
Paris mid-August

I will revert to our Italian « adventures » (see below), but after all, this is supposed to be blog about Paris, so in the meantime I wanted to show what is typical for Paris mid-August. In “my” street I can normally find anything I need to survive – and a bit more, but this is what I can see now. Almost everything is closed for holidays… fortunately with a few exceptions!

It’s even possible to find empty parking space. 


Kate said...

I definitely would find time to stop at the food shops!

Alison said...

Amazing! My American brain reels at the idea. How do they survive losing an entire month of revenue? Another Parisian mystery I am happy to leave unsolved--it adds to the mystique of the French lifestyle.

Ruth said...

I used to feel undone by the European habit of closing shop for the month of August. Now I find it somehow reassuring, maybe in light of these economic times, to see that it is still possible!

French Girl in Seattle said...

Ha! Ha! Thank you for taking me back to Paris in August, Peter. I see things have not changed that much since we left. Don't you just love the sight of these empty parking spaces? I know I used to. :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle) PS: Re-posting this on my blog Facebook page if that is ok with you. It's that good!

Cergie said...

Tu verrais mon marché du bord de la Seine ! Le principal c'est qu'il reste quatre commerçants dont mon charcutier et mon maraîcher.
D'ailleurs je te quitte, je vais faire ma ratatouille pour demain.
J'aime bien la deuxième quinzaine d’août à Paris.
Bisous bisous !

Cergie said...

(D'ailleurs as tu remarqué le grd calme sur les blogs ?)

Starman said...

Peter, I think you should reply to Alison and tell her they 'survive' because, unlike Americans, somethings are more important than money to the French!

hpy said...

Vive la cambrousse, là où tout est ouvert! (ou presque)

lasiate said...

Superbe la ballade italienne ! par contre ta ballade parisienne est un peu triste à la différence de celle de Tatiana

claude said...

Je vis en cambrousse et ici c'est du pareil au même. Ma Belle-Soeur est fermée, mon Beau-Frère aussi (ils sont l'un à côté de l'autre en ville). il doit y avoir plus qu'un seul boulanger d'ouvert. Une ville morte, quoi !,

claude said...

Mon Chéri n'est pas fermé, lui et moi je ferme rarement mon blog au mois d'août.

Thérèse said...

Bon alors tu as encore un week-end de "régime" à surmonter :-) parfait pour un retour de vacances, non?

Ola said...

lucky France:)

Blog about life and travelling
Blog about cooking

Studio at the Farm said...

It looks like a ghost town in comparison to its usual business!

sonia a. mascaro said...

It's unusual to me seeing these photos taken in August and the habit of closing shops for this month. Here in Brazil we don't have this habit.

Wishing you a nice Sunday!

Maria said...

Its summer for everyone, dont you?
welcome to Paris, Peter! :)

Virginia said...

Does it make you wish for a car again just so you could park it easily? :) I trust you can still find some wine shops open!!!

arabesque said...

so i guess this is a good day to park tout le nuit et jour, without worrying anything, ^0^
in spite of the recession,
it's surprising to see shops closed till aug, and some till sept. even!
where I live,
if you do that, all your customers will definitely go elsewhere. ^0^
oh, you made me wish we had that kind of tradition here. ^-^