

I wrote about the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts », officially the leading French art school, a long time ago, almost ten years – see here. I mentioned then that some of the ancient buildings actually used to be part of a convent, the “Petits Augustins”.

You can still find the chapel (after the Revolution used as a museum for monuments – now in general closed to public)… and the cloister.
The cloister has kept three of the four sides with its arcades, but it’s all differently decorated than when the monks were still there. This decoration was in heavy need of restoration and this has now taken place.

The whole school area is full of statues, actually only “copies”, made by students for centuries and they have in general all lost “something”... and this goes also for the ones in the newly restored cloister.     


Jeanie said...

What a beautiful courtyard, all the more so in the snow -- although those nude statues look like they could use at least a scarf and mittens -- well, for the ones with hands!

Anonymous said...

That first photo! How could you capture all the peace there?

Lien Pham said...

its been almost 10 years since I read your blog first time. Still here all beautiful things. I wish you all the best Peter.
Litte Vietnamese girl.

claude said...

Beau reportage sous a neige. C'est la première fois que je vois ce quartier de Montparnasse sous des flocons.
Pas encore de neige ici mais on nous en annonce.

joanna said...

Impressive architecture and sculpture,
The tree did startle me though!
I went back and visited your post from 10 years ago,
enjoyed both posts and photo's
thank you Peter, nicely done!

R's Rue said...

Love the photos.