
"Colours of Sound"

Since ten years a way-marked trail is organised during a fortnight in the Saint-Germain-des-Près area, involving a number of local shops, bars, restaurants, hotels, art galleries… like Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Sonia Rykel, agnès b., Emperio Armani, Les Deux Magots, Café de Flore, Hôtel Lutetia… .

It’s a manifestation, "Parcours Saint Germain", (June 3 – 17) allowing contemporary artists to expose their recent works, sculptures, paintings, photos… , under the name “Colours of Sound”; what is presented should be related to music. As exposed in shop windows (which led to a lot of reflection photos, where sometimes the photographer and passers-by are better visible than the real motive), inside cafés (where the guests don’t appreciate to be photographed)..., it was difficult to give the desired image of the manifestation. I decided to show you some illustrations anyhow.

First some examples of what can be found around the Place Saint-Germain-des-Près…
… and around the corner, including the famous cafés and the equally well-known library La Hune.
In some galleries, Sonia Rykiel exposes also her own drawings, obviously also for sale (some 300 € and more).
To a large extent, photos are exposed. Here are some examples of what can be found in some agnès b. shops, e.g. photos of a young Bono, Sting, Marianne Faithful, Blondie… (by Pierre René-Worms).
At the Hôtel Lutetia, which is worth the visit for itself, there are paintings exposed (by Fabien Verschaere).
The top picture was taken at a gallery, Anne Fontaine. The artist is called Kimiko Yoshida, specializing in self-portraits in all kinds of forms and shapes.
Well, sometimes there was really too much of window reflections.
Here you can see the approximate points to visit, if you are interested, and the little sign you will find on the pavement in front of each exposing spot.
I wish you a nice weekend! 


hpy said...

God helg! Med eller utan musik. Men helst utan regn.

Bagman and Butler said...

Okay -- Dior really does present me with a new concept of angels. One I rather like.

Ruth said...

I'm glad you did show the illustrations, it's nice to see your reflection. Thanks for the walk, and bon week-end!

Cezar and Léia said...

Fascinating, I'm so enchanted by this "art"and all beautiful pictures with great reflections!
And about that piano!?wow
Have a nice weekend
hugs :)

Starman said...

Well, it's different.

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Interesting! Do have a good weekend!

claude said...

J'opte pour les dessin de Soni Rykiel et peut-être pour la statue de la liberté rose.

joanna said...


Some really interesting photo's in this collection -- and I noticed you just as elusive in the back ground in some of the window reflections as the photo of you on your blog. Love that hand in the piano photo and the dancing faces -- well I guess I could list several others too so will stop there.

I have a hard time with taking pictures through windows
Have been trying it out at dusk or evening they come out better -- sometimes...that is --
still not quite right. Then I look at yours and well they are beautiful. One of my favorites of yours is "the shopping for perfumes" window reflection scene -- so surreal looking has a dream state quality to it with the Chandeler and all the sparkle.

Have a good week end...

Anonymous said...

Your post made me remember a woman, who told me, that she sees numbers as colours . She is a synesthete.
"In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia or color-graphemic synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored" tells Wikipedia.
Sorry, it just dropped to my mind :)

Have a happy weekend, Peter!
( It`s raining cats and dogs here :)

alise said...

I actually really like your photographs because as a spectator from afar, i feel like i am seeing the exhibitions through your eyes and i can feel how they objects are connected to their environment.

Thérèse said...

Tu as bien su rester discret au long de toutes ces belles photos. On a un bel aperçu de ce qui se passe côté vitrines et côté rues. Quel plaisir! J'espère que tu vas encore trouver le temps d'en profiter.

Vagabonde said...

This is really interesting. I love to look at all these pictures. When I think that I am so far away from Paris but because of your blog Peter I can still see what is happening in the city – the internet has changed so much everything – I am not so homesick anymore.
My daughter in California made me buy the same little camera she has because it does so many things. It is called an Olympus Stylus 830. I think it is an older model because I bought the same one for my husband last year in a reminder shop on-line. Anyway it has many settings – like “Behind glass” (I used it to take pictures on the train from Marseille) “document” “cuisine” “fireworks” “sunset” “available light” and so forth. It may not be as good as my Nikon but sometimes it takes better pictures when I need a special setting like behind glass or all my pictures showing food. You may still find it on the Internet.

Shammickite said...

What a fascinating series of photographs.

Mona said...

As Colorful as ever. Peter's blog :)

I STILL wonder why Louis Vuitton is so expensive!

And those severed heads reminds me of the 1789 French revolution!

Zhang Chunhong said...

J'adore la première photo - un visage accompagné de notes musicales. Avec le reflet de la vitre, certaines photos font des drôles d'effets ! Je ne suis pas dépaysée de Paris, même en restant une campagnarde.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Ca c'est le genre d'événement que je suivrais avec plaisir si j'étais parisienne. Dans une autre vie...

En attendant je me régale grâce à toi, c'est déjà bien.

Catherine said...

Est ce que j'ai déjà dit que j'aimais toute la poésie qui se dégage de ce visage suggéré ?
Je l'ai déjà dit. Ah, bon..... !

Parisbreakfasts said...

I saw the posters, but I could not for the life of me figure out what they were doing...
I still can't :(
Seems a tad over-intellectualized to me..

Jilly said...

How wonderful it is to be presented with new art like this - walk along and our minds have to be engaged. I love that.

Marie-Noyale said...

J'aime beaucoup ton choix de la 1ere photo.
Nous avons ici aussi ce genre de manifestation sur Madison Avenue. Je trouve que c'est une bonne idee!

arabesque said...

i love this tour, esp. the reflections! ^-^
sometimes, you don't have to show everything, i think it's a gr8 collaboration of fotos. ^0^

Anonymous said...

Wow - this is amazing! So much to see and learn. Thank you!! Do you give tours?

Trotter said...

And La Hune was also in one of these small pictures... Great!! ;)