
Contemporary art

Sorry for a long break… I will try to make a little post now and then again, perhaps not quite regularly. My sciatica is obviously declining and I start to be able to do some modest walking again. 

Here is a report about the FIAC, Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain, the yearly Paris International Art Fair, which this year took place last weekend.

The major place of the exhibition is the Grand Palais (see previous posts). 

The street in front is used for some artistic installations and some bars and cafés.

During the short time the FIAC lasts, there are also temporary installations to be found at other places in the city, most of them in the Tuileries Gardens (see previous posts) – where also the top picture was taken. 

But here are some other examples from the Palais Royal (see previous posts) and Place Vendôme (see previous posts). 


Jeanie said...

Welcome back, Peter. I'm glad you are getting some relief from the sciatica, which is no fun at all and it's certainly good to see your posts. But do take care. It sounds so unpleasant, hurting and being challenged to walk.

Lovely images today. They make me smile.

Anonymous said...

Love that photo of the ladies with the (Phrygian?) caps! Quelle merveille!
Glad to know you're better!

Thank you, Peter

Thérèse said...

A en prendre et à en laisser...
Bon retour.

melinda said...

glad you are feeling better...welcome back

sillygirl said...

Last year I came back from a tour in pain - wondered if I could ever tour again the walking was not easy. After one misdiagnosis and then a correct one and physical therapy and a set of exercises to be aware of my core and USE it I had no problems with a tour this year. As we get older we have to be smarter about keeping ourselves together! We all end up in the same leaky boat - you have lots of company but it can get better. You can get better.

lyliane six said...

Bon rétablissement , tu as présumé de tes forces avec ton déménagement, à nos âges il faut se ménager....J'ai vu ces expositions en passant à Paris

Shammickite said...

I am glad to see you back to write in your blog. I'd love to visit all those art installations. So creative and so many different styles, media and subject matter. C'est bon!

Natalie said...

So glad to see this post. I had been concerned about your health. Take care and do not rush the recovery! Fondly, Natalie

Synne said...

How fun, I've always loved the French mix of classic and modern!
Best wishes for your recovery, Peter!

claude said...

Contente de ton retour, Peter. Suis un peu comme Thérèse, je n'adhère pas à tout, loin de là.
Lyliane a raison, faut se ménager, surtout quand on déménage.
Je te souhaite un rétablissement complète pour assez vite.

Studio at the Farm said...

Peter, I am glad to hear your sciatica symptoms are diminishing. I empathize, having a bit of arthritis niggling at my hips. I look forward to more posts when you are able.
