First of all, I would wish to express my excuses for not having the time at the moment to visit the blogs of my friends. I have some very busy days. I will be back.
If you wish “the view of the Eiffel Tower” from your flat, you must normally be prepared to pay some “extra”. (When it was built, prices for flats close to the Tower went down – all people didn’t like it and some feared that it would fall…)
If you wish “the view of the Eiffel Tower” from your flat, you must normally be prepared to pay some “extra”. (When it was built, prices for flats close to the Tower went down – all people didn’t like it and some feared that it would fall…)
The above
photo was taken far from the Tower in a perhaps not most fashionable area
of Paris, but if you live on an upper floor, you still have the view of the
However, I would prefer to live on a lower level, e.g. in this little alley, Impasse Deligny. I took the photos a couple of weeks ago – the flowers may not be the same today.
Lovely pictures, Peter, like always.
Take care!
Hello Peter
Thank you for sharing these Autumnal images.
How lovely. I agree with you Peter. That lush impasse would be a great place to live in Paris! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Joli passage en effet plein de charme, il suffit de pousser la promenade hors des sentiers battus comme tu le fais.
I enjoy reading this kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing good knowledge
sympa ce petit passage, ce Paris est tres beau
Il y a quelques années, en Seine st Denis, quelque part entre Bondy et Clichy sous bois, Il y avait un petit resto qui s'appelait "La tour Eiffel", car on était censé la voir...je ne sais pas s'il existe toujours...et si la tour Eiffel y est toujours visible.
Quel endroit charmant de Paris !
L'impasse Deligny a vachement changé depuis mon temps pas loin de là.
I prefer your quiet, lovely street, too. And I love that mailbox. :)
The flowers and all the greenery are delightful. I particularly like the lettre box.
I don't mind being on the ground floor....as long as there are no other floors above me.
that is a charming impasse for sure...
That's it--next time I come to Paris, I'm signing up for a walk with you. I'd love to see some of these hidden gems of alleyways.
La vue sur la tour Eiffel ce n'est pas un critère de qualité, ni d'ailleurs l'arrondissement : mon fiston le plus jeune la voyait de sa chambre de bonne au 7ème ds le 15ème, à condition de sortir par sa fenêtre de toit sur la gouttière et de regarder sur le coté un peu comme sur ta photo mais de l'autre coté
I definitely wouldn't mind seeing the tower, or living on a charming street like that - luckily I'm also very happy with my own, new, parisian surroundings! Don't feel bad, everyone is a bit absent now and then. I hope you have time to enjoy yourself, even though you're busy. Bon week-end!
A very different and interesting view of the Tower!
Happy weekend dear Peter!
I wouldn't mind having a view of the Eiffel tower from my flat!
Love the top photo, nice perspective!
Have a nice weekend, dear Peter!
how time flies fast indeed!
the 17th would've been an interesting arrondissement we would like to explore sometime.
La tour- 'tis beautiful even from afar.
I agree. If you can't see anything but the tip, what's the point! But your lower levels are just filled with beauty! I love what is behind the double doors!
What arr. is the top pic by the way? Lovely allee...that must be the 18th?
You now have a sound track from Le Point! at least whenever I open PP
Funny :)
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