
French trees are square...

Some photos from the Tuileries Gardens, taken the only real nice and sunny day we had some two weeks ago. Yes, French park trees seem to be square.

(Another preprogrammed post, while I’m away in the south, looking for sun.)


Jeanie said...

I noted that on the Champs Elyssee. Don't see that in Michigan!

Hope you are finding the sun!

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I noted this on our walks through the Tullieries in February when we visited for a few days. I got some photos at night with a dusting of snow.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful sunny day and it's nice to see people enjoying it!

Catherine said...

yes indeed they are box trees - are you coming anywhere near Nice??

Synne said...

Square trees really do feel very French. They look elegant and a little silly at the same time, I think! Enjoy the South!

Starman said...


Thérèse said...

Plus facile de garder un oeil dessus et de prevoir a date fixe les sceances coupes de cheveux...

Anonymous said...

Your photos, as usual are magical Peter. Thanks!
I'm glad they trim those trees that way... it helps them look more interesting.
Nothing like those trees in my little corner of South American paradise. So lush...so full of parakeets breakfasting on pindo palm fruits, so early in the morning.

claude said...

Ah, les jardins de paris ! Tous beaux !

M said...

Truly French! Hope you're enjoying some sunshine. It was lovely, sunny and warm in Italy :)

JoeinVegas said...

Lovely square trees