
Urban art - indoors

I’m back. Only a short post today.

Just before leaving for a week I visited a recently opened art gallery (La Gallerie Ligne 13), close to where I live. It seems to be specialised in “urban art” which more and more also gets indoors. At present there is an exhibition of “Mesnager” and “Mosko & Associés”, some of the well-known urban artists.

I have several times found and shown what they and some of their colleagues have produced in the Paris streets (see previous posts). Here are a few examples.
I guess I should probably have resisted, but I didn't, so I bought a small picture, cosigned by "Mesnager" and "Mosko".


Paris lover said...

Love you blog! Lot of inspiration here, and things to see at my next trip to Paris! Thanks...

Thérèse said...

Bonjour! Te voilà de retour, j'espère que tout s'est bien passé.
De jolis décors bien joyeux que l'on mettrait avec plaisir partout chez soi. Et tu as su en profiter, lucky you!

Thérèse said...

I love the way you call your post "short"!

Catherine said...

love the work but isn't it interesting that they are turning the city into an urban jungle with images from the natural rather than urban world..

Owen said...

Hey Peter, that's great that you were able to take one home...

I first photographed one of Jermoe Mesnager's works in 1986 in the area that used to be called les Entrepots de Bercy, which has since disappeared... there is a link in my labels list if you'd like to see some earlier Mesnager from around Paris...

Hope you had a good week away in Sweden...

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Interesting art! Quite a perspective!

Olivier said...

j'adore ces oeuvres, superbe cette fresque sur les gars de Menilmontant

alice said...

C'est bien de mettre de l'art dans sa vie! Je vois souvent des tableaux qui me font envie mais...
Dans un tout autre registre, il y a un Chagall (un vrai!) à vendre dans une galerie rue Saint Honoré. A défaut de l'acheter, on peut au moins en profiter en passant!

Adam said...

A very nice picture you purchased there! I won't ask the price though! I hope it was a round number so that the two artists can share the money...

It's interesting that these two are normally associated with a third artist, Nemo, but that he never produces art that can be sold. I guess he has stayed 'true' to his roots, or that he has found a way to earn sufficient money to live on through other means!

Maya said...

Oooh, art and animals. Too of my favorite things!

SusuPetal said...

Good for you, Peter! It's a good thing to buy artist's work!

hpy said...

Il fait toujours un temps à faire des indoor posts. Drôles de zèbres, sur tes photos.

Ruth said...

I bet it's nice. But you could have saved money and just painted graffiti on your wall. :)

Virginia said...

Welcome back. We missed you!! Love this shop. I think I'll put it on my list. The red ones i like the best of course! But which one did you purchase Peter? Marilyn perhaps??

Shionge said...

I love that tiger :D Interesting art pieces I must say.

Nathalie said...

C'est le zèbre et le danseur tout en bas que tu as acheté ? Bon choix, tu as bien fait de craquer.
Très intéressant de voir que l'art de la rue passe sur toile et en intérieur. Evidemment ça fait un peu récup' et affaire à fric mais après tout pourquoi leur en vouloir alors que les grands patrons gagnent des millions avec leurs délits d'initiés et leur 'golden parachutes' ?

En matière d'art il n'y a qu'une règle : il faut acheter ce qu'on aime. Comme ça peu importe la cote, on est toujours content de son achat.

Welcome back Peter, j'espère que tout va bien.

Parisbreakfasts said...

I love too the way the entire building is painted.
So much to see in Paris..

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable and glad to know you bought some of these beautiful art!
Thanks for sharing!

Karen said...

Wonderful post. Glad you are back. I've been so busy that I haven't had time to miss Paris but your blog will change that now that you are posting again.
Hope all went well in Sweden.

Virginia said...

Well the zebra on the red background was a grand choice! Since you've told me that the exhibit will change, I guess I won't get to see this one, although you know how I feel about grafitti and this is much more to my liking inside! :) Mesnager is my favorite!

Harriet said...

Welcome back! I'm with Virginia, the zebra with the red background is a great choice, and I prefer artwork on canvases vs. grafitti.

from cali said...

I love the tiger also.

Good for you for not resisting!

Cheryl said...

I bet the artists are glad you did not resist! Their work is really interesting. I especially like the animal paintings without any people in it.

Yes, I hope when I'm in Paris we can meet. I've rented an apartment there for five weeks, a long time dream of mine to feel like a Parisian if only for a while, so I'm sure we will get together for a drink or maybe a photo expedition!!

Carole said...

Bonjour Peter, superbes oeuvres, j'aime beaucoup. félicitations à l'artiste !

Alain said...

En entrant dans les galeries les arts de rues perdent le coté éphémère qui faisait leur charme.

claude said...

J'espère que tout va bien en Suède.
J'aime bien le tigre et la tête du zèbre.

krystyna said...

Your purchase is worth the temptation. Really beautiful!
Love it.

Have a great day, Peter!


looking for toy soldiers in paris any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the backgrounds are all red. Love new ideas in Art.

sonia a. mascaro said...

I am glad you are back, Peter!
Love that art and my preferred are the zebras.

Yes, the coastline of the ocean is different of the coastline of a dam. I confess that I love more the ocean coastline.

Have a nice day!

PeterParis said...

Paris Lover:
Happy you found my blog then! :-)

Oui, tout va bien merci!

Thérèse bis:
Tout est relatif! :-)

PeterParis said...

Mosko does, but perhaps not so much the others! :-)

I will have a look! :-)

You are right! :-)

PeterParis said...

En effet! :-)

Chagall, c'est bien sur un autre budget! :-)

The price was reasonable (and dividable) and negotiated! I'm a friend of urban art! :-)

PeterParis said...

Pity you were not around then! :-)

I do my best, within my limits! :-)


PeterParis said...

You haven't seen me paint! :-)

I bought the one I show at the end! :-)

Many like tigers, on a certain distance! :-)

PeterParis said...

Il faut bien qu'ils gagnent leur vie! :-)

Maybe you must visit some other areas of Paris next time? :-)

Happy to share with you and others! :-)

PeterParis said...

Can you forget Paris? :-)

These will be followed by other urban artists! :-)

There is nice graffiti (at the right place) and less nice graffiti and tags! :-)

PeterParis said...

From Cali:
Another tiger lover! :-)

Looking very much forward to see you in Paris, dear artist! :-)

Tu veux l'adresse exacte? :-)

PeterParis said...

En principe tu as raison, mais... :-)

De l'art qui te plait, ça fait plaisir! :-)

It's nice to be tempted! :-)

PeterParis said...

Yes, there are a number of specialised shops. I guess you can find some addresses on the net. :-)

Yes, almost all in red, at least for this exhibition! :-)

So, I made the right choice! :-)

GMG said...

Another address for the next time... ;))

PeterParis said...

There is a new vernissage December 3, with some other well-known urban artists! :-)

GMG said...

December 3, impossible! :-(

PeterParis said...

I guess there will be more vernissages later, although I hope to meet you in Paris fairly soon! :-)

See You Soon Paris said...

Hi Peter! Great blog! I love your purchase. Thanks for sharing :)