
Once more... Street Art

There is so much going on with Street Art at present, so I have (the pleasure) to make another report! For the first time, a “Street Art Paris” market took place last week (June 20-22), occupying the Place Saint Sulpice, in front of the church (see previous post), which recently has got its second tower restored.
A number of specialised galleries and a great number of artists were present or represented, too many to be named here.

Here are some more examples of what could be seen.
Some of the artists were performing on the spot.
On these last photos you can see my friends from “Galerie Ligne 13” together with Jérome Mesnager and FKDL being interviewed.


Olivier said...

MAGNIFIQUES, tu as de quoi faire une exposition de photos sur ce theme. Encore j'adore

Thérèse said...

Quelle bonne idee pour essayer de mettre des noms sur les photos que certains comme moi prennent lorsqu'ils se promenent mais ne peuvent en nommer malheureusement les auteurs. Puis le dialogue bien sur avec les graffistes eux-memes.
J'aime bien les collages de FKDL.

Owen said...

Looks wonderful ! Am not sure I would've been able to make this one, as it was in the week, but if there will be more, do let me know ? Hope you enjoyed the Fete de la Musique as well, which was right in the middle of this... wow, music and street art, must have been a fine time in Paris !

Maria O. Russell said...

About the last photo on the left side: Was the painting of the parrots for sale? ¡Que hermosura!

Thank you so much.

Pierre BOYER said...

Intéressant ces couleurs, cette autre vision de la ville et du monde...
Bonne journée,


Thirtytwo degrees said...

Very vivid colors...you do great work in capturing the essence of the artwork, and I liked the number of photos that you presented. It would appear that this was a summer festival event. We often have art sales like that here in the Valley too. Thanks, Peter, for your sharing this with us. Artwork is generally very expensive, and I would imagine more so there than here. $$$$$

Studio at the Farm said...

What a wonderful exposition of graffitti and "regular" art. Great photos, Peter.

Cheryl said...

Looks like street art has become mainstream. Wonder how it will develop from here.

joanna said...


It looks like Paul Gauguin came back with bold outlines and brilliant colors, with a new style of exaggerated body proportions, geometric designs and stark contrasts, art where neither form nor color predominate but each has an equal role. Certainly a very lively surreal good time in Paris. wish I was there....


thanks Peter, for the Google blogspot advice -very much appreciated

Adam said...

Hmmm - I don't think this is a particulary good development for the genre.

You can't blame an artist for wanting to sell a few creations, but I think they'll have to accept that it also diminishes the power of their message - if they have one at all!

Julie said...

I think I am confused, too. I love to see street art: when I wheel around a corner and there it is on a rock shelf, or along a drain-pipe, or up and over the gutter. But to view it in a market-place, or faire, or a gallery is akin to trashing its own brand.

To me it is ... But I love the fact that I can run my mind's-eye through the entire area of your map.

Synne said...

How fun that there is a fair which focuses entirely on street art! I love all the colours and the many different styles!

Carol said...


Montreal Photo Daily said...

Super Peter! These events are always fun, no? There's a mixed bag of talent, some better than others, but it's a great forum for these artists. Who knows, one may take home a very original piece for peanuts. Hope you had fun. And thanks for all that hard work. Take care!

Virginia said...

Well Peter, as you know I love some of the street art and have a "hissy fit" ( an Alabama term) about others! :)
I hate the tagging which I think is ruining Paris. On the other hand, you and I have photographed some nice street art. You have shown us a wide range, as you always do so well my friend. You continue to broaden my horizons, and I need that!

claude said...

Il y en a pour tous les goûts. Je n'ai pas vu un truc qui m'attirait l'oeil.

Ash said...

Very nice post, Peter. I've never particularly liked street-art but these look interesting.

Parisbreakfasts said...

What fun
And so close to so many patisseries :)
The lines outside Pierre Herme must have doubled..
I would love to exhibit in something like that even if I don't do exactly 'street art' but rather 'palte art'...sigh
merci carolg

Cezar and Léia said...

A very special collection!
Wonderful pictures and collage!

hpy said...

Smaken ar delad som baken, sa svensken!
Och jag ar pa andra sidan.
C'est vrai, ça ne m'attire pas. Même les quelques rares dessins qui ne me déplaisent pas de me plaisent pas particulièrement pour autant.
Vieux jeu. Moi? Sans soute!
(Tu as eu HC?)

website said...

I'm totally impressed. An exhibit must be held.

Simony said...

Some are very beautiful and could be a real piece of art hanging on someone's home.

Vagabonde said...

Music in the streets in your last post, then drawings in the street in this one – almost art overload. Unfortunately here in the US it’s more like art underload if there is such a word… I am pleased that you take advantage of all this in Paris and share it with us. I wish some American bloggers would show me art like this in the US, I’d be delighted.

starman1695 said...

I hope I get the opportunity to see some of it created while I watch.

Mona said...

Wow! this is like a dream!

bisnis internet said...

those all are great arts...wonderful

Trotter said...

«Je ne brise pas que les coeurs»... Oh la la...

arabesque said...

these are some cool art!
i'm definitely drawn at the girl's thigh showing her tattoo,
really nice play of shadow and color comb. ^0^