
Seine bridges - night shots

My two last posts have been a bit long to read. So, as a compensation, here is one with basically photos only.

Some ten months ago I made a number of posts on the Paris Seine bridges, with all photos taken daytime. I thought I could complete this by some night shots.

Some bridges are more or less illuminated and some are quite spectacular when the daylight is gone.

I made a tour along the Seine the other night going upstream. I took photos of some 15 bridges. I concentrated maybe on the Pont Alexandre III (also on the top photo).
Here is a small collection, more or less in order, going up the river. In some cases I took also pictures of the immediate surroundings, like of Place de la Concorde, of Grand Palais...

When I reached Pont des Arts, I gave up with a last shot of the next bridge, Pont Neuf, which may be part of a series of the remaining bridges; one night, when the weather is nice, I will continue the tour.
I wish you a nice weekend!


from cali said...

OMG, Peter! These are so beautiful. I love night shots of Paris. Thank you!!!

I wish you a nice weekend as well.

Claudia said...

Ravissant! More: very beautiful. I love night shot of Paris and you've got a great eye.

Have a nice weekend!

Catherine said...

some really good atmospheric night shots here...excellent photography..

krystyna said...

Good idea with night shots, Peter.
Magnificent photos!

Have a wonderful weekend!

krystyna said...

Thanks Peter from me and from my mom for your kind visit and wishes!
She was happy!

Virginia said...

Oh my. Well I'm missing Paris to the max now. You could have waited a while to post these you know. What is more beautiful at night than the view from these bridges? Brings back many, many grand memories pour moi! Merci.

Sixpence and A Blue Moon said...

The top photo is AWESOME!!!

Karen said...

Stunning. Amazing photos, really. Now on my list is to walk at night to see these bridges. Some I saw last trip but I missed most of the ones West of the Pont Alexandre III.
The Pont de Bir-Hakeim is in a video I have of Seal singing and walking in the same place as your photo.
Oh my list is getting so long. Vous voir a bientot (?)

Nisha said...

They are some gorgeous shots. As you said, are they taken on a single night ?
Wow ! Quite a walk then.

Thérèse said...

Night shots are always more romantic...

Carole said...

Superbes photos Peter.
Bon W-E !

alice said...

Oui, c'est bien joli tout ça, mais il manque en effet le Pont Neuf! Et je l'aime bien, le Pont Neuf... Ce sera pour une autre fois!
Bonne journée, Peter, et bon déjeuner ;-)

hpy said...

Un peu de gros grain, mais ça ne dérange pas trop. Elles sont nettes malgré tout, et je me demande même si tu avais un pied avec toi. Bon weekend.

Olivier said...

la nuit tout est diffèrent et si beau, c'est pour ça que j'aime faire des photos de nuit. Ta promenade dans Paris la nuit est magnifique

claude said...

Ah, Paris et ses ponts, que l'on soit dessus ou dessous sur les rives de la Seine, c'est beau ! Surtout la nuit !
Pour faire toutes ces jolies photos de nuit, tu ne t'y es pas pris comme un pied ! Mais les as tu prises sur un pied ? Cela a l'air de tracasser Hélène.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Amazing ..AMAZING..!!!! Peter these photos are brilliant, I love Paris by night. Hopefully will be back over soon, not sure when yet though. I would love to bring my husband over to see all this..!!

Keep them coming, I never tire of photos of Paris..happy weekend too!

Cergie said...

Ton plan me fait penser à un gros plan sur un nez infesté de points noirs et ton commentaire à une promesse d'ivrogne, tout cela pour nous ressortir encore un message sur le ponts de la Seine !
Mais tu as bien fait, ne serait ce que pour la photo où tu as pris tous les risques, celle qui est en haut à gauche du deuxième montage en partant du haut, la quatrième image publiée, tu vois ? Elle est assez surréaliste.
(Tu n'as vu que des dames sur mon message, et le monsieur que devient-il ? Sacré, sacré Peter !)

Cergie said...

Le pont Alexandre III est en effet toujours très spectaculaire que l'on regarde vers un coté ou l'autre de la Seine.

Cezar and Léia said...

They are so adorable...I think you like a lot to walk at night!
Impossible to choose, all of them are wonderful!
Have a greet weekend!

Adam said...

I have to buy a camera soon that allows me to take night shots! These are fantastic. I'm always so impressed by the neatness and organisation of your posts - the maps alone must take a long time to produce!

The photo of the Bir Hakeim bridge is particularly good!

Unseen India Tours said...

Some really beautiful and lovely nice shots !! Great post..Amazing..Unseen Rajasthan

Baglady said...

So beautiful! I especially love the structural one (not sure which bridge - the one with metal columns) and the ones with the Eiffel Tower in the background. Makes for such a lovely shot.

✿France✿ said...

Bonjour magnifique ces photos de plus Paris je ne connais pas trop Bonne journée

delphinium said...

ahhhhhhhhh les ponts de peter!!! :-)
peter, il faut que je te dise, tu commences à filer du mauvais coton, tu sors la nuit. C'est dangereux de se balader tout seul la nuit sur des ponts. Tu risques de glisser...

Ruth said...

Paris. Night. Seine. Bridges. Lights.

Et voila! Parfait!

Bagman and Butler said...

I am in awe of the work behind this post...lugging the tripod, meter readings, calculations, not to mention finding just the right angles...each one could be individually displayed in a gallery and you treat us with an eye-boggling splash of all of them! Fantastic.

Alain said...

Tu nous as pas fait le zouave du pont de l'Alma. Je me suis toujours demandé si, la nuit, il était en pyjama.

Unknown said...

