
Five bridges

I will get back to my trip to the south of France, but here is a little glimpse of Paris, a photo taken from close to the Orsay Museum. Five bridges. I wrote about them in previous posts: Pont Royal, Pont du Carrousel, Pont des Arts, Pont Neuf, Pont au Change


Ola said...

good shot of the 5 bridges:)

Pierre BOYER said...

Bien vu !


John Pearce said...

Very nice. It made a good social media post.

Unknown said...

Seems like Paris is inaugurating its gray period? What a lovely photo!
It has for me a nostalgic tinge: It reminded me of my father and his favorite song "The Bridges of Paris" sung by Sara Montiel.
Thanks, Peter

Lander Writer said...

Looking through arches, as if sitting in a cathedral.

Way to get the photo!


Thérèse said...

Elle n’était pas facile à prendre cette vue mais tu as très bien réussi…

Shammickite said...

A great shot of all those bridges. Wish I could be there to see them in person!

Lorraine S. said...

After seeing the damage being done to the historic and beautiful bridges of Paris from "Love Locks" in 2013, I'm hoping something has been done about them.