
Transsiberian, Transmongolian ... Moscow

On our way to the east... a few pictures from Moscow.


Simony said...

Beautiful country so rich in architecture!
Sure was a great experience to see all of this live! Thanks for sharing with us, Peter.

James said...

Great pictures Peter! What a fascinating place!

Olivier said...

la cathedrale de St Basil est GRANDIOSE et magnifique, encore une belle serie

Virginia said...

The domes seem almost too beautiful to be real Peter. Almost like a gloriously decorated cake. Another grand series and I love seeing your photos like this. I can't wait for the next installment! Perhaps National Geographic will be calling? :)


Pierre BOYER said...

Very nice...


Mystica said...

Nice to have you back and as usual with gorgeous, gorgeous photos.

Rakesh Vanamali said...


Thirtytwo degrees said...

I just saw this through facebook so quickly came to Blogger to see if there were more as I had a note that said one more...Hope to see more when ready to publish. Enjoyed the slideshow very much. Thx, Peter.

claude said...

Salut Peter !
Pendant que tu étais là-bas, moi je suis allée à Paris.
De ce que j'ai pu en voir à la télé Saint Petersbourg est une très jolie ville. A Moscou il y a aussi de belles choses.
Quel voyage tu as fait là !

Paris Paul said...

Ahh, you have such a great eye for photos, Peter!

hpy said...

Jusque là, le voyage répondit-il à tes attentes?

Shionge said...

Oh I am getting jealous, I need to change my air ticket now hehehehe....

Maria O. Russell said...

I especially like those Cossacks "a caballo."

Fantastik video, Peter.

Thank you.

Starman said...

Great photos...as always.

Kate said...

Peter, What a trip you must have had! Love the video; it's a very different city from the one I visited (twice!) when it was still part of the USSR. No merchandise in Gum or grocery stores, the Arbat was a shell compared to the view in your video, but many of the buildings were as magnificent. St. Basil...so whimsical, Lenin's Tomb (very macabre!), the magnificent architecture! Some of the the subways were amazing. Hope you saw the Hermitage...thanks for the memories.

Kate said...

OOps! My error, I already mentioned the Hermitage on your earlier post on the 1st.

Ruth said...

Really tremendous! This must be a fabulous trip, and one Don and I have longed to do for some time. I need to catch up on St. Petersburg here too.

The photos of everything from candy domes and spires to the people are beautiful, as I have come to expect from you. The places look very colorful, alive and prosperous, though I'm sure they are struggling like all of Europe, but looking much better than days past.

Mona said...

Nice to see pictures of a country that always seems so 'closed' to the rest of the world!

Cergie said...

ETC ? Tu n’as pas tout montré ?
Le ciel de plomb va bien à la place rouge et aux bulbes dorés, le ciel noir va bien aux lumières abondantes de la nuit. Le Gum ressemble à un hall de gare ou à des passages commerciaux immenses. Les museums contiennent des pièces achetées ou pillées. Les parcs sont coquets, quels beaux chevaux assortis et le métro somptueux comme tout espace public et commun, vaut bien celui de Stockholm. ETC....

delphinium said...

Coucou. J'ai regardé le diaporama sur Saint-Petersbourg mais pas encore celui sur Moscou. Je vois que tu photographies les jolies jeunes filles. Elles ont posé exprès pour toi? :-))
Belle vie que Saint-Petersburg, ça donne envie d'y aller pour le WE mais c'est un peu loin.

Catherine said...

this looks like great travels - great shots...

Maria O. Russell said...

http://youtu.be/y2mz9Eob07M: Cupid variation from ballet Don Quixote.

Premiered on 26 December 1869 at the Imperial Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.