

My kids persuaded me to change address. This means that I will make a little break again in blogging – painting, cleaning, sorting, packing, unpacking… Please give me a week or two! 


[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Anywhere in Paris will be better than Marseilles!

Virginia said...

A good move is a great time to clean out and PURGE. I had to do it 5 years ago when I moved from my house to the apartment. It won't be fun but you will be glad you did it. Looks like a place I might have seen. Near Mona Bismarck?? :)

Dédé said...

Oh Petel! Que de bons souvenirs dans ton appartement. La master class, les petits repas en fin de soirée, les rires du matin devant un bon café chaud. Tu tournes une page. Alors à bientôt!

claude said...

Bon courage !

Jeanie said...

Oh my! I shudder at the thought of moving one day and I suspect you have your work cut out for you! But we'll eagerly await more info! And photos!

Kjell Væring said...

Ser ud til at være en perfekt adresse at leve på og benytte som udgangspunkt for dine opdagelsesrejser til alle dele af den dejlige by. Forstod ellers at du var glad for og trivedes i dit "gamle" kvarter. Det udelukker naturligvis ikke det spændende og givende i at flytte til en ny "landsby". Bedste hilsner og god flytning Kjell (København)

Anonymous said...

"Renovarse es vivir"
Que mejor que este viejo lema para encontrar la mejor manera de continuar el camino.
¡Eres muy afortunado!


Shammickite said...

Moving house is a wonderful opportunity to get rid of all those accumulated things that you don't need any more. Be brave, and be ruthless. Bonne chance!!!!

Thérèse said...

Bonne chance dans ce déménagement. On trouve et retrouve tant de choses et on se dit: Ah je vais... des tas de plans pour le futur...

Anonymous said...

Any little park near your new home? I have a feeling your beloved ducks will follow you there.
Wonderful news, M. Peter!

Studio at the Farm said...

Good luck with your move, Peter!!!


JudyMac said...

Aha! In the shade of the Eiffel Tower! How fabulous!

MadAboutParis said...

Bravo Peter...I think that Virginia and I had lunch with you near there NON?

martinealison said...

Bonjour cher Peter,

A très vite avec de nouvelles aventures !

Gros bisous 🌺