
The grapes are gone...

During centuries there used to be a lot of vineyards in and around Paris. As we have seen from previous posts, there are still a few small ones around, e.g. here, here and here. The most well-known one is of course the Clos de Montmartre, on which I also already posted.

In October it’s time for harvesting and at Montmartre it involves some important festivities, including a procession where all kinds of associations and especially a number of confraternities, representing different French wine regions walk the way from the local – 18th arrondissement – Town Hall to the Montmartre vineyard, ascending the narrow streets of the northern slopes of the hill. The festivities last over a weekend. I followed the procession which took place last Saturday. When we reached the vineyard we could see that the grapes had been harvested the preceding days.

Each year some 2000 bottles are produced. It’s according to today’s taste not the best wine, but the bottles are rather sold for a good purpose; the money collected goes to social causes.

Each year a godfather (“parrain”) and godmother (“marreine”) are nominated. We can see the actor Gérard Jugnot and the actress Firmine Richard on the podium in front of the Town Hall, together with the local mayor, former minister, Daniel Vaillant.

Some 500.000 thousand visitors were expected on the hill during the weekend, enjoying the magnificent summer weather.


EMNM said...

Hi Peter, i can´t find your mail, i´m just gonna give you a big hug

Mystica said...

Thanks as usual for a lovely post. Its also something that most people may not be aware of. It looks so bright and sunny. Its chilly right now in Melbourne!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Great coverage of the procession and the story behind it. Thanks for your usual comprehensive and lovely presentation. Thanks, and another hug.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Wonderful post! Quite an event indeed!

Peter (the other) said...

Welcome back, and thanks to you I feel like I was there. Your eye was missed.

Shane Pollard said...

Welcome back I've missed my taste of Paris through your eyes!!
What festivities, I love these traditions and the French do them so well.
Viva la France!!!

Olivier said...

content de ton retour l'ami Peter.
J'adore ta premiere, elle a un cote mysterieuse avec ce focus sur le devant. Je vois que tu etais avec du beau monde

Shionge said...

Hiya Peter....time just flew by so quickly I need to 'check' on you heheehe.....hope all is well in Paris, read about the security threats and latest the protest :(

Be back soon.....take care Peter

Roseann said...

Welcome back, Peter!

Rhi said...

Glad you're back, Peter; I've missed seeing Paris. Hope everything is going okay... your family is in my thoughts.

Dianne said...

Bonjour Peter~ the top pic is just gorgeous I get the feeling you're sitting in amongst the vines sampling a little of it's fruit in the liquid variety and you look up and see this gorgeous view.
Lovely to see Gerard Jugnot ~ I recognised him from "Les Choristes". he hasn't aged.

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Bonjour Peter and welcome back . I am going to have to time my trips properly for next year. I don't know if this is something any of my friends went to, but it is something I would of loved to attended. Such a wonderful way to celebrate and the crowds are just amazing. So blessed with good weather and sunshine. Take care Anne

hpy said...

Ton retour commence bien avec une fête et du beau monde. Tout ce dont tu as besoin. Non, pas tout, il te faut aussi autre chose mais je pense que tu le trouve chez tes enfants et petits-enfants. Je t'embrasse.

alice said...

Et le soleil en prime pour que la fête soit parfaite.
C'est bon de te retrouver, bises!

claude said...

Bon retour parmi nous, Peter !
Des vendanges en plein coeur de Paris, c'est assez extraordinaire, mais ce sont des vendanges festives et très gaies, semble-t-il.
Un joyeux post après de tristes moments. La vie continue.
Kiss kiss and big hug !

nathalie said...

Tes photos de foule (dernière série)et les chiffres (500,000 personnes !) suggèrent qu'il doit être bien difficile de voir quoi que ce soit, mais toutes tes premières images montrent que tu as sû te débrouiller pour être au coeur des événements, avec les people ;-)

C'est un plaisir de retrouver tes reportages Peter.

nathalie said...

Je suis un peu surprise que les vendanges aient déja eu lieu dans les jours précédant la fête, ça semble un peu bizarre !

Karin B (Looking for Ballast) said...

Welcome back, Peter! How lovely to see a post from you again. :)

This is the second post I have seen about the procession and it looks like a lot of kitschy fun! I love all the photos you captured. Maybe next year I can check this out...

We really did get a nice "Indian Summer" on the weekend, didn't we. It's chillier days now, but it was lovely while it lasted!

Be well, Peter.

Claudia said...

Hello Peter!

I was in Montmartre for these festivities in 2006 and really enjoyed them! Very vibrant, your photos do it justice.

Welcome back. We missed your posts.


Cergie said...

