
A nice November afternoon

Some odd pictures from a sunny and nice afternoon.

Easy to recognize.

Autumn colours.

Well guarded tourists.

"m&m's" I start to wonder which "m" is the most frequent one in Paris, the one for the metro or...?

I'm sure that especially the English speaking francophiles will recognise this one.

Statues, a different angle.


Anne said...


Olivier said...

j'etais sur Paris ce dimanche, une magnifique journee d'automne, c'etait un plaisir et tes photos nous le montrent tres bien.
J'espere qu'une fois (pourquoi avec miss cergie, qui est devenue une pro) tu visiteras notre miss cathedrale

Gunn said...

Så vakkert!

Hvilken god reklame for Paris!

Fantastiske foto.

Virginia said...

No McDo's pour moi!!! :) And I"m and anglais speaking francophile and I can't get that one. HELP!

Great shots of autumn in Paris, Peter. Merci for those of us who had to stay home. :(

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Your personal impressions of this beautiful city are quite unique..thx so much.

French Girl in Seattle said...

Ah-- How I miss Paris (and France) these days... I have to wait until spring to get my fix. Thank you for these gorgeous photos, Peter. -- Veronique

The Clever Pup said...

J'aime les Ms. But no McDo for me either.

e said...

Gorgeous photos as always, though I do not share any enthusiasm for McDoos.

Owen said...

I like where on the bus it says "No need for a reservation", so I guess the police will be happy to take you jail, if you step out of line, no reservation required... I hope the beds are comfortable. So, you've been out strolling around Notre Dame... guess there must be better ways to spend an afternoon; I just can't seem to think of one right now. :-)

Karen said...

Beautiful shots, Peter. You always make the familiar scenes seem new. Making me really miss Paris, again. Perhaps in the spring next time.

Studio at the Farm said...

Peter, what beautiful shots! You captured the golden light of the afternoon so well. A pleasure to view - thank you!

Alain said...

La dernière statue, c'est Vercingétorix ?

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear Peter!
I'm delighted by this set of pictures.Paris is beautiful and you have captured wonderful details, different angles and so romantic compositions!
M&M's is awesome!Very creative clever idea!
Now...time to go to school.
hugs and have a great week ahead

this is Belgium said...

Magnifique.. Paris the way I adore it

Cergie said...

Pas mal, pour une fois des photos très cadrées, elles te réussissent bien... Je crois avoir reconnu un gingko biloba et peux certifier qu'il n'est pas dans la rue Piat...

Bettina said...

Marvellous photos, Peter. I'm only sorry that I can't be in Paris this autumn.

Let me give you a hint Virginia - English books...

PeterParis said...

Alain: Non! :-)
Cergie: Merci pour "pour une fois"! :-)
Bettina: A good hint! :-)

james said...

belles photos quel beuty est là ... vraiment son incroyable ... merci pour le partage avec nous.
paris apartment

Adam said...

Clever photos - your time off has inspired you to find new angles! The M&M one is excellent!

Thérèse said...

Quelle belle interpretation de l'automne a Paris avec de supers cadrages Peter! Tu t'es magnifiquement exerce avec tes milliers de photos "transiberiennes...)
Plus the local humour notes!

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

So nice to have a glance into Paris again. I like very much your way to show this town, everyone wants to visit. But why? Maybe the answer is at your images.

Maria O. Russell said...

Photos #5 and #6 are my favorites.

I cannot recognize anymore those twin pavillons behind the two m´s.

I know they are not Flore and Marsan. Or are they? Need to come back to Paris!

Such beautiful photos,Peter.


Paris Paul said...

Hi Peter, Did you take these on Sunday!? Because we probably crossed paths. I was all over the Île-de-la-Cité from about 2-5pm taking pictures of everything I could. Small city!

Ruth said...

The light is so fine. And I love seeing those horsemen, both living and bronzed!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Je me demandais pourquoi tu disais "odd pictures" mais c'est vrai qu'indépendamment de leur grande variété, elles sont souvent prises sous des angles atypiques et non dénués d'humour. Bravo et vive le soleil d'automne. Pourvu que ça dure !

Vagabonde said...

Une belle journée ensoleillée comme chez nous ici à Atlanta. Ici aujourd’hui il faisait 25 C (77 F.)
J’ai passé un bon moment a regarder ton voyage exceptionnel. J’aurais bien voulu connaitre la Mongolie – quel pays immense. Tes photos étaient superbes. C’est un voyage à te donner des souvenirs enchantés pendant longtemps.

Brassens a été l’idole de ma jeunesse. J’ai dépensé mes économies pour le voir à l’Olympia de nombreuses fois (tous les soirs ou il jouait!) Aussitôt que j’entend sa voix – c’est comme si je me trouvais toujours à Paris, à l’université.

Rakesh Vanamali said...


claude said...

Jolie série, Peter !
Dans Paris, je préfère le M de méto que celui de Mc'Do.
Pour répondre à ta question sur le vin qu'on a bu avec les cailles farcies au foie gras.
De l'eau Peter, rien que de l'eau, because que c'était en semaine.

Virginia said...


Thank you darlin! Shakespeare and Co. of course!

And Peter, the shot under the Pont des Arts is marvelous. Perhaps I could purchase one ? V

Capy89 said...

pure autumn.....:x Have beautiful days Peter!

sonia a. mascaro said...

Great pictures, Peter!
Love autumn leaf colors and the beautiful architecture.

Thanks for your visiting and comment.
Have a pleasant day and weekend too.

Jeanie said...

We plan to come back to Paris in the spring. Now I'm wishing we had chosen fall instead!

Nikon said...

Beautiful, Peter!

arabesque said...

haha, and i thought the M lettre was Mc do also. ^0^
can't wait to have a nice stroll around that area.
it's certainly a nice November to remember. ^0^