
A park by night.

This summer it was decided that some of the larger Paris parks should stay open 24 hours a day. This was also the case with the Clichy-Batignolles – Martin Luther King Park on which I have posted a number of times.  This previous rail shunt yard – for a while thought to be the Olympic village if Paris had got the 2012 summer games - has now since a number of years been transformed into a very popular park surrounded by residential and office buildings – many still under construction.

I took a walk one night. Here we have a comparison of day and night views.    


Natalie said...

Kitty-kitty is almost on time for Halloween!

French Girl in Seattle said...

Hmmmm... I think I prefer the park in the daytime in spite of the crowds. The "iron giants" (cranes) in the background are a little too menacing for my taste. Maybe if I had an escort to reassure me, or when the construction nearby is completed -- maybe then, I would walk in the park at night. Maybe I have seen too many movies too. ;-) -- Véronique

Ola said...

The shot with the cat is so dramatic😀

lyliane six said...

j'aurai trop peur de me faire attaquer !!!

Dédé said...

La nuit... tous les chats sont gris. :-))

Anonymous said...

Love your photos and love this late hours of the day. So romantic!
I'm sharing something I read a long time ago, a fragment of what the author called in Spanish: Billetes de Paris.

Paris News - Open Parks - 1924
This city's open parks spend sleepless nights. At this time, without children, they look sad, and in their most secret corners, in the miracle of darkness, they're havens of peace for love and thought.
The night continues to rise and, as it rises, down come the stars. At this time, Paris seems totally blue.

By Miguel Angel Asturias, Guatemalan Ambassador to France and Nobel Prize of Literature.
P.S. The poetic strength is totally lost in the translation. Sorry...

Thank you so much.