I'm off for some two weeks to the south of France, looking for better spring weather and meeting some friends. In the meantime and in order to somehow keep my blog "alive", I have preprogrammed a few posts, content-lighter then usual. So, at least for once I thought I could show just one photo. I took it the other (rainy)
day. The restaurant is called “Au Vieux Paris Arcole”. The building is from the
16th century and it’s said that you found a wine bar here already in 1723. I
never stopped to eat or drink here, but I will try it another, sunnier and
warmer, day.
You can
find it in a calm street (Rue Chanoinesse) behind the Notre Dame, an area I
already posted about.
The picture turned out fabulous! Love the colors.
Very colorful, and the flowers look springy, but sorry it's not warm. We have finally sprung into spring here in Michigan after a long, cold winter. Enjoy the south!
Enjoy Provence and your friends!
Well, if nothing else, it's a springy photo even if your weather isn't! Love the chairs! Went to your link to check it out and saw the cafe there also. OUr weather hasn't been tops either. Snow was dumped, really high, on several close cities (10 to 20 inches!) just three days ago. Now almost all melted, tho. Crazy weather!
It has an intriguing look about it.
Le "Vieux Paris" est un restaurant de spécialités...de l'Aveyron. Il est vrai qu'a Paris, à part le sandwich "jambon-beurre", il n'y a pas beaucoup de produits locaux.
Love the look of that restaurant, Peter. Love the purple table and chairs, in particular, matching the wysteria hanging from the windows... Nice touch. Enjoy Southern France. It rarely disappoints. Bonnes vacances. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
Have a nice time in the south and find spring for me, too!
Joli ton de lavande qui annonce d'une belle facon ton depart vers le sud.
Enjoy your trip dear Peter!
Une seule photo mais une qui vaut son pesant de rillettes, ou de baba au rhum... La glycine en fleurs semble même factice sous la pluie....
Happy Holidays Peter ,, enjoy and get some sun :-)
Love this photo .. must check it out when I am over next .
@Alain : détrompez vous ! le terroir francilien est beaucoup plus riche que vous ne pensez. C'est juste qu'entre le déclin de l'agriculture et la globalisation de certaines spécialités, il ne semble rester plus grand chose de nos spécialités. Et je trouve cela extrêmement dommage, car l'art du bien manger n'est pas le monopole des régions. Voici quelques exemple : pâté de volaille Houdan, Hure (fromage de tête), boudin noir, gratinée des halles, cresson de Méréville, noyau de Poissy (alcool), menthe de milly la forêt, amandine, saint honoré, baguette, fontainebleau, roses de provins, Brie de Meaux, volailles du Gâtinais,... il y a même un restaurant spécialisé, que je n'ai pas encore pu essayer, car il est très fréquenté : Le Terroir Parisien de Yannick Alléno dans le 5e.
Oh, Peter, I just want to crawl into that photo and live there! It's a wonderful place and yes, that's one I'd love to discover, too... thanks for posting it and have a glorious holiday.
Jolie cette photo, Peter.
Il faut toujours garder son blog vivant.
Bon séjour dans le sud !
Is that a red parrot, by chance, in front of the upper right window?
The "South" is always great, no matter what country you're in .... so have fun and come back with pics to make us green with envy.
What a charming place!
I hope to visit it one day...
Thanks for this Peter.
I"m happy to see this Peter. I knew it looked familiar and then read that it was near the side of Notre Dame. It originally had red (ROUGE) doors and I"ve photographed it several times. When we went by last Jan. it didn't look so great and I was very disappointed! Now I see the wisteria is in bloom and they've repainted. It's lovely in the spring!!!
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