There is a very different building on the Champs-Elysées, at no. 42, referred to as “C42” – the Citroën showroom. Citroën has occupied this site since 1927, with different designs. The present one, by Manuelle Gautrand (a female architect), is there since 2007.
It’s a spectacular building, as well outside…
…. as inside, worth a visit already to admire the creativity in the design.

It’s of course important for the image of Citroën in general. The purpose is however also to be a showroom and some of the past, present and future cars are presented.

The car (or one of them) used in the FIA World Rally Championships, where the Citroën driver Sebastien Loeb recently became world champion for the 7th time in a row, is also visible.
In a small shop you can buy models of all the Citroën cars, including the famous “traction-avant” (front-wheel-drive), produced 1934-57, the “deux chevaux” (two tax horsepower), produced 1948-90 and the “DS”, produced 1955-75.
What an amazing building!! Thank you, Peter, I really enjoyed this posting.
Hi Peter
Wonderful blog and photos.
You have to love the 2CV, makes me smile everytime I see them.
Paris and the Champs-Elysees, are amazing places to visit.
Happy week
I've been to the Champs Elysees many times but never inside the citroen showroom. What a gorgeous building. And of course the photos of the 2CV and DS are cult vehicles. Both bring back great memories. My father had a DS when I was a kid and I drove a 2CV as a young adult.
Wow! Thats such a wonderful building! Naturally, for the sense that Citroën is perhaps the French national car?
Amazing architecture, well photographed!
Great post, the cars are awesome, I like them very much.
c'est vraiment tres original, on se croirait dans un musée/eglise.
Ah, la DS...! Ses lignes ont suscité bien des commentaires en son temps mais combien d'enfants se rappellent surtout sa suspension chaloupée et les arrêts en urgence sur le bord des routes sinueuses...
It's a cool looking building, especially at night. I've always liked the look of Citroëns. Good to know their showroom looks unique too.
Tu te lances dans la pub pour les voitures?
Nous n'avons eu que des DS dans la famille et le commentaire d'Alice m'a fait sourire!!!
Comme Nathalie ma 1ere voiture etait une 2CV avec les portes qui s'ouvraient vers l'avant...
Ah... la decapotable des etudiants sans frime!!!
While I'm not a big car fan (making Paris perfect for me) this showroom looks to be worth a visit! As they're turning on the lights on the Champs Elysées this evening, I'll certainly have the chance to give it a look. Thank you, Peter!
Interesting architecture and some nice cars !!
Vrouuum, vrouuuuum, je ne fais que ne fais que passer...Faire gaffe au rond point....Faire gaffe au rond point de l'Etoile, tout spécialement....Tu m'as vue ? Ou je suis passée trop vite ?
Thanks for this tour . I guess I've never spent much time in the shops along the Champs Elysées. Perhaps I should! This building is amazing although I still prefer the old ones. I think Davis might like a little car as a souvenir this trip. Are they pricey?
PS This time I will be stopping in the Apple Store Opéra to see how they have renovated that lovely old building . :)
My WV is wishess!
When I saw the first pic, I said to myself that I know that. But I couldn't remember from where. Now, it comes back because you were good enough to include the location. It's also good to know that we can go to the upper floors for picture ops. Thanks.
Citröen a toujours été le constructeur Français le plus innovant, beaucoup de ses voitures sont devenues mythiques (traction avant, deux chevaux, DS...). C'est un peu dommage qu'il ait été racheté par Peugeot.
Enjoyed these photos and learning about this building.
Beautiful building and space. I love the stained glass. But most of all I love the Citroen DS. *sigh*
Thanks for your different comments ... so far.
I have had the privilege to be passenger in a "traction-avant" - once only, to drive a "deux chevaux" during a year. My dad had a DS, which I later took over.
Oh Wow!!! Hey Peter my best friend from Australia is visiting Paris in Sept 2011, will direct her to your blog for some ideas :D
I'll bet you were itching to take the concept car for a little spin up and down the Champs, with a hair raising passage around the circle at the Arc du Triomphe... ?
Moi qui n'aime pas trop le moderne, je trouve ce bâtiment très original et beau vue de dehors.
Quand je pense que j'ai connu la traction avant (je suis montée dans celle de mon cousin René - il avait 6 enfants- il y avait des srtaopontins). Pas étonnant que mon fils ainé vient d'avoir 40 balais.
Mon Pépé était 2cv, lui.
Cela me fait penser que je n'ai jamais eu de citroën.
Dans ma première vie, Je fus Simca, Renault et Fiat
Ensuite, re renault, Nissan et Peugeot.
Il y a bien longtemps que je ne suis allée aux Champs, pourtant je suis toujours en route et je n'ai plus beaucoup de temps pour le blog.Comment vas tu et toute ta famille?
C'est très futuriste!Magnifiques photos!
Amazing building! I wonder how they place the cars in that central shaft?!
Very interesting at night, non?
Great info you got, we learned about the history of Citroen.
This is for people who are passionate about cars, its history and future cars in line.
This is a great way to teach kids who will become future car makers on how it takes to make a car.
You can see the evolution of the cars from its humble days as a small car and becoming one of the more successful car makers in Europe.
Hope that they will continue to make cars that will be well loved by people.
I've always thought it interesting that there are car showrooms on the Champs Elysees, rubbing shoulders with fashion and bling. And I think the French manufacturers are all represented? (I could be wrong though) This says something about France - can't figure out quite what it is, but I think it's positive!
Assez graphique mais surtout très coloré et donc pas trop dans l'esprit français ; heureusement que ce n'est pas destiné à durer comme la cuisine d'un particulier peu fortuné...
Wonderful shots, but I used to be on the Renault side... ;)
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