Since ten
years, during a September weekend, a local association of volunteers, called
Rififi, organizes different festivities in our part of Paris, Batignolles, in
general with reference to art and culture, of which the area is rich of
references, especially with regard to painters (the future impressionists),
poets… You can read about this is several of my previous posts.
This year I
decided to follow a homage to one of the best known French 20th
century poets, Louis Aragon, admired by many, less by others. The first part took place in a little square in
front of a for our area typical 19th century building. In the sun,
later the shadow, a wonderful and warm summer afternoon, we could listen to
some locals interpreting some of the more well-known poems by Aragon, some of
which have been set to music. Names like Georges Brassens, Léo Ferré, Jean Ferrat are definitely linked to Aragon,
as composers, interpreters. Two samples
We could
then follow a fascinating lecture (for almost three hours) by Lucien Maillard,
journalist, historian, telling us the life of Aragon, whom he had had the
previlege to know during his last years. We got some nice musical interludes.
This took place in the beautiful little street Cité des Fleurs (see previous posts).
Takk for at du deler dette med oss som ikke kunne delta.
Always so much to do and see in Paris, and you seem to do and see it all!
Poète parmi les poètes, bien mis en images ici. Cela a du être bien symapthique cette petite virée.
superbe idee et bel hommage. Voila ce que j'aime , ces petites reunions entre amis. J'aurais adore etre la
Du Rififi aux Batignolles...C'est un titre de polar.
Always is interesting to come to your blog and to learn things about Paris.
Besos, Peter.
besides the culture, I can see that you are still enjoing summer in Paris:)
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Aragon le chantre de l'amour ?
Quel bel endroit que cette cité des fleurs ! Tu es très inspiré toi également par cette charmante après-midi que tu as passée, il me semble que tu t'es un peu attardé ? J'espère que tu as eu une chaise...
Aragon chanté par Ferrat est à écouter toute la journée.
Precioso articulo en todo sentido:
Con sol...
Con poesia...
Con Jean Ferrat cantando...
Mil gracias!
How nice! I love how the French seem so in touch with their cultural heritage.
Also: It was a pleasure meeting you on Thursday! I am looking forward to joining you in the City of Lights!
They did a great working preparing these events!
Very nice selection of pictures, thanks for sharing!
Brassens, Aragon, Ferré, Ferrat, quelle belle brochette ! Et tout cela parmi les fleurs, Que du bonheur !
J'aime bien le com d'ALAIN.
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