
Street lamps...

Here are some example of street lamps in Paris. Some are really old, some are new, in old design. I feel it helps a lot to the beauty of the city. I tried to combine them with some typical Paris landmarks. Hopefully you will recognise most of them!

Now, of course, it may be logical to show them nighttime. Here are some examples. It's difficult to harmonise between often too strong light and the more or less black background. I did my best. 


Virginia said...

I seem to now see that they share many of the same styles. I"m going back over my photos and have a look. Great collection as always Peter!

Harriet said...

Very nice post. Love seeing the differnet shapes, types of lanterns. I also enjoyed the two previous posts. merci.

Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

The intricacies and styles of the street lamps in Paris, speak of her history. A wonderful collection Peter.

Jeanie said...

They're dazzling, Peter. I was just hoping you'd have "answers" to the "quiz." Some I recognized, some I wasn't too sure about!

Amanda said...

Beautiful shots Peter!

Studio at the Farm said...

What a great post, Peter!!! Who would have thought photos of street lamps could be so very beautiful?
Thank you!!!

starman1695 said...

I love European lamps and I'm certain I've photographed a few of the several you have posted here.

Thérèse said...

Les premiers reverberes electriques ont ete installes devant l'opera ai-je lu quelque part.

claude said...

J'aime beaucoup les lampadaires et autres lampes de Paris, ça a du style au moins.
Si tu voyais les horreurs qu'ils ont mis en ville, parmi d'autres.

Indrani said...

Very interesting theme. Enjoyed seeing the different forms.

Synne said...

What a lovely luminous collection!

Lisa said...

I've been to the Procope! I loved recognizing it among the photos you posted here, which are all stunning, of course!

moonangeleno said...

Beautiful post about fascinating objects that people easily dismiss. Thanks!