About a month ago I made a post about some traces of the Philippe Auguste wall found in an underground parking, Rue Mazarine, and also inside a showroom, Cours de Commerce St. André.
I repeat that the Philippe Aguste wall, built around 1200, was one of a number of walls surrounding the ever bigger Paris (see previous post). The best visibility of a large part of the wall is obviously along Rue des Jardins St. Paul (see previous post).
During a recent walk in the Marais area, I discovered, in a backyard, Rue des Rosiers (see previous post), another trace. Here the stones of the wall have been covered, but just behind is a part where the stones are still visible (see top photo). It’s planned that this space will be open to public one of these days, but for the moment you have to push a door. I repeat also that the Rue des Rosiers got its name from roses covering the wall when the street was opened soon after the wall construction.
On my way home, I made a new visit (see previous post) to the nearby “Crédit Municipal de Paris”, a bank and also the local major pawn-shop, 55 rue des Francs Bourgeois, where the wall also passed. Nothing is left here but there is a stone-paved “line” which indicates where it once stood (the three persons on the photo are just crossing it). A gate to the neighbour courtyard was exceptionally open and I could there find a more evident trace - one of the wall towers.
It serves as basement for a higher brick tower which obviously dates from 1885 (some reinforcement work and plates indicate this date). I was able to take some photos before I was kindly asked to leave the area.
This part of the Marais is one of the few areas of the old Paris which was not remodelled by Haussmann during the 19th century. I think it’s interesting to see how thanks to “Google Earth”, you can rather well see how the buildings constructed during the following centuries have somehow followed the trace of the wall. It’s obvious that to a large extent the old wall is today incorporated in the later constructed buildings. I will look for further traces.
I wish you a nice weekend! .... and please note that there are two extra posts here above!
I definitely noticed the extra posts. Nice job by your daughter.
Fascinating. Lucky for you (and us) that gate was open, the photo of the tower is very interesting.
S'il y avait un championnat des "pousseurs de portes fermées"...tu serais bien placé !
Nothing better than brick and stone, so picturesque.
This is a great project! You're finding some very interesting things.
So much to read and see before the weekend break.
A much deserved break on your part.
The story of the wall is like an old fashioned Hollywood cliff hanger.
Can't wait for the next episode in the serial.
Trois sujets aujourd'hui, tu nous gâtes!
Quand je suis chez ma fille, tout près de la Seine, j'entends souvent les mouettes mais je n'ai jamais vu de cygnes, et maintenant que j'y pense, on en voit rarement en vol... Stéphanie est une fine observatrice!
Quant à ce vieux mur, tu as l'art de transformer ton enquête en vraie chasse au trésor!
Je te souhaite un bon week end, ici le soleil est revenu et je vois des bourgeons dans les arbres, dans certains arbres pour être plus exacte!
C'est remarquable la perspective que tu nous offres sur Google Earth. Et, effectivement, incroyablement apparent !
Pour continuer sur le com. d'Alain, tu es aussi le champion des recherches poussées.
Trois posts en un ! Quand j'arrive à peine à en publier un par semaine ! C'est déloyal ! Sourire.
"Alexandra ! Viens voir, ici, un peu ! "
Et que faisais tu "chez ma tante" ?
J'adore tes cartes Peter! ça aide à mémoriser l'Histoire et les histoires de vieux murs.
Keep shooting!
Sympa les photos de ta fille: un couple de cygnes se seraient-ils égarés de l'armada de Nils? ;-)
Bon we
fascinating finds, so quick of you to take these fotos, but why was it prohibited ?!...
Thanks for checking the three Friday posts! :-)
Yes, I was lucky! :-)
J'aimerai bien ce prix! :-)
900 year old stones, 125 year old bricks! :-)
Yes, I believe I will try to follow the wall, now and then! :-)
You may have to wait a little! But, yes, I will look for more traces! :-)
Merci d'avoir transmis ces quelques signes du printemps! :-)
Tout le monde n'est pas à la retraite! Bonjour à Alexandra! :-)
La nièce:
J'y étais juste pour dire bonjour, bien sur! :-)
... et mois, j'adore te voir commenter ici!
The tower is on private ground (a bank)! (But the gate was exceptionally open) :-)
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