I'm off to Sweden again for about a week. Going to meet my school class friends to celebrate the 50 years since our "studentexamen" (baccalauréat in French). This was the name of the university entrance verbal and oral examination in Sweden from the 17th century until 1968. It was the final exam from the "gymnasium". Today only the name remains for the completion of the secondary school, based exclusively on grades from cumulative courses.
The photo was taken April 16, 1962. (I hope you don't recognize me.)
There will be some preprogrammed posts during my absence.
There will be some preprogrammed posts during my absence.
Last row, third from the left?
Don`t we all know you`re very tall?
Please have a blast!
¡Feliz viaje!
nostalgie quand tu nous tiens ;)
lasiate m'a pique mon commentaire ;)
Oh Wow....truly honourable...truly amazing and what a group of nice gentlement.
Have fun :D
Wow, I hope your reunioin is a lot of fun! Enjoy your time back home!
It will be so much fun for you and the best way to reconnect... Have fun and bring back an "up to date picture!" so that we could find you.
Bon voyage Peter.
Jattemanga studenter. For manga for att hitta dig.
So this is the "one photo post..." -- I like it. Apparently i am not the only one ;-) Bon voyage, Peter. Amuse-toi bien. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
oh wow! ^0^
i could see you somewhere over there, further left... kidding.
enjoy your get together! ^-^
update us when you get back okay?!
Enjoy the school reunion......fortunately the photo is too small to pick you out...thanks so much for the guided tours yesterday....lovely to meet you...and let me know when you are venturing down to the Riviera again....
Bon voyage et bon 50 ans !
Même en agrandissant la photo j'ai du mal à te reconnaitre même au fond le troisème de la gauche. J'ai la vue très basse tu sais.
Any clues?
Amazing shot.
Bon voyage
Hi, Peter,
I will be contacting you when we arrive in Paris, April 18, hopefully able to connect after your return on the 19th and before we leave on the 28th. We will be away the weekend of the 20th, at least Saturday, maybe Sunday.
If I can't connect by email, I will leave a message at your agency.
Looking forward -- I hope it will work out. (And I have NO idea who you are in the photo but I hope you're having a fine time!)
Have a nice trip dear Peter, enjoy your time with school friends!
This picture is adorable.
I hopped over from Denise's blog. It's quite different to see people dancing in the the street.
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