
Suddenly, this afternoon...

This is just a little extra post. I just had to show you some shots from a walk in Paris this Tuesday afternoon. The trees became green and the temperature was about 20°C (70°F)! … awaiting the official spring in a couple of days.


~Christina said...

Oh, I am SO envious! I live in rainy Washington State, and the forecast calls for rain and cold all the way through next week. :(

I have always wanted to tour France, and planned to be a French translator, but I am in my early 20s and that dream seems to be slightly fading and out of reach. Thank you for sharing your amazing pictures, you have such an eye for beauty, and capture Paris at its best! C'est magnifique, merci beaucoup!

I love these spring shots, keep 'em coming! :D

P.S. The woman I nanny for is a native of Stockholm, Sweden, so I also share a small affinity for your background!

Jack said...

I'm glad to see such strong signs of spring over there. It has been a tough winter in many places.

Thanks for your visit to my blog yesterday. I also worked in Columbus -- 2004 to 2010. It is much bigger and better now than when you were there. Go Buckeyes.

Shopgirl said...

Wow, welcome to Paris, Spring!

Owen said...

That's lovely Peter, you are allowed to take a break from time to time, just to smell the flowers, coffee, and simply stroll aimlessly around Paris. What could be better in life ?

Yoga Gal said...

What lovely photos of a beautiful city!

SusuPetal said...

Peter, lovely. It's good to remember that there is still much beauty in this world. in the middle of not so beautiful news around the world.

Olivier said...

des qu'il fait beau, c'est agréable de voir sortir tout le monde, c'est plus conviviale, et les gens sont plus ouvert

Selina said...

Ohhh, 20 sounds fabulous! I'll be there in 3 weeks, it would be lovely if it stays around those temps!

Jane said...

Incredible, Spring is further ahead in Paris than in Milan!

hpy said...

The weather was very good yesterday. Yes! Today we have fog.

Cergie said...

Tu étais à Las Végas... Je croyais reconnaitre le jardin du Luxembourg mais le Panthéon n'a pas cette tête là.
Tu étais avec une copine ? Jolie ? Elle parlait anglais ?

Synne said...

My goodness, Peter, this looks gorgeous! Most of the ice has melted here in central Oslo during the last couple of days, and we're thrilled about that, but such flowers and temperatures are still a distant dream. Enjoy it on my behalf, won't you?

Christina said...

This is so nice!! I'm coming to Paris tomorrow and couldn't be more excited to leave the snowy streets of Oslo! Can't wait to explore beautiful Paris!

claude said...

C'est super chouette Paris au printemps. J'ai prévu de venir en Mai. Paris memanque.

Bettina said...

OH this is nice. Spring in Paris is wonderful, thanks for sharing.

Thérèse said...

Un "post" qui réchauffe. Chacun a besoin d'optimisme en ce moment.

Ruth said...

You all must feel something alive in you as you watch Paris green up, and color up. Beautiful light!

Nathalie H.D. said...

How beautiful!
It's been raining constantly for the past 4 days here :-(((

Shammickite said...

Rainy and overcast here... but I know that we will be enjoying sunshine and ble skies and spring flowers soon.... well, maybe in another month! This is the Great White North and it takes a long time for all the snow to melt!
Gorgeous pictures of Springtime in paris... Vive le Printemps!!!
Thankyou Peter.

Starman said...

20°C ? The poor Parisians must have been dying from the heat.

Covnitkepr1 said...

Ah Peter...the memories you have stirred up. As a child (in the '50's), I spent 3 years in Orleans and the trips we'd make to Paris to visit every tourist attraction, many of which I vividly remember.

Thanks for the memories. I'd give almost anything to return some day.

I have added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower as well.

Jeanne said...

That is what I like about seasonal changes ...always something to look forward to. Thanks, Peter!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Cometh, joys of spring!

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Paris has a strange climate since it now St. Patrick's Day, and already daffodils are in bloom. Just exquisitely beautiful to see those plants. In October, I saw strawberries at the Domain of Marie Antoinette in Versailles, so I am shaking my head at spring in March, and strawberries in October. Thanks for enjoying the day so well through your lens and bringing it to us. This was very special...Have a great St. Pat's Day!

Dianne said...

Paris is smiling - I see it in your lovely photos

Parisbreakfasts said...

a lovely breath of fresh air.
I can't wait!!

cocoa and coconut said...

You are so lucky to experience these images first hand. What a gorgeous scene to behold!

Vickie said...

I leave for Paris this evening for a week, and cannot wait to see springtime! Thanks for giving a preview!

Studio at the Farm said...

Wonderful spring photos! Thank you so much for posting them, Peter.

arabesque said...

hi peter, and i;m glad spring's finally approaching.
good fotos and bon weather.
can't wait for more.

sonia a. mascaro said...

Beautiful photos, Peter!
I would love to be there sitting on the bench and enjoying the spring atmosphere..

Virginia said...

Thanks for making me want to be in Paris more than usual! I know you will enjoy it for all of us.

Ash said...

Perfect! Love the daffodils and pink blooms.

Trotter said...

Super full moon yesterday, spring today!!
Gorgeous day in Lisbon!!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Peter , so lovely to see all the people out and about and the chairs out too .. Paris in Spring ♥