I have not finished with the bridges... but just a little pause. I read an interesting post on an English speaking blog that I recently found and I really appreciate. The blog is called “Invisible Paris” and you can now and then see some comments on my blog by the author, Adam. (I have listed his blog among some other Paris blogs on the sidebar.)
His post from last Saturday talked about a pedestal which had lost its statue. This made me think about some empty pedestals in “my” park, Square des Batignolles.
Once again I made a comparison between today and some about 100 years old postcards. Yes, if you look carefully on the postcards below, you can see some statues which now are gone, but a lamppost you can see on one of the pictures seems to have changed only very little.
I got it confirmed that, like the statue that Adam is referring to, these ones were also confiscated by the German army during WW II in order to make ammunition.
Two statues from the 30’s have remained, both in stone: One is called - and represents - “Vultures” (by Louis Monard) and another one represents a once celebrated poet, Léon Dierx (by Bony de Lavergne).
His post from last Saturday talked about a pedestal which had lost its statue. This made me think about some empty pedestals in “my” park, Square des Batignolles.

I got it confirmed that, like the statue that Adam is referring to, these ones were also confiscated by the German army during WW II in order to make ammunition.

Your comparisons are always very interesting. It always is.
I have also started taking pictures on 2 different time but it'll be long before I really can post them. :)
Love the old postcards and the new comparative photos.
Great job on the collages.
j'aime beaucoup la comparaison avec les vieilles cartes postales, cela a du te demander beaucoup de travail.
I love these now-and-then comparisons, they are so interesting. The beautiful street lamp in the centre of Place de Furstenberg also changed through time and it always has such an impact on that wonderful little corner of Paris.
Ca n'a rien à voir avec les statues d'Evry! (Ceci est pour Olivier.)
Je suis fan de ces comparaisons, Peter et comme Olivier, j'adore les vieiilles cartes postales.
Thanks for mentioning my blog Peter. You must have quite a collection of old postcards!
I'm glad that the vultures sculpture was saved as I find it quite interesting, particularly as you often see birds perched on it! At the same time, I fear that the invading German army may have found the sculpture quite appropriate for their mission!
Bonjour Peter...
Comment ne pas aimer Paris, quand un virtuose de cette ville, vous incite à la visiter.....
Et parfois davantage...
Ancien, nouveau... les images ont gardées un air de ressemblance il me semble..
Je t'embrasse, bonne journée à toi.
Poor statue!
Very interesting post
Invisible Paris it´s a great blog, i´m going to add to my favourites
Le présent se bâtit sur le passé et les idôles sonr déboulonnées.
Sans parler de Franco, Staline ou même Saddam Hussein.
Vois les bustes d'illustres inconnus qui ornent la mairie de Paris, de même les cimetières sont pleins de personnes illustres et indispensables
Un blog qui parle de choses que tout le monde ne sait pas, sinon ceux qui vivent Paris au jour le jour, ça c'est un blog rare qui gagne à être connu, merci de nous donner l'adresse de celui d'Adam
It is interesting to me how little has changed in some of the scenes.
I don't think things change in Europe like they do here. A building over 100 years old is rare here. Most are torn down and are sent to a landfill somewhere. I like your photo project.
I don't think things change in Europe like they do here. A building over 100 years old is rare here. Most are torn down and are sent to a landfill somewhere. I like your photo project.
How interesting that no one has replaced the sculptures with something new. Or at least removed the empty pedastals. I think they're kind of beautiful without the sculpture on top, though, now that they're weathered and green.
How fascinating, that the missing statues were confiscated by the Geremans to make weapons!
In the park at home in Ontario, there is a concrete pedestal with a brass plaque stating that a lage gun was diplayed there.... but the gun is long gone, and nobody can remember what happened to it!
we stayed up till 1am watching the US election results last night (with the rest of the world), and I'm pretty happy about the way things turned out. The future has suddenly got a little brighter. It was very interesting being here in Florida on election day, specially as Florida was one of the pivotal states.
Finally America has someone with a bit of common sense in charge!
