I have already done this previous years (see last year’s post), but some blogger friends kindly asked me to take some photos also of this year’s Christmas shop-windows… so of course I did, once again concentrating on the Printemps and the Galeries Lafayette ones.
Printemps has during the last years more and more concentrated on luxury which is confirmed by what is displayed in the windows (see also top photo). This year is obviously dedicated to Chanel and their artistic director Karl Lagerfeld appears, multiplied, in one of the windows.

Little space for others than Chanel … a little bit of Dior and Burberry.
… and what is displayed in the men’s windows is much more of a mixture. (I don’t know what I would like to wear … have not yet made by list for this Christmas.)

Galeries Lafayette had again put up their spectacular wall decorations. The windows are definitely here more children-friendly. Actually, I should have made some videos as most of the windows are animated, a lot of puppies on strings. 

The “Lafayette Maison” windows were this year more or less hidden… you had to look through the bars to see what was exposed. Not well adapted to photographing. 

Peter, Peter, Peter. What a treat this was! As a big fan of "Mademoiselle" (aka Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel) I lapped it all up. Amazing displays. It seems Les Galeries and le Printemps have outdone themselves this year. Thanks to you I feel as if I am "almost" there. A heartfelt thank you to you. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)
les vitrines de noel dans les grands magasins parisien sont toujours un superbe spectacle, une promenade obligatoire
I can see you in that big fur hat in the Moscou window ! Which would be fitting after your recent trip... So THIS is where you were off to last night... looks like you had lots of fun, like a kid in a candy shop...
Amazing collection of photos, Peter! The black background of your blog really makes these night shots stand out & you serve a full course! Nice job.
Peter, thank you so very much! I love your photos of Printemps and Galeries Lafayette.
Très jolies vitrines...
A time of the year when there is a lot of colour worldwide..... very interesting post!
C'est très glamour...mais un peu cher, peut-être...
On reconnait le cote luxueux de Paris. Cela fait un peu peur quand on pense a la crise mondiale et pourtant c'est comme quand on visite les tresors du Vatican ou autres tresors, je pense au Vatican a cause de Noel: on est pris entre la beaute des objets et la realite de la vie au dehors...
WOW - I would love to see these window decorations in person, so so beautiful. And what an imagination the decor people must have.
Cela me rappelle quand j'étais môme Paris by night au moment de Noël. Mes parents nous emmenaient dans les grands magasins en éclaireurs pour savoir ce qui nous ferait plaisir au pied du sapin.
Superbe série, Peter !
Lovely photos...Thanks!
for me a bit to ear;y for Christmas decoarations but, indeed, they all look very nice!
Oh que c'est beau.
Vidéos, vidéos, vidéos, je veux voir tout ça bouger ! :)
En tout cas ce que je comprends c'est que pour Noel on te suggère de voyager. L'orient express t'aura-t-il donné le goût de l'ailleurs ? Quelle sera ta prochaine destination ? TU pourrais la mettre sur ta lettre au père Noel...
What wonderful windows! And so many of them.
I can see that my next visit to Paris will have to be in November/December just so I can see these lovely store windows in person.
Shouldn't Christmas be more for children? Lagfayette more than Spring?
That first photo!!!
I think I´ll ask Santa Claus to bring me that handbag and the
Venetian cape too!
Stunning photos!
Thank you so much Peter.
Aughh! You beat me to it. I was hoping to go on Sunday and do this.
I see they delivered on their promise for a rock and roll Christmas! You've really made me want to see this.
Affirmatif il y a des vignes en Suisse
Ils doivent se les garder que pour eux, j'en ai jamais entendu parler.
Thankyou so much for this Peter. I first found your blog when you made it as Blog of Note, but now I come across you again hob-nobbing with Owen, and proving a useful tour guide for my approaching trip to Paris - with children!
Oh, my goodness! Gorgeous, over-the-top, dramatic .... There are not enough words to describe them! I want to lèche vitrine with you!
Pour repondre a ta question: j'ai honteusement triche. En effet une dame de la Societe Audubon le presentait sur le parking du parc...
mais on voit ce faucon perche sur les poles electriques assez souvent par ici.
"sur les poteaux electriques"
Paris is ready for Christmas!
And your pictures are excellent!
ahh time goes so fast, it's almost December.Anyway I'm anxious here because our son is coming for Noël!
:) It's my gift!
And so it goes again! So kind of you to share the windows with us again this year. Your photos are always so stunning, Peter. I admire the way you have put them together here. Also, saves me a trip from having to go, hahaha. Actually, I have done to see the windows every year I have lived here. This will be my fourth time.
I'm always so much more attracted to the childlike windows of the Galaries Lafayette -- very fun. :)
Actually, this is probably a good time to go, isn't it. It's warmer than in later December. I remember having to bundle up quite warmly to go and see the windows in some years past.
Hope all is well, Peter. You take care of yourself. :)
Amazing pictures, Peter!
I would LOVE to be there...
Thanks for the fantastic tours.
How fortunate I was to see all these windows, just revealed, on my last day in Paris. My favorites are the animated ones at Printemps and GL. The Chanel windows were exquisite!
Too much too soon...too fast :)
Fantastic.. :D
I'm leaning more towards Galeries Lafayette this year.
Naturally they plan these vitrine at least a year in advance...
Still the extreme luxe of Printemps in these econoomic times is thoughtless and daunting.
Peter, your holiday window posts always make me smile! I remember the long ago days in my small city when we had department stores that weren't in malls and they had enchanting animated windows. Those days are gone now, and we have to travel to see such lovely things. But I can see the best of Paris right here! Thank you!
That fascinating first photo with the Venetian cape and hat, Venetian crystal and...
How come I didn´t realize before?
The Winged Lion of Venice!
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