
Paris under construction

Found this video, published on the net by the weekly magazine "Le Point". (... sometimes preceded by some commercial stuff.)


Cezar and Léia said...

Interesting video! Thanks for sharing!

Olivier said...

c'est tres bien fait et intéressant comme video

sillygirl said...

Thank you so much for finding and posting that - just what I wanted - to understand how Paris came to be what it now is.

Wania said...


Très jolie! :)


Amanda said...

It is so fascinating Peter. As the video ended, I was thinking that at the time, there weren't as many people as today, of course, and no fast world travels but what an impact all those amazing buildings must have had on people. Thank you so much for posting this.

Rhi said...

That was extremely cool! I loved watching Notre Dame's transformation and of course, the Eiffel Tower at the end. Fascinating!!

starman1695 said...

Fascinating! Merci bien!