Some of you may have understood that I’m quite interested in Urban Art, Street Art… , when it’s done properly at adapted places. There have been a number of posts on this type of art already.
Street Art is today getting some support from local authorities, sponsors, with special events like the “Lézarts de la Bièvre” … Another example is “Le Mur” (The Wall), which you can find on Rue Oberkampf. It all started a bit unofficially, when a billboard situated here was more and more often used by street artists. This became “accepted” and since four years it’s “official”, even sponsored or supported by the City of Paris, the Cartier Foundation, Centre Pompidou, Canal+… and administered by an association, M.U.R. (Modulable Urbain Réactif). Some administration is needed; so many artists would like to expose here, although their creations mostly will be replaced by another one after a week or two.
I went there last week and met one of the more well known urban artists, FKDL … (I found that the young lady, leaving the nearby café for a phone call, fitted well to the background.)
…. just before his collages would be replaced by a creation by JANA & JS (janaundjs). It was more or less raining and getting dark, but there was a small crowd to watch the progress of the work, including some representatives of M.U.R., some other urban artists, a friend who has a blog specialized on urban art and also can accompany during a walk in some interesting areas of Paris (see her site) … and of course Jana and JS.

Bonjour Peter - It's an interesting concept and obviously the level of artwork very good. I see a lot of blank concrete walls in my home city of Adelaide which are continually splatterd with low class grafitti - if- however, urban artists were commissioned to create art on these spaces - it would be visually acceptable and save the council a lot of money with daily clean-ups.
As luck would have it tomorrow I post some wall art and as always I'm a bit lame at the research of it all,so I suggested that you might enlighten my readers et moi! :) Can't wait!
Good stuff Peter... I agree with you... if it is in the right places, and not just turning public surfaces into eyesores like so much bad graffiti.
Why isn't anyone doing bas relief sculptures anymore, like some of the things we saw...
Sure would be nice if we could resurrect Monet to do some murals on public walls...
Ah! Living outside the wall! :-)
very interesting the way edgy street art becomes acceptable and official...Banksy hasn't struck yet??
These are great photos, and I do fully appreciate all the work that you do to make this site so interesting. I like barn art also. There seems to be a trend towards decorating old buildings and old barns...I bet you could write a book on it.
superbe et bonne idee ce mur, j'adore c'est original.
This is not far from where we will be staying in June.
Il me semble reconnaître le mur du "Café charbon". Les arts de la rue, encadrés par les "autorités" artistiques et politiques gagnent en respectabilité mais perdent le caractère spontané et éphémère qui faisait leur charme.
IL y a une fresque que j'aime bien. Par contre ce mur en plein trottoir, j'aime moins.
Bonjour Peter,
Last night I saw, on the "Culture Show" on the BBC, a piece on the urban artist JR who puts up large photographic portraits in B&W around Paris. Do you know these?
I really like it when this kind of thing is allowed and supported, at least when the artists are good and the works add something to the look and feel of a place - like in this case. Cool!
Very impressive art, I love the intensive color and I'm happy you have this chance and you are sharing these pictures!Merci! :)
Great post and photos, Peter. I have not been here but have hundreds of photos of Paris graffiti/art... When I post it, I have mixed feelings and get mixed reviews on whether it is appropriate "art" or just nuisance graffiti.
I will have to visit here in April.
I like street art, this kind and other, too.
It would be fun to paint a huge wall!
Have a nice weekend, Peter.
Ah, just round the corner from me. I'll have to go and check out this new installation.
That said, I don't really like what janaundjs do, which I find to be banal and devoid of any kind of message.
In the area, there is also a '3 murs' project, which is actual painted creations rather than pasted work. I'll photograph the three current ones this weekend!
See you on Monday Peter - Have a good weekend!
A very bright and colorful post...:)
I love Urban Art when it's done with care. When it takes in consideration the environment, the streets and side walks and mainly the people who sees it. When it blends with the style of the city it's an amazing way to express art.
I see you are changing directions on your posts? Spring must have hit you and inspired you!
Send me some of that inspiration, please!
Take care Peter.
J'écoute Julie Andrews tout en continuant ma visite - je suis épatée par ce mur.
Je sais bien que le street art est un art éphémère mais une semaine seulement c'est bien court ! Pour les oeuvres qu'on aime le plus ça donne envie de les "récupérer" d'une façon ou d'une autre avant qu'elles ne soient effacées !
J'aime le Street Art à New York et je suis heureuse qu'il y en ait aussi à Paris. J'aime aussi le fait que tu nous montre non seulement les lieux "touristiques" mais aussi des rues qui ne sont pas si bien connues. C’est agaçant à la longue de voir, sur les blogs parlant de Paris, que les lieux "admirables ou mignons" acompagnés de commentaires excessivement effusifs. Paris est une belle ville, mais on y trouve aussi des lieux banals et même des endroits plutôt laids – et qui sentent mauvais. C’est une ville vivante et non seulement une ville sentimentale. Je suis contente que tu nous montres des sites différents de Paris - c'est une bouffée d'air frais. Merci Peter.
translation - I like Street Art in New York and am pleased that it can be found in Paris as well. I also like it that you show us not only “touristy” places but also streets that are not so well known. It gets boring to see, on other Paris blogs, only the “nice or cute” places accompanied by insufferably gushy commentaries. Paris is beautiful but it has also dull places and some places even ugly – and “smelly.” It is a living city not just a sentimental town. So I enjoy it that you show us different Paris sites – it is a breath of fresh air. Merci Peter.
There is something quite existential about this street art that is there only for so long...qui sait.
One must grab the moment.
It may not come again..
You meet and see the most wonderful people!
I quite like that lady in orange and black, she does fit very well in this colorful scene.
I love urban art too, and I have very much enjoyed your covering of them over the years. I admire, also, the acceptance of an artist to commit this effort, knowing they will be impermanent.
Bon week-end, Peter!
Ah yes! Carpe diem!
Hi Peter! G@tto, another blogger, usually posts on the Wall every Monday... Interesting collection...
Blogtrotter is in Nice, which is nice, don’t you agree? Enjoy and have a great week!!
If there was an offical place for urban art like this in Hanoi, I would be so eager to see new artworks!
It must be nice surpries everyweek :x
Il est beau ce mur, surtout les jours de pluie! Cela redonne la pêche!
Your post - and the accompanying pictures - was a lovely way to know something about Paris. Thanks.
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