
Ice skating at Trocadéro.

During the holiday break, it was possible to do some ice skating in front of the Eiffel Tower (last day January 5).

As all over Paris (almost too much?), there was also a Christmas market.

Awaiting the dark hours, I took this upside-down-photo of the Tower, in the adjacent park. 


Olivier said...

ca en fait la plus belle patinoire de France :)

Virginia said...

What a fabulous location for the rink! I love your reflection shot at the end. Magnifique!

Jeanie said...

Wow -- this is terrific. I am not even a fan of ice skating but I would have just loved to be there! That last shot -- the reflection? Splendid!

Pierre BOYER said...

Enjoy this new year !
Best regards...


Starman said...

Love the color and the activity in these photos!

Cezar and Léia said...

Every time I see somebody enjoying ice skating I think "someday!", but I'm always postponing that! LOL
I need to be brave! :)
Love this post, the wonderful energy from your beautiful pictures!
and Happy 2014 dear Peter!

JudyMac said...

Love the big photo looking through the base of the Tower. Paris is beautiful during the winter holidays, but I'll have to do Paris again in weather a bit warmer. In case I forgot, Happy New Year!

Thérèse said...

Tres tres sympa d'autant plus que l'on ne voit pas ca tous les jours. Coup de coeur pour la derniere.

Studio at the Farm said...

That looks like it would be so much fun. Did you go skating, Peter?

Alain said...

Un endroit où les parents accompagnent leurs (petits) enfants en essayant de n'être pas trop ridicules...mais ils n'y arrivent pas toujours.

e-sublet said...

Wow c'est joli !