
The only stop sign in Paris is gone...

If you wish to drive in Paris, remember that only one rule is applied when it comes to priority – priority from the right. There are of course some red lights here and there, but not on e.g. Place Charles de Gaulle (l’Etoile). No “normal” round-about priority here, only priority from the right.

There should normally be one single stop sign in Paris, far away from the centre - on the Seine banks - an exit from a place where construction material is stored and handled, Quai Saint-Exupéry. When I went there a couple of days ago, the stop sign was gone – by purpose, stolen…? (On the Google Earth picture, the stop sigh can still be seen.)


Anonymous said...

In my nightmares, once in a while, I'm again at Etoile, in the passenger seat, in my sister's car.......

Nice to see your Paris, M. Peter, even if it's just in pictures.

Thank you,

e said...

I always hated driving...Are you over the flu, I hope?

Studio at the Farm said...

Well, Parisians have certainly simplified driving rules! Maybe those unidentified drones took the stop sign??? :)

claude said...

Je dirai presque que je m'en tape, je ne circule qu'en métro.

roamingpursuits said...

Awesome photos.

Alexa said...

Drive in Paris? Jamais de la vie! But I'm fascinated (though not surprised) to learn that in the city there was only one stop sign—and that now there are none!

Thérèse said...

Très amusant comme détail ! J’ai eu la chance de passer mon permis à Paris (première leçon place de l’Etoile) ce qui m’a bien aidée dans la vie à conduire sans peur, sauf en Angleterre peut-être…

Vagabonde said...

I got my driver’s license in Paris, in a 4 CV. I then took a bus to the country where my father had a car in storage for my mum – but she never got a driver’s license, and said I could have it for my birthday. I still can’t believe that with hardly any experience I drove that old car from the country, through Paris, and to the banlieue! Now I would be petrified. After driving in the US it would be hard to remember to always yield to cars coming from the right.