tu aurais pas ouvert tes volets pour ne pas laisser entrer le trop de soleil et pour aller voir Jilly pas de TGV ni de RER ni de métro, mais le pas de l'âne !
A bientôt, Peter !
That village looks very beautiful. Jilly's place looks like a heaven!! I wish I lived in a home like that!
Gorbio, ou le charme du sud.
Looks like more heaven to me.
Je connais Sospel, Sainte Agnès...mais pas Gorbio. Pas encore, je compte bien y retouver Jilly lors d'un prochain séjour à Menton.
J'apprécie beaucoup le charme de ces villages de l'arrière pays, moins visistés par les touristes et donc plus authentiques.
Bon retour.
Wow, it's gorgeous there! And poppy, rose, lavender and violet aperitifs! Must have been delicious.
Another wonderful place to visit, thanks for sharing!! :-) The views are stunning..
Aaaaah magnifique !
Quel charmant village que Gorbio.
We looking forward to having you back on Wednesday.
Hi Peter, i have many problems to read your blog from few days ago grr
I´ll try later
All I can say is.... Beautiful! Gorbio is a lovely place, and I really like the pictures of the baptism at the church. Lucky you, to have sucha wonderful holiday! See you back in blogland very soon.
Très beau petit village. Et très belles photos, comme d'hab.
J'aime beaucoup l'abreuvoir à oiseaux.
Oh Peter, what fabulous photographs of 'my' village - well of course it's not, but it's where I live. You have captured, once again, the absolute essence of everything that Gorbio offers, the view, the plants, the hillsides, the square, the volets, the wine, the church, the people etc etc. How you managed all this is such a short time is miraculous and all such super photos.
As I keep saying, come back soon! And thank you for showing Gorbio so beautifully.
And CAtherine, if you read this, yes, we'll go to Gorbio on your next visit with lunch on my terrace too if you would like.
... also here I say great thanks to all of you for your kind comments during my absence! I hope to be really "back" soon, but tomorrow is my baby-sitting day: :-)
Gorgeous evocative shots...
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