The French Open Tennis Championships, just finished, are played at the Roland Garros Stadium, situated at the southern end of the Bois de Boulogne. Neighbour to the stadium you can find the Serres (Greenhouses) d’Auteuil.
They were created 1895-98. Part of the original activities, to furnish Paris’ parks with plants and trees, are now transferred to more modern installations outside Paris (Rungis), but the management has still its headquarters here and it’s also still here that most of the plants and flowers which decorate the interior of different municipal buildings are growing. At the same time, it’s a very nice and calm park – with rather few visitors. The greenhouses can be visited. In the major one you can find a pond with Japanese carps and also some exotic birds. It’s all free of charge. Sometimes concerts are organised here. A small area has been dedicated to wild flowers.Directly adjacent to this park, you can find another smaller park, Square des Poètes. It’s more recent, created in 1954. All over the park you can find 48 small copper plates with quotes – relating to nature - by French poets. Some of the poets have even got their statues.
This park is more animated with a lot children playing, but you still find some quiet corners for couples in love, single persons reading a book...
They were created 1895-98. Part of the original activities, to furnish Paris’ parks with plants and trees, are now transferred to more modern installations outside Paris (Rungis), but the management has still its headquarters here and it’s also still here that most of the plants and flowers which decorate the interior of different municipal buildings are growing. At the same time, it’s a very nice and calm park – with rather few visitors. The greenhouses can be visited. In the major one you can find a pond with Japanese carps and also some exotic birds. It’s all free of charge. Sometimes concerts are organised here. A small area has been dedicated to wild flowers.Directly adjacent to this park, you can find another smaller park, Square des Poètes. It’s more recent, created in 1954. All over the park you can find 48 small copper plates with quotes – relating to nature - by French poets. Some of the poets have even got their statues.
This park is more animated with a lot children playing, but you still find some quiet corners for couples in love, single persons reading a book...
Some of these pictures can be found on my photo-blog.
You never failed to amaze me Peter and I'm so grateful that you share all these with us...luv you much :D
Your pictures are always so beautiful & narrative even without any descriptions.
Do you have any idea what that ball shaped purple flower is called ? And that bee on that. You sure have an eye !!
Good morning, Paris, Helsinki calling. It's 7 AM and I'm off to work.
I saw some games from the French open, not the final though.
Your photos are stunning once again.
End with tennis and now it's time for football!
Have a nice week, Peter!
I love your photo collages !
You always bring Paris alive with your photos,thank you ;)
A park again, you really are into parks, aren't you ? And you do it so well, you really see thing that some of us would just walk by and miss. I like the square des poètes.
Je reste béate d'admiration devant ces endroits de paris que tu nous fait découvrir et devant la beauté de tes photos. C'est un enchantement !
Le calme et la verdure. J'essaie de ne pas trop te le dire, mais tu fais du bon boulot. Attention aux chevilles pourtant.
bravo pour tes montages. Je trouve la serre magnifique (l'intérieur aussi) Belle ballade, qui se finit par une pause sur un banc.
J'adore ta façon de présenter les fleurs, par couleurs et avec un petit "plus" à l'intersection... Et la fleur d'ail qu'on dirait suspendue dans les airs! Quel bel endroit!
C'est pas mal... non c'est bien...non c'est très bien. Voilà un des endroits à Paris que j'aimerais bien voir, apparemment un peu à l'écart de la grande foule. La nature à portée de main, ce n'est pas rien quand même lorsqu'on sait combien Paris est grand.
Tes photos sont très belles. Je vais prendre un bouquin et venir m'asseoir sur un banc. Et regarder la nature. Bises pour la journée mais seulement pour cette journée. demain on verra. :-))
I want to be in that peaceful beautiful garden!:)
Paris surely has more greenery to offer than here!!
Enjoy the game later today! Will cheer up for France definitely..but for Sweden, emm I'm afraid I don't know much about the team...
Such a nice collection of photos all in one post. Nice work again.
Bonjour Peter,
Un endroit que j'aime et que je connais bien, j'ai écrit une nouvelle en son temps "Le square des poètes" et quelque part dans un coin est caché le mien, sur une pierre. Peut-être effacé par le temps, j'ai écrit mon poème à moi...
Toujours une belle mosaïque de photos, avec des fleurs et des enfants.. c'est agréable.
Bonne journée à toi.
Wonderful post Peter, as always! Love all photos! Thanks for sharing!
Les serres, c'est toujours un peu magique, c'est un petit coin d'ailleurs enfermé entre des murs de verre et de fer. Nous les avions visité il y a presque vingt ans, lors de notre installation à Paris ; c'est un coin magnifique que tu restitues si bien.
J'attends avec impatience la réouverture des serres du jardin des plantes.
Encore un endroit que je ne connais pas, pourtant pas loin de Rueil, mais j'allais plutôt à Roland Garros. Donc ce n'est pas moi qui ai posé pour cette statue. Ce magnifique vase c'est du Sévres? superbe ta composition de fleurs blanches,toi seul a le secret d'assembler aussi bien tes images.
A wonderful park. All those green places in Paris that I didn't know gives me quite another idea of your city.
Ce message est un véritable feu d'artifice et même un bouquet final. Quel soin donné aux montages !
La date de construction des serres coïncide avec la grande époque de la construction métallique autorisant de grandes portées et de grandes ouvertures. Impec pour des serres.
Je relèverai notamment les dogwood (les fleurs blanches à 4 pétales) qui étaient fleuries au Yosemite Park. Pas étonnée qu'elles t'aient tapé dans l'œil. Et la cime d'araucaria qui me rappelle le palais royal de Rabat auprès duquel je suis passée tous les jours pendant un an.
Quant aux parterres de fleurs des champs, ce sont le plus beau fleuron de ce message !
Je DOIS aller aux serres d'Auteuil tu m'en as donné fort envie.
Wonderful images!!
Thank you for leaving us with some flowers to drool over. I completely understand cutting back on the blog time, I admire your decision. As long as I can keep coming and getting lost in Paris a couple of times a week, I am a happy American. You do such a fantastic job.
You luv me! That's nice I luv you too!
No, I don't know the name of the flower, but I believe someone below has given an answer!
Yes, a lot of sports on TV (your forgot to mention F1)!
There are more parks in Paris than even I imagined!
Encore un endroit que tu as raté? Oui, il faut revenir!
Tu peux le dire! Pour les chevilles,ça va! :-)
S'il fait beau!
Merci, c'est donc une fleur d'ail! Mais elle était énorme!
J'espère que tu reviens demain pour d'autres bises!
When I write this, I know already that France made a poor 0-0! I will cross y fingers for Sweden tonight!
Thanks (again)!
Il faut que tu m'expliques un peu plus sur ton poéme!
Thanks for your always welcome compliments!
Moi aussi ,j'ai envie de retourner au Jardin des Plantes!
Ce n'est pas toi? !!!
I hope an even more positive one!
Tu sais bien que j'ai pensé à toi pour les marguerites!
I adore green and nature.
It reminds me Central Park near my apartment. I will send My New York's pictures someday.
You didn't mention about buildings in the Bois de Boulonge except Serres d'Auteuil. But it may be a differant approach this time.
I am interested in knowing about " the Jardin de Bagatelle) in future.
Your Photos of St. Denis Basilica are amazing. I would like to visit there next time when I am in Paris.
Rose windows, sculpture ornaments,
and exposed graves.
Thank you for this post.
ouh la ! tu t'es laché sur les fleurs !elles sont magnifiques !
Love the purple ball of flowers. :-)
That is one fantastic purple well as the other shots as well.....
Will you still enjoy this garden next year ?
Please have a look on this website :
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