Incroyable Peter, Merci de nous signaler tous ces détails auxquels on ne pense pas toujours.
It's sad that the statute are not longer there. But I really love those beautiful parks. I can never see such gorgeous parks in my country for some reason.
Wow! i can see that some of the trees are still there! I love your comparison posts!
un petit bonjour en passant. Je ne suis pas encore déboulonnée mais cela ne saurait tarder, je perds tous mes boulons.
You get the "stay up really late to see Obama win" award last night! Feeling a little jet lagged today???
I am just realizing that you do the collage with your photos that I was trying to explain to my Mac guy today!! We spent the entire hour making me a template for one in Photoshop and I worked and worked at learning to put the photos in. And all I really had to do was ask you!! We'll need to chat in person about how you make yours. I pray it's easier that what I'm doing! This is a beautiful park and I loved seeing the vintage postcards and the present day comparison. That must take a tremendous amount of time and research. Bravo.
Les jardins ont moins changé que les rues : la courbe des allées y est toujours la même. Cela a quelque chose de rassurant.
Tu travailles pour la postérité, Peter, dans 100 ans un autre blogueur fera la même chose que toi avec tes photos.
All your photos are fantastic but the 'before and after' thing really amazed me! Terrific work you have done on your blog! I have to congratulate you! :-)
We will just have to wait then! :-))
I guess you would be able to find some postcards from NYC also!
Pas trop... j'ai le temps!
I posted about it a long time ago(http://peter-olson.blogspot.com/search/label/Place%20de%20Furstenberg) with refernces to Dali and Hockney... and I happened to pass again this week.
Le nombre de statues à Evru est impressionant!
Tu fais la collection?
I must admit that I also "steal" postcards on the net! (I have a few.)
I hope that some of my visitors now find the way to your blog!
So j'arrive à un peu être ton guide, ça me fait plaisir!
Happy you found the "invisble" blog!
Heureux que toi aussi a trouvé le chemin maintenant!
Some trees have been growing, some have been replaced... and a few statues have disappeared.
Of course your building and park history is also a bit shorter!
Sme people take the initiative to put a temporary piece of art here now and then!
I guess we are many to feel happy about the hopeful change! I followed CNN until 4:30 this morning (local time).
Avec les yeux de bloggeurs et quelques idées données par d'autres...!
Maybe not so many parks, but some good eating!
Some trees get really old!
Si tu veux, on peut te boulonner à Paris!
I'm used to late evening, but Obama made me go to bed later than usual!
Let's talk collage techniques in now 10 days!
Peu de chance que mes photos deviennent des cartes postales. Nos photos seront conservées comment dans cent ans?
Pleased to see you here and thanks for your kind comments!
Le présent et le passé, formidable travail de recherche, félicitations !
I like the photo collages and find it interesting that the Germans took the lamps because I am currently reading about the French women and the Resistance. There is so much that we here in the states are not taught in school and must find out for ourselves.
I love reading blogs. I learn so much.
I can't wait to see Paris next month.
Peter, as usual you leave me quietly breathless. The "then and now" cannot fail to intrigue us. Isn't it fun working out the angle and seeing that you have found it, exactly!
Les canons ont donc au moins cet avantage sur les balistes, c'est que la pierre est épargnée dans la recherche de munitions.
Merci de ce pemier (je crois) visite et commentaire! Je vais immédiatement rendre la visite!
I beleive this is also a first visit, at least a first comment! I will immediately have a look on your site.
Yes, often we are not taught enough of the history of other countries. Fortunately, we have the right to continue our proper learning the whole life.
Yes, I quite like it. I guess this was not my last try.
Peut-être une leçon à apprendre; il faut faire ces statues en pierre! :-)
This is a fascinating post Peter. I love to see photos of then and now. Especially nice when the same trees are present.
Yes, obviously some of the trees are 100 years old - at least. The park opened some 30 years earlier and some of the trees may already have been there.
bonjour, je suis le petit fils du sculpteur Léopold de BONY de LAVERGNE qui a sculpté le buste de Léon Dierx square des Batignolles, j'ai réalisé une recherche perso sur son oeuvre
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