BNP Paribas is one of the world’s leading banks, maybe number three or four. This is of course the consequence of different mergers. One of the originating banks was called “Comptoir National d’Escompte de Paris” and had its office on Rue Bergère in the 9th arrondissement in a magnificent building from the late 19th century. This building has recently been renovated and is now occupied by BNP Parisbas for their “BNP Parisbas Investment Partners” branch.
The building is impressive seen from the outside...
....but maybe even more from the inside. Unfortunately you cannot - as an uninvited guest and without anything to invest - enter everywhere (I have seen some photos of other really beautiful inside spaces), but already the major central hall is worth the visit.
Tu vois, Peter, chaque société possède de prestigieuses ambitions à faire scintiller devant les yeux ébahis de leur clientèle. Après, tout est une question de moyens.
400 milliards d'euros distribués aux banques qu'on voit en grande difficulté au premier coup d'oeil.
Sourire. BNP Paribas ! J'en connais un rayon ....Outre mon jugement complètement personnel et renseigné, j'admets que c'est magnifique.
What a spectacular place ... and it's a bank! Who knew? If I drove past it, I would think it very exclusive museum of some sort!
Hi Peter, (j'ai une dent longue comme la Tour Eiffel contre BNP Paribas, mais ça c'est une autre histoire) Looks like there are some really beautiful details in that place, colorful glass work in the ceiling there. You've done it again, digging up hidden treasure in Paris... Would love to tag along someday with you on one of your walks... but suddenly the weather has turned bitter cold this weekend.... brrrrrr....
Some impressive looking bank! Not only is there a clock inside, but outside too. For some reason I enjoy discovering the clocks on building facades.
Sir Paul sure knows how to rock. Three hours? I bet that was one joyful concert.
Happy Monday!
Bon tout va bien si les banques peuvent se permettre de se ravaler la façade! Le hall est impressionnant.
Pardon for missing a post or two. Looks like you are as busy as I am ! This bank appears to be flourishing as many of ours are NOT! Just a beautiful place. As always you show us spots we won't usually see on our visits. Stay warm!!
beautiful architectural details captured in these shots...
Rue Bergère disais-tu? Ah, quelques moutons ont bien du passer par là et en ressortir tondus à ras pour que d'autres s'enrichissent...
tu as eut le droit de prendre une photo dans la banque , bravo !!! ici c'est interdit, mais elles sont moins belles.
I like some of the other offices of the BNP Paribas in place of the old Maison Dorée restaurant a little further along the street. Knowing the history of that establishment, they seem somehow more appropriate for the profession!
Wow! You managed to take a picture inside without investing a cent? That's an incredible achievement... I'm sure they only let you do that because they didn't know the comments that were going to fall on this post... ;))
The first picture is outstanding!
I'm really impressed!
***btw, we had some snow in the early afternoon yesterday.I think you can imagine my happiness!I cried!!!It's so beautiful! :)
Can't believe you got inside a bank and were able to take pictures.
It seems to get harder and harder to take photos inside buildings here in the U.S., post 9/11.
Started to take photos inside what one would think is a very public place, a train station, when a security guard came running up waving his arms saying "No photos, no photos."
Sure glad you got in.
Beautiful images.
The architectural details, both inside and outside, are remarkable and pleasurable to see. The remarks about taking photos in the US are true and very unfortunate. I feel that many of my personal liberties have been affected by worldwide terrorism.
Banks have no money of their own. So what you have photographed is there because the bank used the money that belonged to the people. Which is what happened to banks in this country. They used money now from money they had hoped to make in the future and lost it all or most of it. I am surprised that people still trust banks. We have had two Depressions because of banks and their investments and I suspect more is in the works as more and more US Banks are being forced to close every day over here.
Having said all of that, your photographs are great.
Je suis en rogne contre mon banquier! Ou c'est plutôt le contraire, car il veut me faire faire un investissemnt et je n'ai absolument pas envie! Il m'a promis un déjeuner avant la fin de l'année mais je doute fort qu'il tiendra parole si je ne signe pas! (Si je ne signe pas, je peux m'offrir le repas toute seule.)
To go inside of a Paris bank..
A big treat. I've only done it a few times and no place as impressive as this!
Merci Peter
C'est beau dehors comme dedans.
Mais il faut être riche pour être à une banque commpe celle-là !
bonsoir Peter...
avec un petit peu de retard ..voila ...tout d'abord un grand merci pour ta recente visite et pour le gentil commentaire que tu as laissé...j'ai visité ton blog et je suis ébahie emerveillé qui adore Paris ...c'est fantastique...quel travail énorme et quelle richesse...
voila je reviendrai avec plaisir me balader dans tes ruelles...
une bonne semaine a toi...:o)
Hi Peter. That is an amazingly beautiful building. I know just where it is but I never thought about looking inside.
I really hope to go to Paris in about a year. If I go your blog will be a great place to discover things that I haven't already seen.
hey hey hey :)
What did you mean I took those pictures ( and video about the snow) from my window??
We were at the Marchè de Noel in Luxembourg old centre when I did that video.Can you believe that my hair was white...I mean, it try to be white always but it's another thing...LOL what I mean is about the light snow!
I want more snow! :)
And I discovered that snow and cold can hurt the skin, in fact I had my fingers hurt( do you understand it? )Anyway, it's worth!
Thanks so much for your always kind words!
Spectacular architecture! Paris is such a beautiful city, even the banks are a joy to look at!
That first photograph is spectacular! What a gorgeous space. Incredible that it is a bank but then perhaps it was ever thus.
Peter, did you go there to get your money back for christmas gifts.
A nice place near beautiful place des victoires.
Thanks Peter for your comments. I saw your electric Solex on your post, and it’s a beautiful machine, quite updated from my old Vélo Solex. Your stunning bank in Paris reminded me that my parents used to have a safe box at the Credit Lyonnais bank on the Boulevard des Italiens in Paris, or could have been the BNP I am not sure. I loved to go there, the entrance hall was very much like the one you showed, then you would walk downstairs on the marble floor, sign in, and there were long halls full of safes (coffres.) It was a little scary too because when you walked your steps would echo all over the place.
Une serie réussie..Belles compositions et luminosité..Bravo!
Ah ! Les banques ! On a beau dire, mais elles font des trucs superbes avec nos sous.
The first picture is truly spectacular: great charm!
Wonderful post as always ...
Nice place to work!
Banks are allways housed in great buildings but this one is truly amazing!
And are they all getting large bonuses this year?
When I first saw the building on Google Reader the other day, it took my breath! It really is splendid. The lighting for your photos is gorgeous too.
If only their service was as good as their building looks.
It's a bit late to make individual comments to your comments, so I just say, thanks! I have carefully read them all!
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