

10 years ago - I had just started blogging (yes, 10 years!!) - I left the below message to say that I left for my birth-town for a couple of days to celebrate the 45 years years since I passed my "baccaluréat". Now it's time again for the 55 years (there was a 50-years celebration in the meantime, see further below). I took a new selfie, still with the stupid cap. (Yes, there will be a short while without new posts.)

This is what the already old gentlemen looked like 5 years ago.


Mabelita said...

I think I finally found the nicest looking guy in that photo!

P.S. Did you pack enough warm clothes, Peter? I was told it is so cold in Sweden right now, the Ursus arctos are begining to evacuate for the Artic, where they think it is warmer...

Jeanie said...

Oh Peter, that's wonderful! And I'm so very glad you started blogging!

Thérèse said...

What a great reunion to join.
And congratulations for your blog.

Studio at the Farm said...

CONGRADULATIONS, PETER!!! It truly has been a great pleasure following your posts.


joanna said...
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joanna said...


Congratulations! The years do slip by rather quickly,
You are our gain, these last ten years, I enjoy your posts, even though I do not always comment.
Carpe diem!

Natalie Tally said...

Wonderful picture of you, I notice that you have changed the frames for your glasses. Have a superb time. Appears to be a fun bunch of guys! Natalie Tally

Cam said...

Congratulations and thanks for all of your posts. I look forward to them and learn so much from your wealth of knowledge.

claude said...

Sympatique réunion.
Félicitations pour ces 10 years de blogging.
Moi, cela fera 11 en septembre prochain et j'avoue que je patine un peu.
Bonne continuation !

Shammickite said...

Happy times, both back then, and now. What a handsome group of distinguished gentlemen.