Yesterday evening I was invited to the Paris City Hall. I will revert to the reason further down. It was a good opportunity to see the building not only from the outside.
There was a similar, but smaller building, here since the 16th century, but the Commune events in 1871, led to this building being burnt down. A new building, the present one, stood ready in 1892, to a large extent copied on the previous one.

Each pillar has a painting, the ceilings and the floors are spectacular.
There were nice views of the inner court and the Notre Dame.
So, the reason for my visit was a meeting of an organization called “PARISIEN D’UN JOUR”, which is part of the Global "Greeter" Network. You can read more about this by clicking on the widget in the sidebar. The City of Paris sponsors the activity and stood for the invitation.
“Greeters” are volunteers who work as (unpaid) guides in a number of cities around the world, NYC, Chicago, Toronto, Melbourne, Buenos Aires, The Hague, Paris…. We are some 180 in Paris and it’s expected that we shall have guided some 7.000 visitors by the end of this year. We would rather make tours with smaller groups and concentrate on specific neighbourhoods, more unusual or “hidden” places. You may of course use this free-of-charge-service for yourself or recommend it to friends.
I joined a couple o f weeks ago and have so far made four tours. The latest one was this week with four very nice visitors from Minnesota - Rebecca, Michael, Jason and Nick. We made a three hours tour of the Belleville area.
I wish you a nice weekend!
Sounds like a lot of fun, and how great you must be as a guide :-)
So sorry we did not have time to meet up .. was only there for two days after I came back from Cahors.., but I did manage to meet Karin, who showed me around her area a bit .. Next time for definite. have a good weekend too.
Hello Peter!!!
alala j'y étais aussi avec une autre nouvelle recrue. mmm pourtant j'ai regardé autour de moi pour voir si Luisa et toi n'y étaient pas....grrrr
la prochaine fois, j'appelle!
Bravo pour tes chouettes posts sur le Portugal...ça donne vraiment envie d'y retourner.
A bientôt, bisous
Wonderful photos of City Hall, and what a wonderful opportunity for visitors to Paris.
Wish I could pop over right now and have you take me on a tour........perhaps some day......
Amazing building, and so beautiful:)
Good luck in your job as a guide, and have a nice weekend:)
Greetings from Norway.
What a wonderful idea Peter and I can imagine you would thoroughly enjoy meeting people from other climes & showing them around your fabulous city.
The Town Hall is just soo... opulent and the chandeliers exquisite. Thanks for this lovely post.
Hi Peter.
It's so beautiful in there. I had a feeling it would be nice but it's even nicer than I thought.
I think you are a perfect Paris greeter!
Beautiful photos for a beautiful gesture. From what Karin's told me about her visits with you, i'm sure you're a perfect guide!
Hi Peter! I’m back!! Have never been inside that building!! It's wonderful!!
Interesting your Greeter activity! I'm in the line for one of the future trips! Hopefully soon...
Have agreat weekend!
Good on you for volunteering for that. You are an ideal person for the job!
your expertise about your adopted city places you perfectly to be a wonderful greeter - good luck with the tours - does it operate here in mexico City???
sympa cette invitation et cette visite, dire que je l'ai jamais visite.
Une nouvelle activité qui - je pense - te convient à merveille.
Wonderful Peter
I know you will enjoy showing the "lucky" tourists your favorite hidden places of Paris.
Your photos are exquisite and I agree with the chandlers it was what
attracted my eye in the very first photo.
I am really happy for you about this guiding but even more happy for tourists who will get you !
Warm greetings from Joensuu area, where nowadays are more bears and particularly really unpleasant deer keds (Lipoptena cervi, the deer ked or deer fly )than berries because of hot and dry summer.
But now our backyard is already full of yellow fallen leaves of birches like sunshine down there :)
Good and happy Sunday to you!
Now I know who to call to be my guide when I come to Paris!
Pretty soon you will have some good stories to tel us about this new experience! Enjoy!
Who more in expertise than you to show the world what Paris and its wonders are?!!
Wonderful pictures, every single one of them! Glad to note that you are back online!
This is so cool Peter, can I call you if I visit Paris again :D
Moi je dis que certains visiteurs ont bien de la chance!
I didn't know "parisien d'un jour". It's very nice of you to give part of your time to make people discover our beautiful city.
Bonjour dear Peter!
OMG, those Baccarat crystal chandeliers are magnificent and this place is really enchanting!
Glad that you enjoy this tour!
Congratulations Peter for giving some of your time to those free visits. Visiting a city with a local certainly makes things so much more interesting ! Your guests must have been delighted to have a guide as nice and knowledgeable as you. I hope they treated you to a glass of champagne at the end of it :-)))
And thanks for the Town Hall visit, that was GRAND !
What wonderful photographs and thanks for the links!
Peter, My visits to your blog always inform me about the city and amaze me because of the beauty of the photos, which I never tire of viewing! You are a PERFECT guide because of your knowledge and gentlemanly personality. The group from Minnesota were genial, of course! It's known as "Minnesota Nice!"
I've been delighting myself with your holiday pictures! In 2007 we also drove to Portugal in the Summer stopping in Salamanca and Bilbao!
I'm glad you enjoyed the Iberian Peninsula and loved to see Mattias and Paloma having a great time in the swimming pool in Sesimbra. We had one of the hottest months on record in Lisbon this August... I fled to the cooler beaches of Algarve to escape the stifling heat.
Thank you for you encouraging comments on my blog, Peter. It's good to be back!
i would love to walk around those hidden alleys and rue of paris, but first things first, i have to visit le tour eiffel. a must! ^0^
the city hall looks like an old castle, very historic and unforgettable.
ps: even though you're busy, i;m glad that you're still giving us mini tours of Paris and more.
always enjoyed visiting your blog. ^-^
Buongiorno Peter, a good initiative and a great experience!
First of all, Peter, I think this would be a wonderful experience, and personally, if I had the opportunity to be in any tour group you were leading, I know I'd get the best tour of them all!
Now, a question -- the exterior of the City Hall and the location looks very much like L'Hotel de Ville. I find it hard to believe that two buildings looking so similar from the outside would be so close in Paris -- on the other hand, Paris is filled with so many fabulous buildings, I'm not sure anything would surprise me! It it the same? Thanks!
And I thought Lisbon City Hall was gorgeous! :-)))
Peter, it's nice to see that you signed up. You will be so good at this and make many visitors happy.
Hello to Yaelle...
Peter invité par le maire de Paris, le début d'une nouvelle carrière ?
I congratulate you, Peter!
Your historical knowledge about Paris,
intelligence and love of Paris
are important advantages
in this
voluntary work.
Right person in the right place.
Thanks for great photographs!
T'inquière Peter, ça va ! Je repasse plus tard.
Merci Peter pour ce joli reportage.
Thank you Peter for this beautiful article.
I caught up with your posts. I have been gone from my computer almost 5 weeks now. I enjoyed your pictures from Portugal, Spain and Arles. I may call on you next time I am in Paris (maybe next May) in your capacity as a “greeter”as I am sure there are many places that I do not know anymore after all those years away. The urban artists are very talented – I’d like to know where to go in Paris to see their art.
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