

Under the metro station Palais Royal, with its very special entrance design ...
... there is a corridor linking metro lines 1 and 7. This is where you for a couple of months can find an exhibition about “recycling”.

I had to take my photos through reflecting windows, but I feel that there were some good ideas exposed.

So, the bottle capsules on the top photo were used to manufacture the chair you can see below. Would you like to have it in your home?


Virginia said...

Oh Peter, I thought the top ones might be champagne tops! :) Mais oui I would love a chair of those of course. Anyway, I like all of this recycled Metro art. Paris does that so well.

Vagabonde said...

I am not sure about having that chair in my home but I am all for recycling. I was so surprised while in Brussels to see how much recycling they do. Even in their homes people have to use different garbage bins. Here in the States it is no way up to that level. There, even in the fast-food places they had different refuse boxes. For example in MacDonald here they only have one. Of course I also noticed, in two days, and I really looked – that they have barely any SUV cars. I only counted one in two days! They do care about the environment in Europe.

Olivier said...

l'art est partout et avec tout, je trouve cela superbe.

SusuPetal said...

Recycling is fun and inspiring. I've made jewelery of recycled material.

Peter (the other) said...

Looking at my own label, even I am recycled (from dust to dust)... Still, I had to really search for the, what appeared barely used, battery/pile recycle box at my local Carrefour.

hpy said...

L'artiste aurait du tourner les capsules dans l'autre sens pour donner un peu plus de piquant à son fauteuil....

Thérèse said...

It would be nice to take example and make some kind of art out of something we have at home and used to throw aways without second thoughts.
Personally I would go for the trashcan.

Ken said...

Now that's an excellent concept. Love the photos. Have a nice day!

Louise said...

Oh I love that Palais Royale metro entrance. It's one of my favourites. The exhibition looks interesting too.

Shammickite said...

Recycling is the future.
And the future is recycling.
Our resources are going to run out one day.
Lets leave something for our grandchildren, and their grandchildren, and their grandchildren......

Unknown said...

Amazing pieces! And it's the ideal subway entrance for this kind of exhibition. The bottle capsule chair reminds me of Joana Vasconcelos' sofa covered with aspirin tablets. :-)

Starman said...

There are some really fantastic ideas there.

claude said...

Il y a recyclage et recyclage.
Mon Chéri ne fait pas dans le recyclage, lui, mais dans le relookage et c'est bien plus joli !!!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Peter .. and amazing exhibition ... so great to see what good use they make out of our recycling .

Thank you for your email/message.. I do hope that we can sort something out .. will be in touch.

Ruth said...

I enjoy found art and recycled art very much. My favorites are the animals by Picasso (in the Paris Picasso museum): goat, baboon, stork.

You said "Napoleon is everywhere. . . " at my post. Is there a commemoration?

caterpillar said...

Very colorful and retro looking...nice

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Great piece! Loved this. Missed the map!

Cergie said...

Recyclage ? Etonnant dans notre société d'abondance et de surconsommation productrice de déchets.
J'aime bien le "vintage" pour ma part. J'utilise mes vieilles pelottes de laine lorsque j'ai le temps de tricoter quoique je préfère toujours en acheter des neuves...

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear Peter!
Wow I love this idea!
ahhh what a coincidence! We have talked about this metro station in my French class last Monday.Une sculpture de Jean Michel Othoniel!It's so interesting!
Love all pictures, you are a great finder!
I hope to have the opportunity to take pictures from this "bouche de métro" in my next trip to Paris.
*** we visited Loire Valley! I liked a lot!Several Castles there ( we couldn't see them all!And I loved the gardens as well, but I came home with the pollen allergy as souvenir! :)Anyway I'm feeling much better today.

nathalie said...

Peter, ça j'adore ! Je ne choisirais sans doute pas ce fauteuil mais plutot la commode aux tiroirs dépareillés, ou autre chose, mais en tout cas ça donne envie d'aller voir. Il faut que je me débrouille pour aller à Paris dans les deux mois qui viennent !!!

arabesque said...

i think the lights were a great idea as was the chair on the 1st foto.
very unique and one of a kind.
what a way to be creative and at the same time, be conscious about the environment.

THis is Belgium said...

This is quite an amazing post, hope the exhibition has an impact which goes far beyond its creative aspect

Simony said...

I like to see that people are thinking more and more about recycling, but not all of it is pretty to my eyes. I am sure the objects above could find a home. I prefer other styles.

Richard said...

You're right - quite interesting stuff. That chair looks as though it might actually be quite comfortable, maybe even like one of those massage chairs. A bit noisy possibly if you're restless.

Trotter said...


Liziane said...

Muy bueno el blog,qué explicativo :)