I dedicate this post to some blogger friends, Polish, with Polish origins or family... Krystyna, her mother Maria, Terrie (Feasting on pixels), Anna Bobryk... and I forget.

(I’m sorry about the quality of the photos, but the inside is quite dark and it seems that lights are turned on only during masses and I didn’t want to disturb.)
The Polish influence here was great during especially the 19th century, when many Polish nationalists chose to live in exile. I have already made some posts related to Poland and Paris, e.g. concerning the Polish school, where Marie Curie (born Sklodowska), the only woman buried at the French Pantheon*, had a room during her university studies, where Adam Mickiewicz, one of the greatest Polish poets, was President of the school council.... and about Frederic (Fryderyk) Chopin, about the places where he lived and about his grave at the Père Lachaise cemetery ... about the Square-du-Cardinal-Wyszynski (family-related to Terrie)...
I was told that the official Polish anthem lyrics contain some maybe surprising lines (“We’ve been shown by Bonaparte, ways to victory...”, “Fighting with the Swede, to free our fatherland from chains...”). Of course, Bonaparte’s links to Poland were not only wars and politics, but also Marie Walewska.
*/ Actually there is also another woman buried there; Sophie Berthelot, who died in sorrow one hour after her husband and was buried with him “in homage to her conjugal virtue”.
New family member:
New family member:
This has nothing to do with the above, but I wanted to introduce you to Elfy, the little Boston terrier that just arrived to the home of my daughter Stéphanie and her boyfriend.
Thanks again for helping to expand my (sorely lacking) parisian education. Had never been inside this one, although I love to step into churches and look around...
And doesn't Elfy look like fun with those big, attentive ears...
How nice to learn about this lovely church that we probably wouldn't see in Paris, if not for you, Peter!
Now about your granddog ( grandchien?) Elfy. Well how adorable! Looks very alert and well behaved. Perhaps Elfy's ready for a visit to a Paris café?? My new grandpug Einstein, is nowhere ready! We have toilette and chewing issues.:) Perhaps he needs to go and spend some time with Mme. Jilly!!!!
PS janvier soldes??? Oui, that's part of the plan.
Thank you again dear sir for another fine lesson, and though I saw nothing wrong with any of the indoor photos, you are appreciated that much more for the respect you show to others.
Elfy looks to be a fine pup, and sure is happy to belong to a loving family.
Thanks many times over, Peter!
David *
un petit bonjour à Elfy (craquant).
Je connaissais pas cette église polonaise dans Paris, elle est sobre et belle.
Est-ce que je peux aller promener Elfy au lieu d'aller à la messe?
Une mienne amie d'origine polonaise se prénome Elfried. Et la petite amie de mon fils aîné est d'origine polonaise. Il n'y a pas eu que des chrétiens chez le polonais... Qui ont dû partir pas la force des choses.
En réponse à ta question : la sentinelel guettait les messages tout d'abord, ensuite les allez et venues de goelettes, c'est normal. Il y a bien des miradors dans toutes les prisons.
Que de fautes d'orthographe ! Je suis si pressée aujourd'hui et toute cette semaine !
Toutefois encore une fois : le père de Chopin était VOSGIEN !
It seems everybody is having Polish friends... My wife's cousin married a Polish girl, so now the family goes from Lisbon to Warsaw, and I'm always waiting for May to go there... no chance!!
So many times I passed by this lovely church on my way to the former Intercontinental, but only once entered. Wonderful to see it again in your pictures!!
PS: I missed the reference to Elfy; loks great!! And you missed my «Puente Colgante»... :)
Didn't you sample any of the traditional delicacies in the Polish restaurant in the crypt? Having asked that, I have to confess that I've never been myself! However, I don't need to as I have a fantastic little Polish deli near me that sells delicious breads, cakes and sausages.
Thank you for my daily history lesson. I have grown to look forward to them greatly! And love the Boston Terrier! Have a good Monday.
Thank you Peter for this post and for mention my humble name in dedicate. I am proud and happy that my country and your country have many good relations.
I like to travel, hope one day I'll visit Paris.
Wish me a good condition.
I greet you and sincerely thank!
from Poland
Ah! Elle est polonaise, celle-là. J'en apprends des choses sur ton blog.
PS. Bonjour au chien!
Elfy is a sweetheart. Such a pretty little dog.
I also enjoyed a look at all your photos in this post today.
I admire Paris for providing home to so many exiles over the years. I admire Marie Curie, such an amazing role model for women. I admire this church - so large to never have heard about it or noticed it!
I admire you too, Peter.
Since the 8ht years I have lived outside my country, so any mention of my country is moving my heart.
Thank you Peter for the dedication of this beautiful post for us Poles - bloggers.
I really appreciate it!!!
Among the many famous people I noticed a famous Polish poet, my favorite poet - Juliusz Słowacki.
I'd like to share little bit about one of his great poem "Rozłączenie"/ "Disconnect"/
Why this poem? Because outhor's mother lived far away from his son and that poem Julius directed to his mother.
The poet describes in detail the beauty of nature around him, that his mother could be closer in his world /in her thoughts/.
The main elements of nature: the sky, lakes, mountains and rocks, soil, vegetation exist in undisturbed, structured harmony. The poet in his description points out the beauty and perfection of nature in every season.
We see - the long separation from the mother and son.
The saddest thing is that the grandeur of nature surrounding him does not diminish the pain of separation, is not able to compensate for the suffering associated with nostalgia for the homeland and beloved mother./some say - beloved woman/
They have only the letters that are the way to express longing, everyday feelings and emotions, the letters are a sign of the memory of one another.
