I feel that
the gardeners in “my” park should be congratulated for the very nice - and I
would even say artistic - job they perform!
I would
also like to congratulate the new parents in the park and wish a warm welcome to the new-born
babies! I often wondered why you never see any pigeon babies. Now, I found one,
perhaps already adolescent, but anyhow!
Magnifique, en effet
Ok, je ne connais pas encore la ville, mais Marseille manque d'espaces verts.
Agreed - congradulations are due all round, to the beautiful work of the gardeners and the new parents! Lovely post, Peter!!!
Un bel espace où aller rêver ou méditer en tout quiétude en effet!
Magnifique park ! Comme il doit y faire bon de s'y promener.
De bons souvenirs concernant les cinés de Paris Mon Pépé nous emmenait souvent au Gaumont et j'ai vu "La Belle et La Bête" sur un petit écran (une télé je pense) bld Montparnasse sur une palissade de travaux entre le Dôme et la Coupole.
Paris est beau en vert et en pierre.
Oh, such varied and vibrant colours! "Your" park looks wonderful - and the new inhabitants are so cute!
Peter, I think I would park myself on a bench in your park with a good book or sketch pad and move only in the rain! Lovely!
¡Absolutamente bello y tierno a la vez!
Esa variedad de flores...esa rosa amarilla...las magnificas fotos!
¡Felicitaciones a los jardineros y a los papas de esos bebes tan amorosos!
Gracias mil, M. Peter
Baby pigeons don't leave the nest until almost fully grown, so you don't see them walking or flying around.
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