Last week I
met for a chat and a coffee with bestselling author Cara Black. She is a
frequent visitor to Paris, knows each corner and street better than most
She will
soon publish her thirteenth novel in the series about the private Parisian detective
Aimée Leduc.
If you are
interested, here are some sites about her (1, 2, 3) - which should give you a
chance to order her books and to preorder her next one (and possibly win a trip
to Paris)… and some videos (1, 2).
books exist in several languages.
Thank you so much !!!
My family and I will love these
I think that I have read all of Cara's books. I simply love Aimée's adventures. Merci, Peter!
Ooooh, how fun that you get to meet poeple like this! You know, my first thought was "I need to enter the competition and maybe win a trip to Paris" - and then half a second later I remembered that I actually live here now... Have a nice week, Peter!
Lui as-tu suggéré d'écrire "Meurtre sur le Net", avec comme personnages les meilleurs bloggeurs Parisiens ?
Je me demande si Alain t'imagine en héros ou en victime...
Ha ha aux commentaires précédents...
Une belle rencontre. J'en ai entendu parler mais n'en ai lu aucun.
Congratulations on your extraordinary existence!
Thank you, Peter. I LOVE murder mysteries.
Am discovering here... you are always full of surprises. Will have to track down a book or two by Ms. Black.
Hope all is well and hope to see you soon, and will tell you more about why I've been so quiet.
Comment ça, un meurtre à Montparnasse ! C'est sûrement le genre de bouquins qui devrait m'intéresser mais depuis que j'ai eu des problèmes de CB sur le net, je ne commende plus rien. A moins que je vois cela auprès de la FNAC du Mans.
I'm curious of her works. I'm going to Google it and find out all about her. She's pretty interesting. I bet I'll get hook with her books.
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Bon, tu vas encore dire que j'ai mal vu mais j'ai dû chercher pour découvrir qu’elle était une écrivaine américaine et pour ce faire il m'a fallu écarter la joueuse de tennis aux 54 titres (pas des thrillers)
Dis donc, tu es un incontournable à rencontrer à Paris, y aura-t-il une rencontre avec Harlan Coben qui adore la France et a situé une de ses intrigues à Paris aussi ?
Oh how fun! I've been reading my way through her series of books based in various neighborhoods in Paris (on my Kindle). So, it is nice to see this author's visage on your blog today, Peter. So, how did you two meet? Does she use your blog for research for her books? Have you read many of them? I read them to be transported to the streets of Paris (the way I watch movies filmed in Paris to get glimpses of them, too). But, your blog, and Eric's, and V's photos, keep me most inspired. :-). We've got to get our fix somehow when we live so far away. Black's books are fun for that. I do hope that tour she's offering includes you somehow.
oh Peter! this is so weird.
I recently bought a book called Murder in the Marais not knowing who the author was and though,
i haven't read the book yet,
the title did catch my attention instantly. ^0^
now I can't wait to read it.
books are everywhere but
a good one is pretty hard to find.
I wish I could have my book signed too!
Thank you, Peter! I am glad that you pulled this together -- and lucky you, getting to meet her. I have really enjoyed all her books and during my last trip was continually pointing out to Rick an Aimee place. Maybe next time I visit, I'll get an Aimee Leduc tour!
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