The most famous of the French art schools is the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts”, which you can find just across the Seine from the Louvre (Rue Bonaparte), created in 1648. Among the students here you can find names like Gericault, Degas, Delacroix, Fragonard, Ingres, Monet, Moreau, Renoir, Seurat, Sisley.... Previously architecture was also taught here, but is now separated.
The school covers today a large area with several buildings, the most ancient ones being some remainders of an old convent (“Petits-Augustins”), which was also after the Revolution and until 1816 used as a museum for monuments, old castle and church decorations and also statues, several of which you can still find in the old Chapel and all around the place (the statues are in general copies).
There are a number of buildings, including some more recent ones and also a previous private mansion (“hotel particulier”), Hôtel de Chimay from the 17th century with Mansart as architect.
The most remarkable building is perhaps the “Palais des Etudes” (the “Study Palace”) from 1839, recently restored. You can visit it; there are some remarkable libraries. Some empty pedestals will soon receive statues (back from temporary “storage” at Versailles). On the middle of the floor is at the moment exposed a tree, cut in two by one of the school’s present teachers, Giuseppe Penone. (Another tree by him can be found in the Tuileries Gardens – see previous post.)
Walking around in the backyards, you will of course also find some tagging.
Special thanks to Alice, who recommended me to make this visit!
I wish you a nice weekend!
I went here back in 2004 and to be honest I had completely forgotten about it. But in reality it was one of the most amazing places I visited.
The sculpture copies are breathtaking...
Oh, I walked by this place and peeked in the gates but didn't try to go in. I wish I'd known it was open to the public. It's close to where I bought the art book and got my Lou Dubois poster. One of my favorite areas to walk. Now on my list of places to see again.
Oh! I too didn't know it was open for touring. It's gorgeous, as much or more than I would expect.
Too bad Rodin applied how many times and never got accepted? Three, I think.
Up & down the River Seine, in & out of Lourve and I missed that when I visited Paris ;(
So I am just as happy and glad you visited on my behalf :) THank you :)
Beautiful collages...what a rich and inspiring place...
j'aime bien la cour intérieure, elle me fait penser a un cloitre, mais j'aime bcp moins les graffitis a la fin....
Great pictures as ever Peter! I'm sure you feel so wonderful being so close to these brilliant works of art and architecture!
Do have a good weekend!
c'est superbe.
Tu fais comment Peter pour avoir toutes ces adresses ?
Tu as un laissez-passer VIP ?
dommage pour les tags, ça gâche le paysage.
Bon w-e !
What a feast for the eyes, Peter. Stunning architecture and amazing sculptures. Your photographs are marvellous. I'd love to visit this wonderful place. Good for Alice.
Note: I absolutely love your new profile photo. Good for Virginia!
Closed on weekend, what a pity...
So they restored the Palais; I actually noticed some works there the last time I was around...
How could it be a «École des Beaux-Arts» without grafitti around the corner?
Enjoy your weekend!
JE ne savais même pas qu'on pouvait visiter. (Mais il y a beaucoup de choses que je ne sais pas!) Merci à Alice, et à toi.
hôtel de chimay? tiens la chimay est une bière belge, je suis sûre que Lyliane pourrait nous conter plein de choses à son sujet. Encore une belle balade que tu nous fais partager, piteur, c'est bien agréable. Encore des endroits dans lesquels je ne suis pas allée. Par contre, le coup de l'arbre coupé en deux, j'ai pas compris. :-))
Wasn't this also the HQ of the protesters during the 1968 student uprisings? Proof that it could also be very modern! Actually, aren't there some Auguste Perret buildings around the back somewhere too?
Alice will just have to join us when I'm in town in and maybe we can explore this plac together. This is just a wonderful find Peter and your photos are terrific!
Stunning! As usual! So decorative and so many small details.
Looks like you have been having sunny weather in Paris.
J'aime beaucoup ta nouvelle photo de profil, silhouette élégante et mystérieuse... Merci Virginia!
I've been past it a few times but never knew it was possible to enter and look about.
Thanks Peter my list is getting longer and longer :-)
Will have to come a few times!!
This morning I forgot to add that much worse than the grafitti is the inner coutyard transformed into a car parking lot... ;)
Wow! France is Art incarnate in every sense of the term!
Beautiful & breathtaking pictures!
If I remember correctly, they have drawing workshops there open to the public. I hope so, I would love to play student there, if even for a few hours, especially after seeing those photos!
Where are you? Haven't seen you around lately... ;)
I think it might be useful, Peter, for you to explain the whole process you go through to put together one of your fabulous posts. Most people marvel at them but have little idea about how much work goes into one post.
Yeah Abe L. is so right, you are doing a huge job with these posts. I think we all appreciate it very much - thank you Peter !
These photos are great and it must be wonderful to study and work in these old and beautiful surroundings.
