
Fête de la Musique again

Since a start in France in 1982, the "Fête de la Musique" seems now, each year, June the 21st, the soltice day, to be celbrated in some 100 countries!

I already made posts about it, as well on this blog as on my previous one.

This day is of course also linked to different originally pagan traditions. In Sweden, the Midsummer, or the Midsummer’s Eve, is a great day of festivities. This is the reason why the Swedish Institute in the Marais (see previous post) for a couple of years has taken the opportunity to combine both, Midsummer celebration and the Fête de la Musique, making use of the vast garden behind their fantastic 16th century building.

It all starts with some children friendly folkloric singing and dancing around the “Midsommarstång”  (Maypole), later followed by some more “adult” music.

Thunderstorms were announced, but the sky stayed quite clear during the evening hours. On my way home, I listened to other groups – they are “everywhere”, passing by Rue de Rivoli, the Centre Pompidou… ending up at the Palais Royal ….

… before taking the last metro home, where we also got some nice entertainment.   


Olivier said...

Superbe, la fete partout, j'adore cette ambiance

Starman said...

I've only experienced it once, but it was quite nice.

Vagabonde said...

People having a good time – music everywhere – a good way to be happy and start the summer the right way.

Thérèse said...

De bien belles couronnes pour les organisateurs/chanteuses...

French Girl in Seattle said...

Great shots and reporting, Peter, bravo. It makes me feel extra happy to know that I was there, this year, to participate. My girlfriend and I got to enjoy the event near her hotel, in the Latin Quarter. What a fun, fun night (and a great initiative!) People are so fed up with bad news... I guess this event will only get bigger and bigger all over France, and the world. Writing this message from Nice, where life is good! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Anonymous said...

What kind of music did they play?

I like your photos...everybody seems

so happy...


claude said...

Ce qui est bien dans ces fêtes de la musique c'est qu'il y en a pour tous les goûts. Ici, en général la fête de la musique n'est jamais le jour de la fête de la musique, c'est une curiosité. Ce qui fait que nous ne savons jamais quand elle est. Surtout que dans ma campagne au niveau infos on est un peu ravitaillé par les corbeaux.

Cergie said...

En effet ce devait être très agréable, les elfes volaient et se promenaient au milieu des spectateurs (je crois que je vais aller demain visiter les jardins de l'institut suédois, s'il ne fait pas trop moche sinon tant pis, cela vaut-il le coup d'affronter le froid et la pluie ?)

Cergie said...

PS : je n'avais pas pensé à cette possible interprétation pour Monsieur O. D'ailleurs ce surnom t'irait bien aussi...

Cezar and Léia said...

Et vous avez la musique et du soleil magnifique! ;)
Il fait mauvais temps ici :(
Belles photos, félicitations!

hpy said...

Claude et moi avons chacune écouté le chant des corbeaux.

Studio at the Farm said...

You must have had a wonderful time, Peter. I love the concept of celebrating Mid-summer [it's my pagan soul :) ]

Shionge said...

Such fun Peter and now in European Cities I realized people are more spontaneous and fun :D I love Europe!!! :D

Graça Pereira said...

A Festa da Música ganhou um colorido extraordinário. Gostei das fotos.

arabesque said...

i'm liking the vibe there.
oh! wish i were there to witness all that loud and cool sounds. ^0^
happy fete la musique,
love the fotos on your way home.