Il y avait de la vigne partout en France même à Jouy le Moutiers ou Pontoise (le ginglet) ce qui ne veut pas dire quele vin était bon, juste suffisant pour les gens du coin. Même à Versdailels on a planté de la vigne pour le faire vin de Marie Antoinette, tout cela parce que vin = France alors que de la vigne il n'y en avait pas autrefois à Versailles et que la reine ne buvait que de l'eau...
Tu es de retour alors après la peine champagne ?

Ruth said...

So glad you're back! I was just telling a friend at work yesterday, who is going to Paris Friday, that I was thinking of Paris, because it is October after all, one of the best months to be there . . . the light. It looks like you've had the same weather we have, unseasonable warm and glorious.

Wonderful photos, it looks as though you had a wonderful position!

Sciarada said...

Ciao Peter, I was lucky enough to see Montmartre and is a special place!

ANNA-LYS said...

Hej Peter,
Fint fotomontage av festivalen!
Nu fick jag en ide om att försöka odla vin här på västkustberget, får dock avvakta en vinter och se hur varmt eller kallt det är just här. Hittills ligger det alltid några grader över kringliggande orter.

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear friend, welcome back!
Wonderful post and beautiful pictures.
*** those girls with fancy hats are so cute, and I love your first shot here, the angle and composition with the beautiful green leaves, so perfect!
Thanks for sharing!

Virginia said...

It was nice to see your comment this morning and hear that you were back with us. The Fîete looks like a lot of fun and reminded me that October is a time I really should visit Paris! ( As if I need a reason!HA)

Glad you got to enjoy the festiviites and the fine weather!

Jeanie said...

Welcome back, Peter. And this is a wonderful way to welcome you with a toast! Here's to Peter, who has had a rough go of it lately, yet somehow manages to share his joy and love of Paris with us.

rauf said...

it is always nice to see people enjoying the day Peter.

Adam said...

Welcome back Peter! I was very sorry to read your news and wish you and your family all the best.

There are some great photos here, but it reminds me of why Montmartre is not my favourite part of the city - the big heads in the procession reflect those of many of the residents there!

Amanda said...

I am so sorry about your loss Peter. It is so good to have you back. You always bring knowledge and sunshine in my hectic mornings.

BLOGitse said...

Hei Peter, welcome back...
Thanks for sharing this interesting and popular event!
Greetings from Casa!

Catherine said...

so lovely to see you back blogging after the sad loss of your mother - my sincere condolences - what a fascinating post - I had no idea there were vineyards in the city in Montmartre - wonderful photos too -Welcome back!!

Paris Paul said...

Welcome back, Peter!

My email box is happy again to see your updates...

Thanks for the beautiful pictures, but what about the wine?

Parisbreakfasts said...

Paris can be such a 'village' at times.
You mention 'summer weather'!?
It does look like a fun event.
Merci Peter and welcome back.

Bettina said...

Great photos, it all looks very festive ;o)

SusuPetal said...


LangLang said...

I'm a Korean woman who visits your blog very often. But it it my first time to leave a comment in your blog. I have seen your posting for about one year. I like your posting very much. It is very substantial.
I think you have a wide-ranging knowledge about not only Paris but also arts, history, etc….. And I feel you love Paris sincerely although you are not Frenchman.
Paris is the hometown in my mind…. And I can satisfy the nostalgia of Paris through your blog…
Thank you~~~^^
I’m informing your blog to Korean through my website~
I hope to see more and more many various and interesting sceneries of Paris from your blog~~~


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, Peter....what a rich blog entry that perfectly shows the pomp & splendor of Montmartre!

James said...

Dear Peter I'm was so sad to read about the death of your mother. I offer you my condolences and a warm welcome back to the blogging world.

Starman said...

So sorry about your mother. I wanted to leave a message but didn't see any place to do it.

M. Gérard Jugnot is one of the few French stars I actually recognize.

Trotter said...

Welcome back!
With so many people, I thought you were taking pictures of the «manifs»... ;)

The Clever Pup said...

Peter, is this why there were fireworks at Montmartre last week or does this happen every time.

Lima Hotels said...

Sure that's one great festival. The costumes and mask are colorful.

Hotel Miraflores said...

A feast after the grape harvest. What a great way to end the harvest season.

Verbena Houston said...

love the artwork and pictures there just amazing to look at

Anonymous said...


stepstoenglish said...

Nice pictures:D

Vicky said...

J'adore Paris et mas mere et française!
Yeah, my mother is French, my father is Spanish, and I speak fluent English.
Adios! Que os vaya bien! Au revoir!
I sincerly don't know how to get on.

radio control toys said...

nice pic brother. i hope i can go there :-)

chandra widjaja said...

Great posting about grapes. Make me know how interested the world outside.