Ah, we expect much from you Peter. Not only the marvelous posts, but now an explanation of the process! This montage is exquisite. What an amazing place!! PS. Your new avatar is certainly different from the former. Change is always fun!
yes yes yes! gorgeous :)
Me like your blogg!!
Agneta from Sweden
I have a good idea, throw out the old ones and let's start me a brand new LIST and put this one on it! Put the train station on it too s'il vous plait! :)
On a tellement l'habitude de se voir interdire les entrées que je n'aurais jamais pensé y entrer. Merci donc à Alice pour l'idée et à toi-même pour nous avoir ouvert les portes de ce merveilleux endroit. J'aime beaucoup les cours intérieures, les arcades, le côté monastique qu'ont conservé les lieux.
Les grafittis...bah ! c'est de l'Art paraît.
Well done serie..Nice compositions, lightness..bravo!
Wonderful post Peter!
Such a blessed place so full of culture!
Thanks for sharing!
The tree cut in half surprised me by my mixed reactions to it -- from laughing at the concept, crying at the mutilation, admiring the effort that went into it, loving some of the visual impact, not-loving some of the visual impact, pondering the social statement, then mousing off to see the other tree post -- then getting lost for 30 minutes in your Paris. Thanks. The city should pay you a stipend for portrayig it so well and comprehensively. Great post(s).
I have always wanted to visit too..
but have always missed the chance when there was an exhibit..
Thanks so much Peter for this little tour :)
Gorgeous buildings and shots! Glad you show us some awesome interiors too.
Happy to see that my post served as a reminder! :-)
... and the list gets longer and longer! :-)
Somehow, Rodin managed quite well anyhow! :-)
I have a feeling you missed too much! So,the next time is for when? :-)
Thanks for these kind comments! :-)
Les graffiti - ou tags - étaient bien cachés... il fallait les chercher! :-)
Yes, no doubt that it's a great pleasure to walk around here! :-)
Cette adresse est quand' même assez connue, mais c'est Alice qui m'a incité d'y aller! :-)
Yes, sincere thanks go to Virginia! :-)
But open Monday-Friday! Thanks for the telling me to go! :-)
It's almost finished, some painters were still around! :-)
Maintenant tu le sais! :-)
Finally I'm able to open your blog. :-)
Peter I present you with the Uber Amazing Blog Award! You can claim it from my Newtown blog.
Also this is another fantastic post you have.
Temps de visiter Paris de nouveau! Piteur sera content de servir de guide! Oui, pour l'arbre, on peut se poser des questions! :-)
I don't think you can consider it as headquarter, but the students here were certainly among the most active and produced posters etc.
You are giving Alice a "second chance"? :-)
Thanks! The weather has been very varying, certianly not the best June month until now! :-)
Oui, merci encore à Virginia! :-)
I just walked in... ! :-)
... or stay for a while! :-)
Yes, agree, it's a pity!
Like India! :-)
I believe you are right! Should I check? :-)
Sorry, but I have been really busy. Very little (too little) time to visit other blogs. I will try to improve next week! :-)
Shall I really do that? It will be long post ... or comment! :-)
Agree, the environment is certainly also important! :-)
Yes, I have got a bit older! :-)
Thanks! Nice to get a Swedish visitor here, not so many around! :-)
Sounds reasonable! Now the list is down to a reasonable two items! :-)
Je n'ai pas posé des questions, je suis rentré et je me suis promené partout! Je pense qu'on a le droit. Il y des cours et des bibliothèque qui se visitent... en plus de l'expo de l'arbre! :-)
Merci pour visite et commentaires! J'ai découvert plein de très belles photos! Bravo! :-)
Always so kind! (I found no cats here!) :-)
I share your mixed feelings about the tree ... and about the stipend! :-)
I imagine you passed often! This is also one of the macaron streets! :-)
Happy if you are pleased! :-)
Thanks for this great honour! :-)
J'ai moi-même fait un tour à l'école des Beaux-Arts semaine dernière,et j'ai été vraiment choquée par l'état de délabrement de cette grande école ! ça la fiche vraiment mal pour notre capitale.... tout tombe en ruine.. heureusement que la grande cour vient d'être terminé l'arbre de Penone rendait vraiment bien ! J'ai fait aussi beaucoup de photos.
Il y a des parties qui sont bien et récemment restaurées, d'autres non; je suis bien d'accord. La restauration de la cour du murier n'a pas tenu longtemps!
Hard to imagine Monet and Renoir as students...
Impressive, wish I had known about this for a tour. Sad to see the tagging.
Thanks to Alice indeed. Looks like it's well worth a few visits. I know the statue of Voltaire by Houdon from various reproductions but I never knew there was a copy here. I never knew where there was any copy actually
Dusty Lens:
The tagging was really hidden in a backyard. :-)
I believe that the original is in the States, but I know of at least two copies in Paris. I can show you the way next time in Paris! :-)
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