Where do we
find this beautiful ceiling? Maybe a bit surprising, but it’s In a
Starbucks Café, Boulevard des Capucines.
part of the interior decoration has been saved. What’s the origin? Obviously it
was part of the decoration in what used to be a branch of the famous Liberty on
Regent Street in London and which could be found here during the first decades
of last century.
I have
nothing against Starbucks and bravo for this nice looking café, but I have a
feeling that there may a bit too many of them now in Paris… more than fifty
including one on (or very close to) Place de Tertre on Montmartre.
ca doit etre le starbuck le plus classe au monde ;)
That is possibly so, Olivier, however it does not make their coffee taste any better! Peter is being too generous, as is his nature.
There are a lot of them here, too, Peter. Since I'm not a big coffee fan, they don't mean much to me. That said, I'm sure I'd stop into this one for some tea (and probably wifi, too!). It certainly is beautiful.
It seems like they're on every corner, but I had no idea there were so many.
Quel chic dans ce café !
Merci Peter d'y avoir pensé !
J'y suis allée dans ce café, mais je n'avais pas pensé à lui.
C'est malheureux que l'établissement ne porte pas un nom français!!
C'est ce qu'on appelle "l'exception culturelle Française" ?
Wow, If I had to go to a Starbucks (I do prefer the little, independent cafés with more personality), I would definitely choose this one! Paris always offers surprises, even in the most unlikely places!
Wow! I would have never guessed!
Too many of them though in Toulouse?? I haven't seen any yet!
Starbucks??? I agree - we could do with fewer of the huge food chain stores ...
[even though it has a beautiful ceiling]
I remember a routine George Carlin performed where he said: "I woke up this morning and there was a Starbucks in my pants!"
They are everywhere! And the coffee is very poor quality. Never fresh and loaded with too much of whatever you ask them to put into it/
I said in my post that I have nothing against them, except being too present. However, I must admit that I hardly ever make use of them... except if it is for taking some photos. I was cusrious about this building. ;-)
I was admiring on your website and Pinterest the beautiful Christmas decorations in Paris. The stunning Galeries Lafayette is beyond compare. And there was a Starbucks!Do Parisians need our American overpriced burnt coffee in their historic buildings?
Bravo for Starbucks and for their
Parisian customers!
I suspect their customer service
and their cleanliness are the
secrets of their success. I love
their motto among employees: When
in doubt...THROW it away...
Bravo for that cute Liberty print!
Y used their fabric a lot when my
daughter was little.
I love your city so much...
Beautiful photos, Peter!
Thank you so much.
Un peu hasardeuse ton explication de l'origine de la déco en rapprochement du liberty anglais, les premières tapisseries que l'on trouve par exemple au château de la Roche Guyon utilisent ces motifs en ramage. Et puis il y a la toile de Jouy, cela mériterait que l'on se plonge sur le sujet. La France n'a pas toujours été influencée par l'art de vivre britannique, plutôt par le Japon ou l'Italie...
Quand à l'enseigne que tu cites, elle s'est implantée à Cergy-le-Haut à l'emplacement de la librairie-papeterie
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