intention was to make the second post about the Luxembourg Palace, but it will have
to wait a few days. When it snows in Paris, I feel that you just must report on
After a
snowfall, normally the parks are closed, at least until sanding / salting has
been made … and as the snow normally disappears after a few days or hours…
Saturday, one of the gates of “my park” was under repairs and had not been well
closed. So…
One tree
was well protected, sleeping indoors, no ice on the little lake so the birds seemed happy, nobody
was sitting on the benches (so nice a sunny spring day)…
The kids –
some may have discovered snow for the first time – of course enjoyed it all.
number of snowmen were made, the nicest perhaps by two English teens, to a
large part thanks to the carrot which I incidentally found on the ground and
offered them.
… and then,
just a closer look.

That was
Sunday morning, more snow ... and the park was really closed.
Some Sunday views
from “my” streets. Hardly any cars left their parking places and the streets
became pedestrian, so far to the pleasure of most people, especially the kids.
This was
Sunday, but Monday the city is again supposed to “work”. The weather forecast
gives some reasons to worry.
It is strange to see so much snow in Paris. Your photos in the park are splendid and the close-ups très artistiques! I think about the autobus going up hills – it’s so difficult for them- maybe they have stopped running. Thanks for showing us these beautiful pictures.
Those photos are just beautiful. I have never been to Paris in Winter but I will have to make it there one day.
Something you don't see every day, that's for sure. But we seem to say that about the weather a lot lately. Wonderful pictures.
Beautiful! I love snow, and we do get a lot here in Ohio, so I better love it! ;)
Une série bien sympathique...
Paris looks so different in the snow, somehow more approachable. It looks like everyone is enjoying it, and will enjoy it even more if it snows on Monday. :)
It all looks so pretty with a frosting of snow ... I can understand why no-one was sitting on those park benches.
"All Things French"
How divine! I saw there was snow in Paris and had to see Peter's Paris in the snow. utterly beautiful and what fun everyone is having.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....Coooooold!!! But Beautiful :)
I love all pictures, Paris is splendid in white colors! I specially love the first close up image and the kids enjoying the snow time at the park!
Great article, congrats!
and stay warm!
brrrr it's cold! :)
*** Here we had snow again yesterday ( all day long).I couldn't go out to take pictures because this bronchitis ( still here!!!!) :(
Le bonhomme de neige, sur le toit de la voiture, est particulièrement bien décoré ; il est même doté d'un écriteau, peut-être destiné au propriétaire du véhicule. Espérons qu'il appréciera la plaisanterie.
LOVE your images of Paris in snow!
Keep warm and enjoy the winter!:)
Et comment je fais avec mon scooter, moi ??? ;-)
I guess that you know what I am doing right now...laughing of course!
Snow :D
I have also enjoyed the snow this weekend (in answer to your last comment!), and I absolutely loved this bright, playful side of Paris!
Concours de bonhomme de neige sur les toits de voitures??? J'aime ce genre d'humour!
Belle série sur cette neige que nous ne faisons qu'entrevoir dans la région toulousaine et encore il faut se lever de bonne heure si on ne veut pas la louper.
Tu as bien su faire le reporter pour nous, merci pour ce bel éventail.
CA glissait?
What a cute post, Peter...
Just love it!
I much prefer Paris snow in pictures.
magical - we even saw a smidgeon of snow here in Nice...
Paris is always pretty with or without snow-I have never seen this much snow in Paris.
IL a neigé ici aussi mais pas autant. Ce sont les enfants qui sont contents. Il paraît qu'en 1946 il y avait 40cm de neige dans les rues de Paris.
Super le bonhomme de neige sur le toit de la voiture.
Un peu de neige pour des citadins, c'est bien !
i've been absent for awhile but was surprised to find that it finally snowed in Paris. ^0^
oh, just made me wish I were there to see it first hand.
i miss visiting your blog,
been reviewing a bit.
work is killing me here and loads of things to do and needs to be done that i still am short of blogging.
i'm glad you're finally doing okay Peter.
Why does snow look prettier in Paris than it does here? And greeted with such delight and anticipation? Here in Michigan we have had less snow than some years (though last was very bare) but it is sub-zero farenheit right now and we're all a bit cold!
Your photos are lovely, Peter, and I'm sure it was an exciting thing for those in Paris to see the snow! I have to say, a pristine park, just after the snow, when perhaps the only thing done by humans is the cheery snowguy always makes me smile with its beauty.
Your eyes must be doing better as you have been out and shooting. I'm glad.
Well I'm late to comment and late to the snow party here in Paris. You and I tried really hard to find some for my photos today, but not much luck. Well snow showers this week. There's still hope for me!
Thanks for the petit enfant in ROUGE!
I especially love you close ups.
Sorry we didn't get to meet up in December (my fault, not yours). Perhaps next time?
I've never been to Paris in winter and, from your photos, think the city has a different feel to it one should experience.
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