First time seeing the inside of this Polish Church. Thanks Peter. One of Michener's books I liked the most is about Poland and called "Poland."
wow this Church is wonderful, I liked a lot the first shot and the door open ( detail ) meaning of open for love for all of us!
It's really impressive!
All flowers are so colourful bringing positive feelings and energies around the place.
Ahh and the cute Elfy looks so smart in these pictures, he is adorable!
Nice name!
Welcome dear Elfy, we hope to see more pictures from you here!
I do not want to be a big talker, but I would like to added only the first 2 verses of this poem / poem is quite long /.
In the Polish language, Translator does not translate very well, especially poetry.
Rozłączeni - lecz jedno o drugim pamięta;
Pomiędzy nami lata biały gołąb smutku
I nosi ciągłe wieści. - Wiem, kiedy w ogródku,
Wiem, kiedy płaczesz w cichej komnacie zamknięta.
Wiem, o jakiej godzinie wraca bolu fala,
Wiem, jaka ci rozmowa ludzi łzę wyciska.
Tyś mi widna jak gwiazda, co się tam zapala
I łzą różową leje, i skrą siną błyska.
Elfy is cute, cute!
Have a beautiful day, Peter!
I think I passed it once when I was in the Place Vendôme area.
La décoration intérieure est curieuse, on dirait un temple maçonnique.
La "polonaise", c'est aussi un gateau !
je ne connaissais pas cet endroit qui a l'air très impressionnant. Quant à Elfy elle (il ? ) est bien mignon(ne)
Åhh vilken sött hund!
Pratar du polska, franska eller svenska med den?
Fin fotoblogg du har!!!
Is there still a large Polish community in Paris?
When I passed by this church there was a nun out front arranging flowers around the statue of the Pope. I hope to go inside next time!
Elfy is adorable!!!
When I passed by this church there was a nun out front arranging flowers around the statue of the Pope. I hope to go inside next time!
Elfy is adorable!!!
Je suis comme Hélène, j'en apprends des choses sur Paris, grâce à toi.
Ravie de connaître Elfy !
Thank you so much Peter for introducing Elfy. He is so cute. And thanks to for your posts.
Qu'elle est belle ta nouvelle "petite fille"
Je connais cette église je l'avais visité quand j'avais passé une journée "polonaise à Paris" avec la caisse de retraite.
Adorable Elfy !
Est-ce que c'est toi qui seras chargé de la promener ? Elle va connaitre tous les quartiers de Paris !
Excellent billet sur l'église de Pologne.
Merci de ton passage à Avignon. Oui les réunions de blogueurs c'est toujours sympa. Comment, tu es passé au vin rouge ? Plus de champagne ? Qu'est-ce que tu as, tu es malade ? :-)))
Då får jag hälsa Dig välkommen till Göteborgstrakten!
Welcome to Gothenburg, and tnx 4 Your visit @ my blog :-)
Did You vote for our climate?
I'm not convinced that you so know so little about Paris! :-)
Elfy is becoming rather clean, but is still very fond of chewing carpets!
I would rather think that YOU are the person who shows the utmost respect to others! :-)
Il faut revenir plus souvent à Paris! :-)
Sans problème! :-)
J'ai aussi eu beuacoup d'amis polonais, y compris la marraine de mon fils!
Pour les fautes, tu n'est pas la seule! :-)
Maybe we have Polish friends because they are nice people? :-)
GMG bis:
Sorry, I have been rather busy lately and have difficulties to visit all friends' blogs! :-)
I missed that! Wonder if it was open? :-)
Bagman and Butler:
Thanks! ... and nice rest of the week! :-)
I really hope you will make it to Paris soon and that we could meet! Joining Krystyna? :-)
C'est aussi le but! :-)
hpy bis:
OK! :-)
For the moment she is very nice! Sure it will last! :-)
... and I admire YOU! :-)
I was so pleased to do it! :-)
Krystyna bis:
I'm sure you are referring to the distance to your mother and not seeing her so often! I'm sure she know how much you love her! :-)
It was also the first time for me! :-)
Happy you appreciate! ... and yes, there may be more pictures of Elfy one of these days! :-)
Krystyna (again):
Yes, to translate poetry is an art! Thanks anyhow, even if most of us will not understand! :-)
Krystyna (again bis):
Thanks, dear friend! :-)
Then you visited befoe me (for me it was the first time)! :-)
Il faudrait gouter! :-)
Elfy est une "elle"! :-)
Välkommen till min blog! Trevligt att fà en svensk kommentar! Elfy förstàr bara franska! :-)
Yes, but today mostly second or third generation, I believe! :-)
From Cali:
Sorry I missed the nun! :-)
Moi aussi, j'apprends tous les jours! :-)
le banc moussu:
... and thank you for visiting here and for your excellent blog! :-)
Tu as été partout! :-)
Je pense que je dois dépanner de temps en temps (avec plaisir)! :-)
Nathalie bis:
Pour accompagner une bonne viande, en compagnie d'un bloggueur! (Champagne avec les dames!) :-)
Climate wise, I would prefer even further south! :-)
Welcome to Elfy!
This is so cool and so thoughtful to dedicate this post Peter :D
Hello Elfy ;D
Thanks on her behalf! :-)
I will try to find something Singapore related here! :-)
D'accord! :-)
A first for me. A Polish church and how beautiful it is. As for Elfy, too adorable! I had one here only a week ago but he was incredibly nervous, highly strung so I hope Elfy isn't. She looks bright as a button.
This is a she, hopefully she will not be too nervous; for the moment she's adorable!
Boston Terrier puppies are SO CUTE! Congrats to the happy new couple! I am envious.
Yes, Boston Terriers seem to be really nice! :-)
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