Cher ami, j'ai touché votre cœur avec des photos de vos Paris.
Dès que je mets dans mon blog quelques photos de la Défense.
Je l'aime pour le champagne, mais seulement de temps en temps et en bonne compagnie.
FEFOLO Greetings

Natalia said...

Beautiful night time shots, thanks for sharing a bit of Paris.

Cheryl said...

These are really beautiful!!! Did you take them all during the same night or over a long period?

Anonymous said...

Your city, Paris, is filled with bridges and lights and decorations. I look at it when I stop here and wonder how it is all paid for. Taxes?

Shammickite said...

On my only trip to Paris (4 years ago) we went on a boat along the Seine under many of those lovely bridges, and saw them all lit up like that, how beautiful it all was. I was with my 2 sons.... but I wished that I had a special person with me to enjoy the romantic views (not that my 2 sons are not special, they certainly are!).

vera said...

very didactic this blog ... very interesting to discover the secrets of the town!

Jilly said...

You are incredible, Peter! All the bridges of Paris in one post. And how utterly beautiful. Bravo!

lasiate said...

a bunch of bridges. Pas tout la même nuit quand même? Du bon et du moins bon au niveau photographique ;)

Wania said...

Peter, Paris is very beautiful at night!

Your photos are brilliant!
The bridge Alexandre III is my favorite...

Have a nice weekend, too!

Parisbreakfasts said...


Unknown said...

WOW! What a collection of night shots, Peter! Gorgeous compositions and perspectives too!
Have a great weekend.

La Belette Rouge said...

Le sigh!!! Gorgeous pictures. One of my favorite things about Paris( other than the cheese, wine, food, clothes, art, history, museums) are the bridges. This is a fantastic tour of them. Thank you, Peter.

Chuckeroon said...

A nice collage. much enjoyed.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Wow! Fantastic photos, Peter! You always amaze me! Thanks for this GREAT post!

Have a nice Sunday as well!

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Beautiful collection of images of the Ponts at night...well done, Peter...bisous...

DW Quilt Art said...

Ah, the city of light! Beautiful photos!

arabesque said...

the seine river... dramatic! ^-^
and yes i think they look better during the night...
have a nice weekend 2!

PeterParis said...

From Cali:
Thanks! :-)

I guess you have taken a few as well! :-)

Thanks! :-)

PeterParis said...

Thanks! :-)

Krystyna bis:
You are two wonderful ladies, you and your mother! :-)

The bridges will be around also at you next visit ... and you know already most of them! :-)

PeterParis said...

I chose the right one then! :-)

So, let's make a walk along the "missing bridges", soon! :-)

Yes, actually in one single night - but I used partly my electric motor bike! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, quite romantic, especailly if you are accompanied! :-)

Merci! :-)

A bientôt pour le Pont Neuf! :-)

PeterParis said...

Pas de pied! :-)

Tu ne viens pas souvent à Paris la nuit? :-)

J'ai laissé la réponse pour le pied ci-dessus! :-)

PeterParis said...

Hope not to miss you next time! :-)

Tu as beaucoup d'imagination! :-)

Cergie bis:
En effet! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, I like walking, during the day and the night! :-)

Yes, it takes some time, but it gives me a chance to learn the names! :-)

Thanks! :-)

PeterParis said...

The first one would be Bir-Hakeim. Fir the second one I don't know, the Eiffel Tower is visible about all over! Soon you can take the sam shots - if you wish! :-)

Donc, tu dois passer! :-)

En compagnie, je serai plus en sécurité! :-)

PeterParis said...

Presque! :-)

The reality closer to automatic settings and no tripod! :-)

J'irai vérifier! :-)

PeterParis said...

Alors, on se voit pour un peu de champagne bientôt? :-)

My pleasure! :-)

All the same night! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, taxes of course, but it may be worth it! :-)

To be with a "special person" is generally better! :-)

Nothing secret here! :-)

PeterParis said...

Not all, a third maybe? More to follow, weather permitting! :-)

Oui, une seule nuit! Je sais, je fais de mon mieux! :-)

The Alexander III bridge is something special! Kisses to you as well! :-)

PeterParis said...

De rien! :-)

Thanks for WOW! :-)

La Belette Rouge:
A nice list of nice things! :-)

PeterParis said...

Thanks! :-)

Always so kind! :-)

Merci et bisous à toi aussi! :-)

PeterParis said...

A lot of light, yes, but some bridges would need some more! :-)

Some of the bridges certainly look better during the darks hours! :-)

Marie-Noyale said...

I arrive too late for your Week end wishes but not too late to admire those night shots.
How I would love to take a walk along those bridges,but thanks to you I do it a little through your photographs.
Have a good week Peter.

amatamari© said...

The first picture is simply fantastic, almost surreal and magical atmosphere!

GMG said...

Ohlala, mais maintenat tu fais le tour de nuit... ;)

Mandy said...

This is the most amazing post! Lovely, lovely photos! You do it so well, so effortlessly and yet all my night time photos come out, well, black! Well done!

PeterParis said...

We could make a walk together one day maybe? :-)

Glad you feel it like that! :-)

J'aime bien me promener la nuit! :-)

PeterParis said...

I just do it with automatic settings! :-)

Maya said...

Very nice! Were any of these taken the night we were wandering around?

PeterParis said...

No, all new photos! :-)

Catherine said...

Moi, je ne me demande pas si tu étais à 2 pieds ou à 4, mais plutôt si tu as tout fait à pied...car je sais ce que cela représente en terme de distance !
C'est vrai que le résultat vaut les efforts de marche à pied....

PeterParis said...

Entre nous, j'ai en partie utilisé mon Solex! :-)

Marie Halbrock said...

Hallo Peter,

wonderful Paris -
Are you the Peter
who's mother had been living
in Bielefeld/Germany?

If yes, please mail to:
Marie Halbrock